Da.h Emerald Sports— Oregon Receiver position up for grabs By Steve Mims Most of the Attention during the Oregon foothill I team's spring drills Inis been < entered on the quarterback position, hut a fierce battle is taking plat n at wide receiver The Dui ks have seven plovers wing for playing time at rei eiv or in the spring and a |>uir of highly touted recruits ready to enter the competition in the fall. Senior Derrit k Deadwiler is the only returning receiver who started Inst year. Deadwiler start ed eight games in 1 ‘JDJ and caught 2b passes for 4 14 yards and a touchrktwn. The rest of the field is made up of two seniors, two sophomores and two redshirt freshmen who have combined to start one game for tile Ducks. "As a group we are learning a lot." said Deadwiler. who also said his shoulder injury from a year ago has healed "Hut we need to get more i onsistent 1 need to work harder bet ause I know all the spots are open Oregon offensive t oordinator Mike Hellotti said lie ex per ts the experienced Deadwiler to lead the young group of ret eivers "Derrit k has really matured." Hellotti said, "lie has a good temperament and is a positive example." Redshirt freshman Dameron Ricketts has excited tile com fl ing staff and fans with his flashy play at receiver Ricketts, a f> foot-b. IfiO-pounder from Culver City. Calif., was third on the depth i hart at Hanker entering the spring, hut a good parlor Cristm McLemore Is one ot seven Oregon receivers vying tor a start ing position next fall on the Duck football team m,mi « in the team's scrimmage lust week should move him up "I know the plays. but it seems to he coming along slow ly." Ricketts said I know expectations are high lor me. hut that will have to wait The joh is open, so I am not worried about that." Ki< k<*iis played quurturhui k and dufensive lim k in hijjh st.tiool ami has had ti> adjust to wide re< eivtir .it Oregon Kit k • •Its was slowed hv kn»-«* surgery last season and did not prat In e until midway through the sea son Another redshirt freshman, Iutn to STARTERS, f’.i-)•• 'S Schedule of Activities-Spring 1993 LLASUtS Uthmate Frtstiee Grass VWtoytKJd track Meet Swim Meet-open International Aerobics Golf lourn MIN 0 121V PLAYERS M W C C 6 M W M W-C MW M W-C im/ittfi£LI2AYLYLNlS 3*3 Bosketba* M W EN1RY STAR! 12LA12LM L2A!i Apr* 72 Apr# 7t> Aixil 26 April 2H MANAGERS ME LUNG Aprk 72 4pm April 26. dprn ILL $30 $30 4 4 1 2 May 5 Ajxrf 22, 3fvn May 10 May 6 ' M-Men. w>Wom«n, C-Coed * Intramural sport-under IM regulations (See Handbook) I Cost tor Activity-check RIM office for exact amount May 7 April 23 A(jrt?9 May 16 May 8 A 9 $ 15/teom SI Vt<.-am nc /VFW PROCEDURE: Mandatory Managers’ Meetings prior to scheduling Spring term. The meeting dates are: Seed Dale Lmfi Location Ultimate Fnsbee April 22 -i( >rn 246 Gortngor Grass Volleyball April 26 4pm 248 C2ertriger For more information call x4113 or drop by 103 Gerlinger Hall. Women’s Sports Week mA iL* I w ns vhhi iiij ov wc|or April 17-23 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY PRESENTS The 54th Annual lliology Colloquium CONSERVATION BIOLOGY: HARMONY BETWEEN HUMANS AND NATURE? Thursday, April 29, 1993 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. LaSells Stewart Center, j 26th & Western Blvd. ' Corvallis I'rer and open lo the public Seating limited to 1,200 8:45 Dr. F„ Charles Meslovv on Northwest Forests I():(K) Dr. Duvid Khrenfeld on Global Issues 11:00 Ms. Anne Ehrlich on Population Growib 1:15 Dr. J. Itaird Callieott on Conservation Philosophy 2:15 Dr. Richard Norgaad on Economic Issues 3.30 Dr. Brook Evans on Conservation Grou|is I nokimi lor .1 qood dc.ll:'? K«-.i<1 thr On-qon D.iily I rm'r.ild ( l.issilifd* Are you a VEGETARIAN or want to be? Find out how to do it right! VEGETARIANISM • A Free, Non-credit Workshop • When: 3 Consecutive Thursdays 2:00-3:00 April 22 - May 6 Where: Student Health Center & Downstairs in the Medical Library Preregister by calling 346-4456 o SluJcni Health Center Hriillh l ilut ulnm Vnfgrum