Super Collider provides super experience By Jen Ellison Cktxjon Otvly l How was the universe formed? University physic.ists are working an a device that may answer this question and many more. University physicists have received grants totaling $062,000 to conduct research for the production of the super conducting Super Collider, a 54-mile underground ring that surrounds the city of Waxahachie. Texas. The purpose of the collider is to accel erate protons, which are particles smaller than atoms, through the ring, causing them to collide at near light speed and break up into even smaller particles Physicists expect the creation of previ ously unknown matter to take pla< e as a result of the collisions, answering a num tier of complit ntod questions surrounding the berth's formation. The University is involved in designing the detectors inside the ( ollider that will determine the presence of the new parti cles. University physicists Jim Brau and David Strom are working on the produ< tion of these detectors, (.ailed silicon trac kers. The trackers are made of the same substance as computer chips — sil icon Silicon is a crucial aspect in the project because millions of sensor lines can be placed in a small area of the substance, which makes it a precise sensor "The readings of where the subatomic particles go after collision-and what the new particles are made of will be very precise with the use of silicon," Strom said. Many University undergraduate and graduate students benefit from the research they do on the project. Strom said. • "It's a real opportunity for these stu dents to work with the most modern and up-to-date equipment," Strom said "It would lie a lot harder and more expensive for them to learn this stuff in a regular ‘I've learned a lot more working here In the lab than I’ve ever learned In my classes.' — David Mason, Physics undergraduate laboratory." Physic.* undergraduate David Mason believes the opportunity to work on this project is Riving him strong experience. "I've learned a lot more working here in the lab than I've ever learned in my classes." Mason said I'm not knocking my (.lasses This project has reinforced everything I've learned and mure." Particle physicists believe the Super Collider may answer questions about the* origins of tin- universe and lead the world into another wave of te< hnological advancement, said Robin Stringfellow of the Texas National Research Laboratory Commission. The Super Collider is also expor ted to help with cancer research, further tech nological advances to make faster com puters and the creation of a new plastic used in medical equipment that can be sterilized without hazardous chemicals The University has been involved in the research for the project for more than three years. It has been developing the theory of what a Super Collider can do for humankind in five to 10 years, Strom said. More than $2 billion has been invest ed so far in the collider, which is expect ed to be finished in 1990. The total price tag will be SB.2 billion, according to the Texas National Research laboratory Com mission. the Texas agency for the Super Collider. The production of the Super Collider has employed 45,000 business contracts in 4H states, 120 universities in 54 states, and 15,000 direct and indirect workers. Gently down the stream PtKXO t>y Anthony f um*y Samantha and Tony Smith en/oy some rare April sunshine Wednesday, feeding ducks while taking a leisurely canoe ride at Alton Baker Park. Students praised for rescue efforts The Eugene Department of Public Safety pre sented two University students with the Citizen Service Award Wednesday night in the City Coun cil Chamber. Brian Wilson and Curt Frazier were honored for their extraordinary actions in emergency situa tions. Wilson rescued a man from the Willamette Riv er last December and Frazier applied chest com pressions to a man who suffered cardiac arrest Frazier, a senior in leisure studies, was assist ing a scuba diving class last |an. f>. a night that would demand more of him than usual. While preparing for class, he heard shouting in the locker room. Suddenly, a staff member came running out, calling for the help of anyone who know CPR Frazier ran to the aid of scuba instructor Ed Rogers, who was trying to resuscitate Robert llodam. Hodam. who has been a cardiac surgeon in Eugene for 23 years, had suffered sudden cardiac arrest and had fallen unconscious to the floor. Hodam thanked Frazier after the awards cere mony Wednesday night. "It was a team effort That's what saved his life ■ team work.'1 said Frazier. New magazine to publish in June By J«n Ellison Oi*0un t\*iyl m&»kt A new addition to the University’s student publications will appear this June as u one-shot pilot project. The magazine, titled Flux, is run by a staff of 14 journalism students and two journalism professors, Tom Wheeler and Bill Ryan, who serve as advisers. In addition to the permanent staff, 10 student freelance writers and a freelance photographer have con tributed to the magazine The goal of the magazine is to give journalism students magazine expe rience as close to the real world as possible, Wheeler said. The students run the entire publication, from edi torial to art to publishing. Although Wheeler said he is there to give professional advice and sug gestions. the students have final say on every square inch of the publica tion. Flux also serves as a showcase of student journalism. It will touch on all forms of journalism studied at the University including magazine fea tures, public service announcements and possiblv student produced adver tisements, Wheeler said. It all began in 1991 when the jour nalism school hired Wheeler to start the magazine. Wheeler served as the editor-in-< luef of Guitar Player mag azine for 10 years and guest lectured at universities in the San From isco area 'l was hired to start a magazine." Wheeler suid " That was the only guideline l went to faculty members and students to get input on what they wanted in a magazine- l wont from there " Managing Kditor Lynda Westcott, a returning student, related her past work experience with what she does at the magazine. She said it's simi lar to having a real job "You have to be creative to find solutions to problems." Westcott said. "The answ-ers aren't in a textbook and a teacher isn't giving you assign ments. You have to be self-motivat ed and disciplined." The hours are long and the process is demanding, but Editor-in-Chief Maja Wolff said she wouldn't trade it for the world. “I really enjoy getting to work with other students." Wolff said. “In class es you are focused on yourself and you compete against everyone else. Here you all work together for a com mon goal as a team." Associate Editor Rivers janssen agreed with Wolff. “It is so different from working on a newspaper, for example, where the writt*r only works with the editor who only works on his or her dejMrtment," Janssen said "You're thinking about how the whole thing will look — copy and layout " Flux will be published only onc e, this June, bec ause of a lack of per manent funds, Wheeler said Wheeler received $7,500 Irom the Strategic Plan Action Fund, which grants money for programs that enhance undergraduate education An additional grant of $5,000 was donated by Bill lame, a memlrer of the family that once owned Sunset mag azine. The staff of Flux will use these funds to produce about 5,000 copies of the magazine. They will be dis tributed around the University and to other universities around the nation. Flux will contain stories on a vari ety of topics, including AIDS on cam pus. a sample of a graduate student's literary Journalism, a personality pro file of a Native American screen actor and the homeless. The project is open to journalism students with priority given to stu dents in the magazine sequence. “We are trying to koep this a jour nalism production." said Wheeler "But I’m open to looking at things from other students."