Patrick McGee Economics major Cover letters Follow-up letters Three versions of my resume A list of contacts Lotus I -M spreadsheet WordPerfect word processor Now I p-'Ib Pate JO MS I MIS files Soft PC Managing Your Money HyperCard \ money and hanking pajter A statistics paper Graphics for several papers My class schedule Instructions for using Internet Research front CompuServe My model stock portfolio My checkbook A list of notable business quotes A fax/modem A fax I sent to a software company My system for play ing the horses My win/loss record for the year What's on vour PowerBook? #fS*gg^6§©©^^ zSrX.rzm.maasm.'. i*r-1 i> it If W* :.T. .. iouamq % tip**n ffe \m 3« *" Ui Vftir* It* iff rmrt rxi \fft, i* y** /'V fflfeM. 14* auj 14*. '*#*4 ** mer^rmi f**k"*trk, y ypi, t mf*Jrr A* UwaaNM* A»or umi t\* r+tk*ji mn V V*#r < A*$narr /»* Scott Waltz Economics professor < Herheads Ijccture noil's Assignments tests IVt* given Syllabus tor International Finance 2S1B SMIabus tor economic Development 28<>\ (Jnitle tracking Liters to old friends Liters to colleagues An article on national transportation |x>lic\ Tlmr chapters for a new te\th