Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 20, 1993, Page 4, Image 4

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Continued from Page 1
tives Johnson said ho and Warron had no
lobbying experience in Salom. but they
would recruit studonl leaders who havu lob
tiifd to assist thotn
"We're not the common people (Speaker
of the House) l.nrry Campbell fias seen.''
(ohnson said. "I know I-nrrv (ampbell is sick
of political si ienci! majors up tfiere badger
ing him."
Howell is listed in the 1992-fd Student
Directory ns a political si tent e major
Johnson later said lie's avoided politics
liefore now because he hates it "as sou i an
probably tell hv our debating performam e "
Mudslingilig is not something we stand
for." he said
lohnsolt said lie and Warren will be aide
to approai b totibving vvith a fresh approai It.
AMO Vue (’resident Karmen Fore lias
agreed to help leach Johnson and Warren
about lobbying if they are eluded. Warren
In Itowen s rebuttal, lie said there won t !>e
time for the new A SI () president and \ u e
president to gel to know all the key law tnak
els up in Salem
Having .1 Iresh approai h is good, but the
advantage ol knowledge and uxporiom e is
a I wav s better, he said
Collins Puente is ASUO multii ultural
advoutli* Bowen is ASUO program* coordi
Howmi said Wiirrvn mid Johnson have cir
culated editorial* that %nv hi* and Collins
Puente are trying to “nickel and dune the
students" by sponsoring ballot measures for
a Sexual Assault Pxam Fund and a multi
i ultural center Bowen asked Warren and
Johnson why they haven't said anything
opposing the other three measures asking
students to pin additional im idental fees
"Are you only choosing to f<« ns on the
hallo) measures put out by the compete
lion7" he asked
Warren said she and Johnson wrote the
editorial after students approm hed them at
the ASUO Programs Fair last week
“We had people i ome up to us and suv.
We don't want to bo nu kle and dimed to
death.’ and we said. 'That's not our tii ket.
site said
Johnson asked Collins Puente about Sen
Stan Bunn's hill to increase funding for
finatu tal aid
Collins Puente said Bowen would lie lie!
ter able to answer the question bei anse he
interns in Salem She said she has expert
em « ss itli lobbying on the national level.
"A lot ol things that happen to students
don't happen on a national level,' Johnson
said I tliink it's important if both i andi
dates can lobby at the state level. (The 1‘J‘MI
Ballot) Measure ri is not a national issue
fey ArttfrvyMfy f- cy n<ty
ASUO Executive candidates Mark Johnson
(left) and Leslie Warten debated opponents
Eric Bowen and Diana Collins Puente Monday
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Continued from Page 1
"We thought, 'Oh my God, they
are killing themselves '
"We i an only assume that
there was a massive loss of life."
Kit ks said "It was truh an
inferno of flames *’
Ricks said multiple w itnesses,
including FBI snipers posi
fioned outside the compound,
spotted i ult members setting
One person. Ri< ks said, "was
knelt down with his hands
cupped, from which a flame
The agents reported seeing a
man wearing a gas mask and
black uniform throw something
inside, followed bv a fireball.
Additionally. Ricks said, a man
found Monday afternoon in a
hunker on the grounds said
lantern fuel had been spread
throughout the wooden complex
and that the fire was started
simultaneously in several
"We did not introduce fire
into this compound," Kicks
said. 11 annot von the shock we
felt David koresh. we believe,
gave the order to commit sui
i ide. and the\ all followed w ill
ingly his order
"lie wanted to have as many
people killed in that compound
as possible," Ricks said. "That is
whs it was named the Ranch
Apocalypse," a term cult moili
Iters sometimes used
"It's a had end and one of the
ends we feared from the begin
ning." said lack Killorin. a
spokesman in Washington for
the Bureau of Ah ohol. Tnbaei o
and Firearms "Obviously, sm
i ide was a concern all along, but
the method svus different; unex
pet ted."
Fate in the das, Reno told
reporters the FBI’s assault svas
meant to be "a step forsvurd"
that "would increase pressure"
on the cultists to end the stand
"Obviously, sho s.iid, "it 1
had thought ih.it the chani.tts
wttrtt great for mass suicide. 1
would never have approved the
Koresh's mother. Bonnie
iialdeman. lashed out at the FBI
late Monday while the com
pound si 111 smoldered
"I don’t know what David
did." Mrs Iialdeman said by
telephone. "1 can't answer for
the people in there or lor what
they did. I don't know what the\
were thinking. ...
"There were law-abiding,
God-fearing people in there.
They didn't hurt anybody. It's
ridiculous. They're going to
pay." she said in a tpiavering
Monday's action began well
before dawn when federal
agents notified the compound's
neighbors "that it would end
today," according to Melanie
Felton, a neurtn rani her.
An article in the April 16
issue of the Emerald incor
rectly reported former Inci
dental Fee Committee
member Jose Balderas' cur
rent enrollment status
Balderas is enrolled as a full
time student for spring term.
The Emerald regrets the
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