Miami AD to take over as Atlanta Olympics director ATLANTA (AP) — The hiring of Uni sersits of Miami athletic director Dave Mnggard Monday ns Atlanta Olympics sports director takes the spotlight, momentarily, off the money dealings that have dominated plans for the Games Mnggard will fill a slot that has been vacant since LeRov Walker left the Atlanta Committee for the Olympic Games in December to head the U S (Mvtnpic Committee The often frantic attention given to marketing deals, sponsorship contracts and construction deadlines has some times made it seem as il athletics are inci dental to the modern Olympics "No question it's a big business 1'liat doesn’t mean to sav we shouldn’t he thinking about the sports part, said Mag gard. who competed in the shot put in the 19hH Olympics "Now you have someone in this position. I'll devote my time to this side of it The 53-vear-old Maggard will bo responsible for organizing the 2f> sports on the t’^Hi Olympics program, including sele< ting and acquiring competition and training sites, picking sports equipment and materials and preparing schedules He also will !>e ACOG's liaison with the various international federations that gos hii Olvmpii sports During a resent meet ing of the International Olvmpii Com mittee. AC£X» was told it needed to improve communication with the federa tions. "I come to Atlanta with tremendous enthusiasm.” Maggard sgid i'lie most important part of this position is going to Ik- professionally managing the Olvmpii Ikuties It is a sen complex endeavor Maggard, who came to Miami in fell after IH years at the University of Cali fornia as a i oar h and athlelii direi tor. was a member of the l SOI executive hoard from 107*1 to 19Kli and served as president of the l S Trn< k and field Association Maggard was involved in nrsumingthe NCAA's involvement in Iht* Olympus after it withdrew from tin* USfXi severa I years ago ll»* served on a l!S(X! propara■ lion committee for the t'ttt-l Summer (James in I os Angeles "Dave lias a long and suia essful rela tionship vs ith the (Jlympii. family saui US(X'. esei utive dins tor Harvey Si toiler "He totally understands the spei ml needs and requirements of the sports governing bodies and the athletes themselves (»•< ansi* he was an Olvmpii athlete him self." Maggard. who plai ed fifth in the shot put at the total (llvmpn s in Mexii o t it\ said he vyill stay m Miami a few more weeks to ensure a smooth transition at the school He has i »mplated two years of a five vear contract at the si hool. hut said lie hail an esi a(ie clause after the first vear The diffit nil pari is le.iv mg lint l in versilv of Miami, a plai c. and it's cs|»c< inlh lough lenving the athletes and c;OB» ties." he said Magg.ird said the din iston to take the At (K. |oh had nothing to do with a fman i tal aid investigation at Miami involving football players The federal probe involves .utilities alleged to have ih t lined lietore he arrived at Miami I believe that it s near resolution." Maggord said We've done everything we could, including good faith and sell disclosure Willi coach I tennis Tru kson. Maggard led an effort to improve the image of the tooth.ill program hv disi ouraging players from taimting amt showlioatiiig The llur ru aoes won the national championship in Maggard s lirst \ear at Miami l ast sea son thi*v lost to Alabama at the Sugar flow! in the game to dei ide the No 1 ranking Matchup could send fans back, back, back {API — Mack in the days of Sunday dnubleheaders. they sometimes held home run der bies between games I'hrve slug gers from em h team, teeing off against batting practice piti hers to see who could hit em how far. It might've been Willie Mi Covey Willie Mays and Jim Kay Hart against Hank Aaron, hddie Matfiews and Joe Torre or inaylie A1 Kaline. Willie Horton and Norm ( ash against (iarl \ as tr/.emski, Tony Conigliaro and George Scott They don't do that anymore This week, though, fans at Tiger Stadium might gel to see a home run derby for real Starting Tuesday. in the first su mging series of the young sea son. it will !>e lose (dn.seco. Juan (ion/.de/, Dean Palmer and the Texas Hangers taking on Cecil Fielder. Rob Deer. Mickey l et tleton and the Detroit Tigers Pitchers. Iieware! The Tigers lead the majors in scoring with SO runs in 1 gaines Twice in the last week they st ored 2(1 in a single game Texas tops the majors with \ 7 home runs The Al, West-lead ing Rangers have scored 21 runs in their last two games i’m just glad Piu not pitch ing,'' Texas' Charlie l.eibrandt said. instead. Kenm Rogers will face Iietroit's David Wells Tues day night and C.ratg l.efferts vv ill oppose Bill Krueger ol the t igers in the wrnpup Wednes sins afternoon All four piti hers are left-han ders. the kind that both rights dominated lineups love to see The Rangers are hatting 'Hit) against lefties after Causer o and Palmer roughed up reliever Neal Heaton in a 12*2 romp over the New York Yankees Sumhn "1 like to think wo have more power than any team in major league baseball," said Cansei o. ti-for-H) with a homer and sis KHIs in the last two games Am one who saw the Tigers wreck Oakland 20-4 or ruin Seattle 20- ) might disagree "It was like Mn higan heating Northwestern out there." Mariners manager l.ou Piniello sgid after Ills lopsided defeat Detroit rallied against left h mder Norm Charlton to beat S Mttle H-7 Sunday on Travis 1 yman's two-run homer in the n nth inning. It was the second time in a week dial the Tigers had won in the’hotfom of the ninth, and made them T>-0 at home for the first time since 1937. It’s almost official: Montana’s a Chief SANTA Cl AKA. Calif (API It |oe Montana and the San Krancist o 4'iers split, .is exjM't t*»d, it promises lobe a messy divort e Montana San I rani isi u s starling quarter bar k through tin1 t'lHIIs lie fore missing virtual ly all nl the past two seasons, dismissed as too little, 11hi late tin* 4‘ters' offer to give him Ins old |nh and make a backup of Steve Young, last year s passing leader and M l MVP Hesides. Montana says lie has made up his mind to ai i ept an offer to plat lor Kansas City and has all hut detar hed himself from the 4‘Krv the team he led to four Super Howl titles However, the 4Iters and the Chiefs cannot agree on i onipeiisation lor Monlan i who has one Vear lefl on lus contrai l witli San Francis co. "hi an effort to at i onunodate )oe we had conversations with the Chiefs Unlay hut to no avail." 4'lers president Carmen Polir v said at a news i oufereiii e Monday Tinea* iiegotiatuais have broken off again VYe are now in a verv debt ate situation in tlut we aie exploring all. and I underline all. of our alternatives Her arise of the verv spin nil relationship with Joe. we will continue to attempt to take his wishes into consideration Hut from this point in time, the underlying pur pose of whatever we do will In* in the lies! inter est of the 4'iers Montana, who lost Ins job to Young during a two v ear recovery from an elbow injury, turned down the 4'lers job offer earlier in the day dur ing a meeting with Polir \ and coat h Ceorge Seifert Still, tht* r oat h said Montana ter him ally was the team's No t rpiarterhack. with Young get ting the job if lie left Neither Polir v nor Seifert went into detail on Montana's reasons for dis lining the offer During the previous weeks of speculation mrr Montana Sniftiri had pulilu U harked tiring as lh>' starter before (imiii tiflit i.ils suit iIimiIv rvverserl hi'lil lliis weekend following Mi nit.111 a s moot in i; w it li i lull mi iht id w a rd IkeBartolo Ji ll i s III! opinion. willl ll I expressed III Mi Delfartoln. that it is in till' ln'st interests lit lliii ■piers tii go w itli Steve Vi mi tig ami St*>vi‘ Mono as tli*-1r two rptafterbai ks Montana s oil in a st.ih'iiHint Doth ao- great players and will i on tillin' to In' sin i I'sslul l<'.nliin', mu1 o( till' bust tisims in tin' Nl I At tin' s.inii' tniii' it is in mi Iios! inli-n-s! and that ol ms family to |da\ lor tin' Kansas ( itv ( liii'ts U'i' li'i'l 11ti• iliirt.11• 11' in Kansas ( itv and 1 look forw ard to (imtimiilitt mv i ariTt there Stiifi-rt and I’oln v dented tin- Piers hastily arranged oiler Jo . hi- Montana Ins old |oli was intended to doller t jinbln t ritn ism Hai ki ts ol Montana have deluged Ibr i lull's olln i s w itli Iasi's and |iboni' i alls hi an alliiinfil to dnr.ol any trade 1'ln' loam's turnabout also soomod to undor mine Sot fort \ t rod i lit fit v. and won Id havo loll tlio -Piers in tlio uni onilortalilo |iositton of demoting Imtli Voting and Slovo Iloilo, tly noin mill No 2 after fie mg ro signori April 7 Sim e rotiirning front a torn right nlbow ton don Montana played a hall as Young's liar k up in tlio -Piers 1 'i()2 rugnlar sonson linnlo ho has hoon adaimint that ho had no dosiro to slay in San I rani tsi o as a reserve Two wooks ago. Montana hogan soan lung m namust lor anothor |oh olsow horn I hat It lod Monlnna In oinhrm o tlio ( hiofs In a stntomoiit roloasorl through his agent Peter Johnson, Montana said Ini already has found a now homo and now |oh with Kansas ( lily anil r.ould not forsake the i omnutmont ho made to the (duels for a return to the -Piers T-Shirt Design Contest To Promote SAFERIDE The winning entry will win a gift certificate for dinner tor two at Chanterelles! Bring your designs to the Women's Center, Suite i, EMU, by Spin, April 27th. JOIN NOWI DOC'S COCKTAIL RESEARCH TEAM 165 W. 11th ‘ 685*8101 SAVE ON GOLF! NINE HOLES SPECIAL: w/Current UO ID EIGHTEEN HOLES SPECIAL. | & w-'cunent IX) ID :5- OaW»Y q\ GQLF ^ 'ScOURSE 2000 Cal Young Road • e 484-1927 DON'T GIVE UP THE SEARCH! TRV LOST