Coach fired for racial slurs gets players’ backing DETROIT (Al’J — A group of black Conlral Mu lligan baskutlkill players said Tuesday they nave joined a lawsuit filed by their former coach, who was fired for using a racial slur in front of the team The university fired Keith Dnmbrot last week for telling his players 'I wish we had more niggers on this team’ after they lost a game last season. He also said "Mac's a nigger" in reference to assistant i each Derrick McDowell Dambrot. who is white, says he had an understanding with Ins team about the word, which the team used to connote toughness and tenacity. Dambrot filed a lawsuit Monday in U S District Court in Bay City alleging the school violated his right to free speei h II*' is seeking damages, reinstate ment as i oach and a preliminary injuiu lion to reverse the luring of new i on< h Leonard Drake at the school in Mount Pleasant. Freshman guard Keith Gilmore said he and eight other players decided to join the suit because they felt Dambrot had lieen treated unfairly. "All the people who said he should be fired, they weren’t there when he said it They don't understand the situation.' Gilmore. 19. said Tuesday. "It was a bad choice of words, but you had to be there to understand it." Gilmore said neither he nor any of the other players who were there were offended hv Dambrot's remarks The university originally suspended Dambrot without pay for four days, then fired him after n hostile public reaction School spokeswoman Kae Goldsmith said Dambrot was fired because the program couldn't "survive under his leadership." Goldsmith said Tuesday the students may have joined the suit because they were worrier! about losing playing time or their scholarships under a new coach. . Gilmore denied the players were wor ried about themselves "We did it out of concern for our coach and what we think is right." he said James Schuster. Dambrot's lawyer, said the university' has harmed the players as well as his client "A new coac h may not elect tp retain them on the team." Schuster said. "They are also put in fear of being able to freely speak, and they've been associated with i oat h Dambrot and they fear they might get what he got. punishment for their speech " The other players who joined the suit are: LaKeith Boyd. Uionard Bush. Man us Culbreth. DeShanti Foreman. Tyrone ‘All the people who said he should be fired, they weren't there when he eakl It. They don't understand the situation/ - Keith Gilmore, freshman guard Hicks. Amere May. Torrey Mills and Mario Patterson. A hearing on the motion to prevent the school from hiring a new coach was scheduled for April 30 before Judge Rolwrt Cleland Kcyclel racyckt recyclet reeydat recycle! recycle! recycle! ravclel: rBcyclal recycle! recyctdracyclcl Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! CLASSIFIED POLICIES Deadlines I inr Ads: I pm. huvmcMday fwt« i«> in*crti«*t Ihsplav Ads: I p in Jw« busificsv da> s pn««r i«* mvcritim ( opr Acceptance • The ()|)| rcwfvci the right t«» revise, rcclavsity, reject »*f cancel an> ml .it any time • No advertising f»w term paper vales «* cdit«*1141 writing research writing will he accepted • The ODE will r*4 accept mis omtaining a I MOOphnne number too Birthday greetings S 'I# L Happy IbrTMay' Mopa 4 «% more than you Mad draamt '■ .up atm*y» ChmHftck 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS Af. thank* tor th« BBQ W« had a graat lima1 v KAPPA'S ___ GAMMA PHI BETA S My lartr a!»?*n,ty V OftaytMti Ohi00ftgti <* thi» S.V 4.V4' Coosa mmi twam* tram UQ and OSU* Good l ucA T Mans’ IK THANKS FOR TMC PARTY tT WAS A BLAST __ THETA CHI POKER NKiMT T6u* Ap 466 - \ \w «l»\« AftWMkun Wft tUtfkftd ftftCh othftf for ft wftftk. th« strong fturvivftd. killing If* mftftk Thft BBO wftft tun. 16ft Luftu to d*ft for Juftt wftii tilt n«i! yftftf wr6ftn w« ftvftn 16ft ftcotft W« had ft KILLER iwnft! _f A\U_ ? *» IF VC Sftturdfty April 24th Fratftmlttftft gftl psychftd* Sororlttftft comft and chftftf' Offtftt prtm for •»!' 9ftm to 9pm ftt OftHingf Annfti Kftppft't. Phi Psl's nom rota tad W« tt«d thft knot and cfttfttorstftd Thanks for thft party, tats do it again »«*««:» MB* MB* Thank* kx Hi* waka up braaktaat Oat ready to min Oraak Sing. Th* Stoma Nu a are Brad up' Saa ya at practice r*»r*B I*t WISHES TO CONGRATULATE OUR NEWEST MEMBERS Blair H Tom M. Man K Scott T. Ban P JoatiK. and Matcoai K. LN MB* Animal Houa* area aragar lata do it again na it yaar Thank*. Sigma Nu r»a_axa 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS TO THE GENTLEMEN Of X* THANKS FOR THE CHEAT TOGA TIME* AAA Wh*t 9/9 you doing Afr*j Apr* ?8 at t> lipm? Como Support ffve guy* ill l arx» County ke pleymg *> 44* * t£DQfflbe| tour fwn*nl tote tM f un* 105 PERSONALS RIGHT THERE! Ottectty acrota from ma a) lha Labia Ml Roy Clark H> It Mtny Wa ClUym I * futl tilting a( a braak latl labia In Raiatgh NC anlh Roy Cta>t who a giggling at ha rtadt in* back o» lha boa Only I know arho ha It Ooat enytxxty carat Than I no ne# an ara no tonaar In Ralalgh bul at homa. 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