Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 22, 1993, Page 8, Image 8

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    Emerald Sports
Oregon Daily
Men’s track readies for relays
By Dave Charbonneau
The ()regon men's trm k team
will send ii leys <il its top athletes
,i< ross llii» i,minify tins weekend
to < ompete in the Penn anil
Drake Reins s
Boll: nu*els .1 r*» designed with
lilt' goal iif atlrui ling sonii.' iif tin’
top relay teams in the i ountry
rlie Drake Relays feature
sprints and the Penn Relays
lm us nil longer less i omilion
relay s
The I tin ks yy ill send
! teU ay lie Ingram < .rndv < )'C on
nor laiVnn Piert.e, Palm k Khoo
Ronnie Harris, and Heath Hoys -
inglon to the Drake Relays m
Ites Moines, loss a Howillgton
will t uinpele in the shot put and
disi us. and the rest will lie run
ning in various sprint ra< es
In the 4s lOO-meter relay.
Ingram. Pinrr e, Khoo and Harris
will try to better the 40.71) time
they i l(x ke<| in n dual meet with
Washington earlier this season
I’mri *>. llnrns and Khoo will
niso run in the 4\400-meler rtn *>
along w ith () (minor 1’he team
hus ihi> second-fastest limn lor
tlif Din ks this season in the
Harris has achieved career
bests m hoih ih*’ ion and 200
this season, and :s not far off his
personal record in the 400
I’mrt ■■ is ! nming off one ol his
strongest outings as a Duck
when lie won both the lot) and
jot) at Inst weekend's Oregon
Ingrain has the set ond fastest
time in tin* 100 lor Oregon this
season, and khoo has performed
well as a freshman, with the Sis
ond liest 400 time and third-best
tune III the 200
( )’(minor \s ill also compete
hi the 400 hurdles, and Jnmnr
Williams will run in the 110
Oregon will send six runners
lo Philadelphia for the Penn
Kuhns to compute in Jong-dix
lam e relay ev•■tits
(.ordon Johnson and Scott
Nicholas will run in all three
events for the Dm ks In the dis
tanry medley relay . Karl Keska
and Randy Lamm will also run
for Oregon with Keska and I ra
< \ Hollisior competing in ih<*
4vl '>00 and Nicholas and
Lamm running in the 4xHoo
meter relay
Nicholas broke his PR Iasi
weekend in I he 1.500 as did
Keska Johnson has vet to run in
the 1,500 this season, hut holds
Oregon's best lime in the 800
In the Steepler hose. Oregon’s
lone entry will he Jason Humble
Humble is well off lus I'R in the
sleepier base hut still has the
tup time for the Dm ks in the
e\ ent this season
The relays will help the Ducks
prepare for the Pepsi Team Invi
tational next weekend at Hay
ward Field against Washington
State. Kansas State and Arizona
State It will be Oregon’s final
sr oring meet of the season
Puerto D> R**Xjy
Karl Kaaka will run In dlatanca races at the Pann Relays In Philadel
phia this weekend.
Students come to blows at Mac Court
Erick Studenicka
* » &t'-V /
Boxing skills ranging Irnm tin* (left In sub
hint' were on display in Mi Arthur Court
Wednesday night us tin* Phi kappa l*si fra
tt'rnity hosted the Hth Anmi.il Intramural
Boxing Championships. a k a "The Smok
Hiiait Ckmdeiiin won the super flyweight
title (or a re< oril lliutl straight tear over Matt
Stoi kton in the evening's i loses! battle
( lemlellin hones his boxing skills e.n ll vv in
ter b\ playing forward on the University
i lull hot ke\ team
I was going to be like Muhammad Alt
ami |oe I-’ritzier and pist stop after w inning
two times ( lendenm said I didn't know
I would box until Monday. so I haven't been
training ''
I reshman < hns Li/io gained some rex|»s t
from his Phi I'm fraternity brothers hv win
ning the Welterweight title
I |iis! joined the fraternity on Sunday."
Li/io said "1 in not a very good boxer, it was
all heart
I,a/to was introdui ed to boxing hv his
Mv dad used to put on the gloves when
1 got into trouble." l-n/io said lie d give me
a few taps and sax 'This is lor talking Ixu k to
your mom, this is lor not mow mg the lawn
I learned to defend myself,"
**no»e> kfciNWi
Jason Stool (loft) gots pummelod by Brian Clondenln Wednesday night at tho 14th Annual Intra
mural Boxing Championships at Mac Court. Clondonln wont on to win tho supor flyweight divi
sion for tho third consocutlvo year
I.,i/.io said lie had no desire to break Cion*
demn s 111it- record
"I prohablv won't do this again." I.a/.io
said "Clendenin h.is boxing skills. I |ust
happened to win n street light
Other division winners included Isreul
Delden. Mu hael Matheson. f'eter Stnyner.
and Travis Craven
The event was a fund raiser for the Chil
dren's Mirot Ic Network Promoter Jason
Cowlev said he anticipated the event would
raise approximately $1,500 for the charity
Duck tennis
Oregon women's tennis
head coach Torn Greider is
the Pacific-10 Conference
Northern Division Goat h of
the Year for the second < on
secutive year.
The Dinks recently com
pleted their most successful
season in history, going 2-t-?>
to set the school mark for vu -
tories in a season and claim
the fourth-best winning per
centage in the team's 20-year
All-Pat -10 Northern Divi
sion honors for the Dm ks
went to the men's top player,
Lee kirner, and women's No.
2 player. Sherry Fnirgrieve
kirner, who receives the
honor for the third straight
season, is third on the squad
with 11 wins as the No. 1 sin
gles player. The junior from
laguna Beach, Calif. has also
learned-up tor 12 doubles
victories for Oregon s 8-11
(How (Much (Do you (Know
tipt'iOH t
stA st
. Ati. tri
About Women
Wealth Issues.
iy(tne» i
Women’s Health
Issues Workshop
April 29th. May 6th. May 13th
5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
l'o Student Health ( enter
Health him alicut Program
For more information and to register i all ^46 4456.
Meetings arc held in the basement of the Student
Health Center in the Medical Library