Kingpin f*N5 by Rantfy T Music student Ben Farrel practices juggling Tuesday on the :awn near the Museum of Art Mother Nature provides jobs By Rebecca Merritt QHfQOft Qmfy t More Ilian .100 teenagers ami their t age leaders will bn learning in .1 different sort ot classroom this summer Students m this i Ussroom nevor have to wor rv .iIkiuI oven row ding, and it won t < ns! Ore gon taxpayers a i t»nt to keep it open Hut that doesn't mean the edui ation re< eived in this unique learning environment -nature l»‘SS S III Util) It! For the past 10 sears Northwest Youth turps has Ikhmi providing teenagers with the oppor tuints to learn job skills work etliu s ,md env i etlui at ion hs spending the summer working on i rinsers ation retorestation and rei rent ton promt ts Program part u ipants ami leaders hse in tents ssith their tissigned ■ reus at projei t sites, which are usually miles from civilization The program has a positive idler I on .1 large numher of south, saul Pom Urstrum NN t pro gram direr tor M (.. .1 prtsute. non profit organization based in Kugene. develops projei ts in coordination ss ith the I1 S Forest Serv it <■ and ranger tiistru ts Westrum said the group 1 0111 pleted pro|tx ts in lb national forests and dil fervid ranger ilistru ts throughout the Nortiwvest last sear Tile organization offers tsvo fiveweek sum Miur sessions and one fall session for anvone ages 16 to lb Participants are usualls divided into nine different crews, whit ii are assigned a i resv leader and assistant t resv leader Westrurn said the group is 1 urrentlv at 1 ept mg apple at ions for summer and fall i ress leader positions. Those ssanting to ssork for the slim mer sessions need to submit an application bs the first week m Max ( here is noiige limit, and J1) pen eld of last year's staff were lfnisersits students, he said Crew leaders .in* paid between S4t> and S' a day. im Imimg food and < -imping supplies, and are responsible for ttuperv ising projw ts and ■.a or king with i row members fach lender and assistant ar>' in charge of about 11 teenagers Uestrum said llrevv members work more than .17 hours a week at uiintimnn wage on die various progs is The remainder of the week is spent lu-irning aUml ilie env inintnent and at ((Hiring important job skills through edui ation-d programs taught bv i revs leaders Weekends are spent taking advantage of die ret teational opportunities >>ai h props t area has to offer It s a great wav to help out a different sei turn of the population while liv mg outside and getting die biggest pin steal and mental > hal lunge you ve ever had. former < few leader lush Vinlov e said \ ill love s-iid N V( is u 1111| tie hei a use it is a residential youth ■ orps Partu ip.mts i ome from ■ mal i onimiimties m ()regi>u and \\ islungton and from larger i iltes Yinlove who lias iveen involved with the (>r« grain lor the past three years, both as a member and a leader, said partu ipanls learn important lessons m self t onbdem e and itulependent e I vpei tattoos of die program art* high, and i rew members relv on tfie motivation provided In leaders West nun said NiYl (irons ts lined up lor tins summer in< lode building two miles nf trail -it Alpine l akes Wilderness near Wenatchee Wasti ( .rew members will prune and thill trees on the Santinm I’-iss and ret onstnn I part of tile old l.asi ade frail outside of Sweet Home t he group will -ilso build two -til-fool hrufges in the {)(hocu National forest. ! hose interested in Im>< oming a i rew leader m-iv stop by the NY( oil ice -it 5i 1 JO franklin ftlvd or i.ill Westrum -it "4t> nitr> i lor more information. Author: West could have saved Jews By Shanti Sostenski Thu deaths of millions of lew s wem itn* fault of hureaui ratio (inlays of many Western nations, said a visiting profes sor during hur Its tore Tuesday niglit "People dill not understand that stopping the Nazis was a politii al move not just a mil itary one; we can see that now,' said Dali Offer Offer has dedit ated her life to researehing the details of rest ues of Knropean lews Her most rti fill hook. /'m (ipit)ft tin• lloliM inist llh‘gol Immigration In thr IjiiuI ill Isrnvl I'll1! -I) won Iht* I‘I92 It'vvish book award "Aust.hwilz was in opora lion lor two soars iis .1 doalli lump, and no out' know flit' viul to inuko .1 point about I ho lovul of ignorant.*' sho lotion rd was displayed l>s liio Western nations "Millions ol Jows worn deported from Furopenn 1 oun trios to (ioniums. and no ono cpioslionod their destination, sfio said "For thr most part. people III lilt' Western tl.llllltls (111! not knirn was going mi 111 C.ennnnv Tim novum ment tlul < )f|l'l I llt'd loses nl |ovvs w llll usi apod tin' do.iili i aiiipv Kiev soul i odod telegrams through (lorniiim in Svvit/.er land Nn one responded.' she s.iiil People didn t believe it llion. and some still don't lieliovo d now ()fT«*r said I In- only wav In slop llio mist tun options pen |»lo have Iim1.iv alioti! the Holo i ansi is through education SUNDERLAND 5evtoto GAMES Mh STREET I PUBLIC MARKET 683-8464 VIDEO ADVENTURE VALlIV RIV1R PtAlA UNIVERSITY THEATRE SECOND SEASON PRESENTS ROOSTER) By fflicha sancbeZ'Scon Feaiurtnj me Music el SANDCNGA 4prtl 21-24.28-3#. Nay I Hpm ireaa TUfjirf villartf Ball Boi OUke 34MI9I 9 HOLES SluOtrt Spacai LlO iQ^ 18 HOLES $10 »S*ud»^t Sp*c j *»cu««rt UO iD IN THE HEART OF EUGENE GOU' COUHSt 484-1927 2000 CAL YOUNG RD IMOVIELAND 808 T WEST 11th 8 SENECA ST. 342-4142 CHEAP SEATS! BRING THIS AD IN FOR $1.50 ADMISSION FOR ONE GOOO 1ST MATINEE SHOW ONLY MON TMUH OEEEB GOOD THRU S 6 93 STUDENT NIGHTS ■ck me imcm ttOTF UUITUMSSON •iTNtn^iw? oirf*i'« Kng*g*m*nl No >rM«M OikouM Coupon# OuKoumi inwiam.Tata suj TIGHTWAD TUESDAY S3.00 LXCEPT SPECIAL ENGAGEMENTS HlilUl CALL EOS MOW INEOAMATON n R PC BOIUSGPOIM ( 1 25 3 25 5 25 ) 7 25 925 MO'S THE MAS 11 35 3 3 5 5 35 ) 7 35 9 35 MOFHIUFISN j 1 OO 3 0 5 20 ) 7 30 9 40 m PC r LSUANSlktMEM (200 4051 8 10 I TH« 5 1020 THESANDM ( 1 45 3 45 5 45 ) 7 45 9 45 ISDECENT PROPOSAL ( 1 OO 3 15 530) 800 1015 SH0WT1MES IN EFFECT FRIDAY 423 THRU THURSDAY 429 mAUMAN brothers band -phish BLUES TRAVELER • SHAWN COLVIN THI JIFF HEALEY BAND mmm* 10,000 MANIACS • BLUES TRAVELER PHISH • THE SAMPLES lafMM Sm« iMfMtiM Atm • MUmltrtf, (aUtoaki TU —il« tum «t l If —<* I K t* (JAY TK hi IS AMI ( AMPIIYb AVAILABLE AT HASS •fMi 4HI f rttoy, S/ll. N* MHICrtOMI TO Uk04MIA MCA OAil MM *«• • rfwteito ni/irum » -^r-—■ m mutxm* noun tfUAki at ti. mi '«Ar ««r*« m v* *n MV' ••VTM4AM • IIW ■ I» • HWH MM • ** •'«*»• A. » - '• • ► TIM • VJ1 Of C*U BILL GRAHAM PRESENTS DON'T GIVE UP THE SEARCH! TRY LOST AND FOUND IN THE CLASSIFIED SECTION