Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 20, 1993, Page 3, Image 3

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Impressed by candidates
This upcoming election there are two people who are
extremely valuable to the position they are running for I
am excited that these two people an* running for ASUO
president and vice president because they have proven
their commitment to improving the University
I am impressed by their involvement in increasing sex
ual assault services, creating a safer campus and their
commitment to cultural diversity on campus These are
just a few of tin? important issues that Tru Bowen and
Diana Collins Puente an* involved in.
Not only am 1 impressed with Bowen's leadership as
ASUO's program coordinator and chairman of the Stu
dent Health Center, but also with Collins Puente's strong
leadership in MKChA. as ASUO's multicultural advocate
and many other task forces and programs she has I wen
involved in.
I have known Collins Puente over the years as an activist
for many important issues I know these two candidate
have integrity and a strong commitment to the issues I
urge you to vote to bring this university to its fullest poten
tial. Vote for Trie Bowen and Diana Collins Puente for
ASUO president and vice president
Julia Morgan
Seeing the light
April 1.) 1 sat through the first AM JO Exet utive debate,
sponsored by the greek system, and w as very dissatisfied
with the responses of Leslie Warren end Mark Johnson
Warren and Johnson want to provide more street lights
on campus if elected, which is a greet idea, but campus
service is planning to install approximately 20 new lights
this summer anyway. In light of the budget shortfall tie*
University is facing, 1 don't believe the installation of
more lighting is attainable or a priority at this time.
In their opening remarks, Warren and Johnson said they
are not politicians and don't currently know the needs of
this campus I would have to say it is an essential ingre
dient to know who supports you and who doesn't Both
Tri< Bowen and Diana Collins Puente have the ability
to address our needs to legislators and have done so this
year already.
In my opinion, 1 do not believe Johnson is qualified
to In* an ASUO vie e president lb* has never participated
in *i student government program on campus to this day.
I'm a strong supporter of Bowen and Collins Puente,
and I believe they have the capabilities to lead us through
the next academic school year
Matthew Hasek
Political science
Candidate signed pledge
Ax an Incidental Fee Committee < andidale. I attend
ed the IFC deUite April 15 in the Hamilton Mall l or those
who attended it was an interesting dehate and spanned
nearly 2 1/2 hours I would like to extend rnv upprei la
lion to the audience and ntv fellow candidates for attend
mg. It was a lively debate and demonstrated that the field
of < undulates is very diverse, faith in opinions and their
special interests
I sincerely hope that a large peri outage of the student
body will take tit) set onds out of its busy day to vote,
inn ause the field of IF(11 undulates i ontams someone for
everyone Despite the lively and informative nature of the
ihduite. I vv.is however saddened by one null ome of the
As part of the debate. I introduced a head or heave
pledge and offered it to all candidates for them to sign
The pledge simply slates that the candidate pledges to
work toward establishing on int idental fee level of Slot)
per term (or lower) per student for the t<t‘M 05 si hool
The other part of the pledge is a promise In step down
from offii e if one cannot or will not fulfill the pledge 1
was the only i undulate willing to sign If the i undulates
truly i are about lowering student fees, they v\ill he
at i ountnble to you the students and sign the pledge Hut.
alas, it looks like it is up to me to carry the fight for low
er student fees, alone
Braden D Kelley
IFC candidate
Vote no on 8 and 9
Today is election day For tliose of you voting, this an
appeal for you to vote no on Ballot Measures H and *)
Ballot Measure H is as follows "Shall the Assi* luted
Students of the University of t )regon issue a puMHt state
ment demanding that Senator Hob Puck wood resign from
the United States Senate due to his admitted at ts of sex
uul harassment."
Hullo! Measure 9 similarly reads "Shull the Assoi uit
ed Students of the University of Oregon issue a puhlii
statement declaring that the Oregon Citizens Alliance is
wrong, ubnormal and perverse."
it is obvious that both S^jji Pack wood and the CX1A are
unpopular with this campus Although I do not support
Pai kwood's activities nor the CX'A. I cannot support these
two ballot measures.
The ASUC) is a representative of the student IkjiIv. not
a lobbyist. 1 do not believe that the student body should
be forced to endorse a political statement of any kind.
Ijeave these kind of decision for individual activist groups
Measure 0 m p.irtu ulur seems totally contrndu lory
Ihm .him' ii .h In iii the s.imi' way .is Ballot Measure *1 in the
state elei Iiiiiin in Novemlier It even iim'n similar language
m labeling the (X A hn "wrong, abnormal and perverse
Iiini as University students ivuri' angry .ii fht* notion of
having to lalml homosexuals .in abnormal. so should they
be equally disturbed tiv this proposal Itoth vk tiius serve
lo dismti'griili' ihoir given vii Inns through legislation
f’ai k wood n sexual liarnssnienl t harges and I he ()( A
both need lo Im’ addressed The ASt '<) is not the proper
forum Vole no on Measures H and
Zachary Hoffman
Get a majority first
Die AM () s referenduni Measures 8 and ‘I show how
ly pn allv i onservalive ihe supposed Idieral student gov
eminent i an Im> \\ ilh .in av erage 8 |>eri enl turnout al the
polls, then* util !»■ no irue i onsensus of Ifie opinions of
the student body on these issues I he Idtvral ptlilosophs
honors all ideas in sorietv I he ASt l() is on pur with
I’.it llui hanan when il i ondenins behaviors and ideolo
gies because it doesn't like Iheiu
Although everyone might agree that Sen Hob I’.li k
wood's liehavtnr was ofijis tionahle and that I he t X A has
some ideas that might he offensive lo some people, the
student hotly and its government has no right to issue lei
ters fespei tally on sui h ridu iilously small issues) on
lu'hall of the student Imdy without i I ear ina)oritv support
trout at least 'i t percent of the student population
Those students who re< ognize First Amendment rights
for any polite al organization and people who lend their
support to Sen. l'.u kwood should y ole against these irre
sponsible measures referred to students from a first i lass
experiment in fasi isin. the AM It) After all. these indi
viduals would fie the first to i rv if something was said
against their liehefs
Richard J. Hors well
MSA offers thanks
The Muslim Student Assm iation appreciates Kru
Bowen and the ASUO for all of their assistance this year
The MSA yvas on Ihe verge of ( losing hei ause of internal
problems, but Bowen and ASUO President Hobby Lee
realized the important e of this multicultural organiza
tion. and they kept our offic e from lining shut down
The MSA office would like to offer its support to Bowen
and we urge others interested in diversity to also support
Farah Rahim
Muslim Student Association
Garlic Bread
11 30 am -10 pm
2673 Willamette • 484-0996
I'rt/dui td in fn.tri thttmgh thr gnu unit
t omtUtratHMi uf Kt.Ct KiX 'O k Vf
M««orwM PubMc fUdw
Robinson Theatre
8:00 p.m.
April 22. 23. 24. 30.
am) May I. 1993
Matinee 2:00 p.m. Apnl 25
Box office, (503) 346-4191
The University Theatre Presents
A theatre piece influenced
by the culture of Bali.
Personnel Representatives will be
on campus in the Student Union
Wednesday, April 21 <Sr Thursday,
April 22 from
d am to 4 pm
Pick up Applications
in Hendricks Hall
Room 12.
If you have any
questions please call
us in Reno at