Two WSU football players injured PI Tl-MAN. Wash (AP) - Two Washington State football players riding in a pic kiip trm k were in)unid when an explosive devit e detonated in the vehicle, police said Tuesday Harvey Min y Huddy " Waldron. 22. of fkdlevue was in i r11it al ( ondition at Sacred Heart Merle al Outer in Spokr.. and Paynin Saodnt. 20. of San ta Monica, Calif . yyas in satisfai lory condition at I tarborview Merle id (Tetter in Seattle hospital offi cials said The nature of the explosive device and how it got into the trie k weren't immediately clear, police said The trie k hit a parked car after the devil e explod ed Monday night. Sgt ( hris Tennant veil in a news release Polii e and agents front the Bureau of Ah ohol. Tnlye < o and I itearms seari hod the men's homes Tuesday morning Material for making explosives was found at one of tie- resident es. T ennant said Criminal i barges may he pending, and there no immediate indir nlion that either man yvas asso ‘This is a tragic, tragic accident. Buddy and Payam have been a part of this football team since they were freshmen. They are family.’ Jim Livengood, WSU athletic director c iaieci with any radical or a< in ist groups. Tennant said Waldron, a linehai ker. played in \'i games and was i redded with six tar kies S.iadat. also n linw hiii ker. played in all of Washington State's junior varsity games the past three years. "This is a tragic. tragic accident." Washington State athletic direr tor Jim l.ivengood said. Baddy and Payam haye been a part ol this football team sinre they were freshmen They are family STARTERS Continued from Page 9 Denis Raiser. is competing for playing time at split end Sophomores Cristin McLetnore and Ron, Murphv both saw limited playing time Inst year but showed their abilities when given the i ham e Mt l.emore averaged J 7 H yards on six catches, including a touchdown against UNIA Murphy had only one i at« h. but it went for 20 yards and n near touch down, "Kory and Cristiif have IhiIIi played well this spring." Bellotti said "Cristin played well in crucial situations Inst year, and Kory has improved dramatically in the last cou pit* weeks" Seniors Hrifin Brown and lames Jessie have hod limited playing time during their Oregon careers but are look ing to gain experience in their final seasons Jessie has only two catches in his two \enrs at Oregon, both in l BUI when he started one game Brown w as Oregon's top punt returner last season before suffering a knee injury that ended his season Oregon's wild cards at receiver ore |amaal Wallace, a Vfoot-7. lfiS-pound recruit from Willamette High School in Kugene. and Jawanza Hadley, a freshman from David Douglas High School in Portland Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS GAMMA PHI BETA S lotarlffllafi'Wty Vcy^ytw%S ChaBenga*» th*a Hat 4/24' Com# m« team* horn uO and (JStJ1 Good t ..<* Tnarn*’ I nn+IIH4* CONOR A TUI ATK)N$ lo Alison B on fwcommg the Panhe*ten*c Scholarship Cha«r' 1 low, your Sister*_ THETA CHI POKER NIGHT T Km Apti 77 at t \ /% f 1 'Ah ■ • • PHI PSI SMOKER' I «Vh;*J ? v *h«r tv1, < v*Hm1 1 phans iAwv'''^ : ^ If.» I M I K"»MT ;? H **<>V | . 1 -•» r .‘j ■ M.» ■ . 1---- " -—-i IN f«*H KVA A HIM AI HOUSE WM A MmC Thanks for a great lap# party1 l ci * do «l agaW __ toy, f1H4»_ IN Thank* for tha party The Toga » ware mW Let * ck> It again1 Jim C thanks for tha entertain fMntt V GAMMA PHI I V X A 105 PERSONALS University of Dragon Stngtas t 000-442 7000 ait 135 no LOST & FOUND FOUND Ma r QoMan I Mb Haywmahtki 4 >9 Can 4(M ;>961 115 TYPING SERVICES TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara Land *** 485-3343 Sarvmg IX) area vnce 198» 115 TYPING SERVICES As >44 075* «04l«* • QUAD SC MOOt APWOV! 0 . ground Term paper** uR '©sum* mi* .• * f d' «i 1 «mw pr ON CAMPUS' X) THf TYPING PRO WortJ fVr fct*ng t Ci-t rvg T yf*ng Tbeae* DitteriaUont on G* j Typing word proceating dou t>i* tpaced t»»*r page 24 hr turn i •round Free c«npu» pick up def 5«*»* SICTION lis lor u) l your typing n«*«*r1*i 120 TUTORING FSi Tutoring t-; ~?vvertat* - ; > t*on. gramma’ proofread?-g IO» {**•<■. 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