Oregon Daily WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21. 1993 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 94. ISSUE 140 Vote here Af'Wvjr, Frank Miles, a graduate m educational policy and management, casts his vote at the Saferide-staffed voters' booth which is bang run by Margaret Karen Davis who is a volunteer driver for Saferide Pair may face charges for verbal harassment j Two men blocked a walkway as students left a dance, witnesses say By Matt Bonder Two University iitmltinti may f« u pros edition under the Student ( undin t ( ode for verbally harassing homosexual slu dents who w ere leav mg a gay pride dam e in lhi> KMl Saturday morning The IWo male Students allegedly harassed gav and lesbian students as they were walking tint of the dam e at the I Ml Ballroom about 12 4a a m Philip Horne, who was walking out of the dam e, said the men smelled of alcohol and were veiling at the people leaving tile i Ml " l llev were veiling things like. Is this where all the laggots are'1 and Are vim a faggotHorne said Steve Dennis a University student who was also at (tie dam e. said the two men were bloi king the walkway on the west side of the KMU that leads to the stairs to the sis olid-floor ballroom. Although no lights occurred. Dennis said people leaving the dance had to hump into the two men as they made their way down the walkway "There were a couple of situations, hut nothing happened." he said "I think it was too puhlit of a plat e and there were too many of us lor them to do anything Dennis said tlie quick response h\ Uni versity Office of Puhlit Safety of filers also prevented the lilt Itlent from esi ul.ltlllg They were there within two or three minutes." Dennis said " Th»*\ were very professional and handled the situation very well." Dennis said the I eshian. ('..is and Bisev ttul Alliance, svhit h sponsored the iliuue, hired set tints fur the dam e. hut it didn't help to defuse the situation I In s hired I Ml set unts and that set unts does not (.over things outside the I Ml he saitl It just respond* to things inside the building I Ml' set tints presented the same tsso individuals, along with tsvo other men, from entering the dam e hours before the im ident o