Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 20, 1993, Page 8, Image 8

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    - Oregon Daily Emerald S ports—
Track star brings out the masses
tin wos awesome Al least
that was the consensus
l_/ opinion of mid<I It- distanto
runner Su/v Hamilton Saturday
at Hayward I told, wfutre Hamil
ton won tin* H00-motor run in her
season dehtll
Hamilton, with her trademark
golden tresses and hare midriff
singlet, is quickly U‘c oming the
most recognizable American
trai k and field athlete And |tidg
mg from the reactions of both
laics and athletes, she mas lie able
to do something previous true k
stars were never (pule aide to
Shi' i an help trat k and field
attain mainstream status among
sports fans
"Su/v s the best runner
around She’s awesome, said
middle school student Matt
(J'Hrien "She ran one of her liesl
races today
(VHrien was one of 'll students
from l.mc.oln Middle Sc hool iti
(milage drove who hod taken a
bus to t cime sec* Hamilton run
O'ltrien made it c lour why lie
c ame to the meet
"1 urine here to see Su/.y lost
Su/v. O'ltrien s.nd "A whole
busload 111 us c ame to see Stl/V
Some will argue th.it such an
infatuation with one athlete is
unhealthy Hut the interest
Hamilton generates is positive
and should lie a sign to the (rut k
and field world that it now lias
the charismatic athletes neces
sary to attrac t the c asual sports
So vs li.it dills an appearam e
In Hamilton that finally cause's
the i usual s|«ic1s fan to Iiiiv a tii k
et to a track meet' 1 iamilton may
Ire the draw that causes .1 fan to
enter the gate, hut it is the sport
ot track and field that must even
tually sell itself
I'wo other students from ( ul
lage drove. |olin king and Tvlcr
f •»# PlVOt s
A busload ol Cottage Grove students made the trip to Hayward Field
Saturday to see Olympian Suiy Hamilton In the Oregon Invitational
Ml. also 1111111’ ii> see Hamilton
Thfv enjoyed watt hing her run
and they went home fast mated,
not by Hamilton, tint by the pole
vault event both mm want to
heroine pole vaulters
And this is pret isely the rea
son Su/.y Hamilton is so good (or
trai k People go to a trai k meet
"infatuated ' with Hamilton, hut
they leave the meet infatuated
with lra< k and field I'hev
’>* time hooked on the sport and
realize it is every hit as exc iting
as other major sports As adults,
they will (.oiisuier trai k and held
on the same par as basket ha 11.
football, and baseball — a status
trai k has never attained m the
I Inited States
Undoubtedly . imu:h of the
attention Hamilton receives is
<)ui< to her physical appearance
Hul much of tier popularit\ lies
in the lad that she. unlike other
major sports stars, remains at t es
sihle liie t.ham e for a kul to ever
speak personally to Mil haul |or
tlan is non-existent. hut after n
rat e. with a little persistent e. it
is possible to ret five a private
autfieiii e with Hamilton
O'Brien still appeared in shook
when he told me about the con
versation lit- had with Hamilton
I told her 22 kills Irtmt (ioltage
drove. Oregon, i ante to see her."
he salt)
And what was her reply?
"That's awesome "
Erick Sltidrllit kn is <1 sports
reporter for thr Emerald.
Women’s tennis team
finishes season at 24-5
By Evangelina Rodriguez
f\v Ortf/an c'M-.y I nrnmkl
The Oregon's women tennis team defeated Seattle Univer
sity and Washington Stale before losing to Washington in the
Pai ific-10 C-onfereiu e Northern Division Tennis Championships
at the 15th Avenue Courts.
Hie Ducks finished the season 24 >. setting a school record
(or victories in a season.
Oregon kicked off the tournament (is upsetting Washington
State Friday 6-3. The I)u< ks' No 3 singles player Krissv Barg
er came from 5-4 and f>-5 down in the third set to win a tiebreak
er On Saturday Oregon defeated Seattle 7-2 in non-conference
Sunday the Ducks faced fierce competition against the
Huskies Oregon was up 2-1 in doubles before falling to the
Huskies 5-4 Oregon's No 2 doubles team. Jackie DeKord and
kriss\ Barger triumphed over the Huskies' April Appel and
Paige Stringer 6-1. li-.'i
"They beat us at Pullman two weeks ago.” DeKord said. "We
never wanted a inati h as much as today. The intensity is just
there with rivalry, we closed off the net and took advantage of
short (wills "
In the No. 4 singles match. Oregon’s Klise Adams defeated
Paige Stringer 6-3. 6-3 Other Duck winners were Kara Yoshi
da. who defeated Mi( belle Thomas 6-3. 3-6. 0-3 and Jackie
DeKord. who defeated Karin Costi 6-1, 7-5.
Oregon ended its season 24-5. the best record in school his
Orach Tom Grenier was pleased with his team's season
Men’s golf team wins
second straight tourney
Tin* Oregon men's golf learn
coni luded a successful trip to
California by winning the U. S.
Intercollegiate in Stanford Mon
The Dm ks shot a final round
281 to pass second-round loader
U ashington and win the tourna
men! bv eight shots The vit to
r\ was Oregon's second in a row
and third in a month and a half
"This is so lug to w in two pres
tigious tournaments hat k to
Ihh k.'' Oregon head coach Steve
Nosier said It's story.1'
Senior Cam Martin led the
l)u< ks again by firing a final
round nr to finish tied lor first,
hut he lost to Oregon State's
Kevin IjiMair in a plavoff It was
the set ond ( onset utue tourna
ment Martin t ame from seven
shots hut k in the hnal round to
tit* for medalist honors. Martin
won the Western Intercollegiate
last week
Oregon sophomore Ted
Suavely shot a final round t>h to
move into a tie for fifth place at
213. The Ducks' Jeff Lyons
opened with 7t> in the lirst
round, hut followed d up with
u f»H in the second round and 71
in the final round to finish in
seventh place
Oregon ’s Chris Hensel shot 71
in the second round and flic
ished at 225 followed by Kandy
McCrai ken and Paul Kegali at
253 and 241, respectively
The Duc ks w ill travel to Santa
Barham to compete in the Pat if
ic-10 Conference champi
onships next Monday through
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