Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! CKASSIKIKI) POLK IKS Deadlines I inr Ad*: I pm ,.w business da v print li> insertion Ihsplav Ad*. I p *n . two business dass pour l«» in«rrtM*i h'.rrors/Kefunds Please ihcvk your ad' The ODI will run a classified ad ‘«nc additional da> as .1 result of any typographical error that changes the meaning • *1 the ad. if reported by I PM Refunds will be limned to credits »etly No cadi refunds will be issued after the ad deadline Credits must be used within <» months of issue Copy Acceptance fhe ODI reserves the right to revise, reclassify, reject <*r caned un> ad at any time 100 BIRTHDAY greetings HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAZVf We have been tniouyh SO much f osiAtt fruMXtft that wcK«n1 true But *« i ahayt have each otne* Me A you' Love ya. *«$*•*' Ha' Ha' U R f D* 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS GAMMA PHI BETA'S kiW!Hrftat0*mty CMiNk^i «* tfv* Sal 4/24’ Come MNJ >Mmi from UO and OSU* (■ioodtuO Iwama1_ THETA CHI POKER MK1MT Thof Aim 22 ai U» f t9W CUM Ryan or T ahy for nk? 146 4feM HWh ANNUAL*”. PHI PS4 SMOKER TOMORROW* M»* Good t% Qnfy P<«L« v OV» wale* ti L»«rtty Jac* »fp« puActy^ of *uc* a raprt pace 4 ™*y w**y re semfcAe IHal Of (^oN Oa&e T*me 7pm Cotl $3 A* prOCKMMlS b*n«f4 the ChAdren* Mracto Nefwc#K University of Oregon Singles 1 800-442 7080 t«1 135 110 LOST & FOUND FOONO One green GaMorma »oad sign, reward1 346-96?2 115 TYPING services »l J44-074*. XO*M QUAD SCHOOL Appflovto ?o y»» tnwaASaa t»» cyound T«rtn papeivFu* t*wm« aa* V* a (‘■(*&*) l a*«< pr ON CAMPUS' FLYING FINGERS typing larvtca Fa»i, Accural*, law *1 OOpaga. up ProtMAlonAt KIM a( your aanrtca to writ* adit 4SA-S03S JO TMf TYPING PRO Won) ProCAtaKvjT pet* and ttytet A ft or dab*# and j coneaniant PRO/EDIT ! 343-2747 130 FOR SALE MISC Crackpot kata' ?»v3$ M».*la Kan* Carte* i#iO I iM* 4/?3 12 474 !0€ or 6H3 5961 1972 VW VAN Nice Shape/Not running $500 obo. trade for Bug 484*3186 eves 7% VW Rabbit 4 2 door mvrty r*m part* $1100 080 c .v 4H*. 8876 6PM 8PM_ 7t VW 4 ****»! .> part*. Si 100 08O Cafl 4*L6 86/5 W»M 9PM _ M PfWod* SI ^ »*rf 6 a**1 10.000 <*se • ,»• Imape***.\tft It printer l ’>cW lav > upgraded S’OC (m) 683 4103 rr-COMPAT 40 MB. HO. hoppy «it E«yts>art3. 0>t0» TKirtfc'. mouse * toius ramd, %?hQ 060 t>n*’ Nintendo Two con trope's 4 plftye* I '•mote hght gun. power pad tO I osmw.y^oto I uo SOUND SYSTEMS CASHD1 Wa buy w and a«yv*» VMS VCRy and mwooj ihompaon [ i*c home*. 11» Oa* 3*3 9? 73 175 INSTRUMENTS Fan day 7a4acaata< a Paavay AadWy' Amp pa*a naaona, Jt »Jy<*» John Sbamay 34? 9643 Paavay Hayttagc amp 3.12“. cm tor only STS’ Ge* $0OR (*' ampu* 583 8496 f AA Certify*} f hg|ht Instructor MAKE EVERY DAY tARTW OAY Wert l.y the «w'y.frrr--K' fh-s v/-’ ** {. nwonmentf* camp*^ po**i©n» ** f ugen# /mej ?? states F or more matron caR Carey «M 800Wj/M SECONDARY SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM Tu*ion w;*ve* p*v,* tvrfr >y stipend tor Qua**mJ persons totem*! *d *n earntog a mart*'* degree end specie! education cerWftoabon Ft* more «ntor matron ** to Send Oavd 17$ f ducefcon. Unrverstfy 0* Oregon EXPAND YOUR HORIZONS The Student Orient MK>n SiaR want* you to /on them 4n wefcomtog student* to UO by serving m a vot unteer HOST Host! welcome new student* an awe* questions »nd help implement the New Student Owntl ton aci*v4*ea &22 76 Thi* Opportunity oh#** many re wards You w>« g»n a greater know* edge oi campus •-«** satisfaction m hfrtpphg new students adjust to cam pus i*‘n and receive a tree T *h«rt I tod out more About th«s fWtaafcC op portunrty and fX* up more «ntorma ton AJ the Dean o* Students Othce >54 Oregon tiaii S«gn up by Apr ?>d_ _ ROTARY FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS FOR Oe .rwwd ttvaiaTAe In three months study abroad one tor vi months and one tor an academe year Bas* «■ pense* cover ed Delays caA >44 7510 o >44 24tw betore JuSy ! ’9V3 See SECTION llS lor «ll your typing n«*»d» 210 HELP WANTED Apartment Man*9** needed ^OOV f«m crux *er«j resume to BPM 1430 W dtamette No 169 Eugene Of1* 074Q1 ATTN Career SeeAer* Standard « ■ finance Company <» hokfcng an open meeting to* a** Student* interested «n a Cftf—^ m IrSw'afKit'f inane»af Confut ing M.i* -*r Room | MU Wed 71. 6 30 lo 1 3Qpm CAMP STAFF NEEDED f cm coastal r«Mkvii camp Must be reasonable caring and **w gai*c Salary 'Qom A board provided C*fl WeeMm R vfws G«d Seoul Counts 465 5911 C-ruiM haa Entry i*v«* on boardAanrtsrde PotAont avail mar*ya» round 714 540 <669 CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING Earn $2000e-'month ♦ world t»ava Me Vi*»> Summer and Caran* employment Avis1 abto No rnanence neeasaar> lor amp*oymar< program cafi 1 206 634 04C* est 08069 _ Earn cash '..M j enve* i*rs As malar 4tff provided Sand SASE to P O 964 < Spr ML) 65601 EARN SI MO WEEKLY Cv«u*'%' Regm N< Vi fftf I pacset' SETS. Dap* 249. Be« 4000. Coroova T N 3661H 40QC Earn S7 Fast! Cottage students ~ S/ tor about SO mnuMtt 4.2993 9 ■ AM { Mu Mi**) IVt GUARANTEED S400 Tao fto-te'-f ctubf needed tor *<•£ pfu fact Your Group GUARANTEED Jt Mast $400 MuM'cai BEFORE I NO OF TERM? 1 -600 932-0626e*t99 INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT Ma* r money Mac rung t*a« converse tonal English abroad Japan arx3 T* wan Many provide room & board pluft other baneMs’ M.»c $2000 $4000 ♦ per month No pnwout tnefwng or laocheng cartitcate raQuaad l or am p*oymon! program cal) (206) 632-1146 •«t J6060 JOBS FOR NEAT YEAR ESCAPE Field StuOas tt accephng appfacabons tor IV actor Am! Director PR Spaoa »»1. OWee Mgr Drv>f»on Hoads (PuGAc Schools Human Serve**. Outdoor School. A te*3e»shtp T'*nmg and GTFf GIUE ME FIUE! Run vour “FOR SALE" ad (items under $500) ({ for 5 days . If the item(s) doesn't sell, call us at 346-4343 and we ll run ~ your ad again for another 5 days Private Party Ads Only • No Refunds/Credits 210 HELP WANTED NOW HUONG FOR l ORA POSITIONS 7 Co Ototdot% a* S9&MH) t OR*;# Manapa* at I60W'C t JQ*0& t vWr»1VV>iuttte«* COOffS^afrW a? S6.Vmo AofMMon* l job dmr.rtpkon* a: KiftA o*** <*>•** 3’9 FFI 346 3360 Om^t F>: Apn 30m MjtOf postal jobs Start 111 41 t»r piut banefit* For ap plication info. caM 1 -216 324-2103 7AM-10PM 7 day* Grad atudtnt wan lad to NRp ho** e* cnangaa* JOhrawk *r. r»*cftanp# tor M roornftXMPd /?6 8039 SClZCO CARS tfufin boat* 4 i/irxH art. rnotorhorn#*. by FBI IRS, DfS ava^Mbto yOi* area now Ga« i 6004364363 art C V?1Q . anvoncTs 1000wk **rt?'Or-* Tra»f~.tf»^6Ai»r%at*ng hrrr *x*>ng to* motivated caraa* orvantad tfudhrtduaHk top pa*. *u» tram*no. aac opportunity tor s*ud*m* Sosar 343-616/______ ATTENTION Studant Project* Inc. Ha# tavwP opan **w*ii on 4» Boa/d o* Otftdort The Board meets tw<# a month and emptoyt ova* SC itwdant* »n the op wabon o* Footnote* Student* only two year oommAmon? App*y «n Hrr JB 34 { MU May f___ fRtiiancie¥5rr oJT**"* ~~ T he f maaU >* now accaf**vj| app* nUnni tor tr«»# lance ecMa» The job rtvOtaM f*cru«».« hour* pw lay M-"•■•day Thursday Appbt^diOn ^sevtoPnc i* Monday. Aprrf ’®d» at Spm Contact Pal o* Jake «* 346 Sf> it icy mpr* information_ Seeking fun in a job? I SC AH: field Studies is now hiring next ycaj ttUf! If yim arc inlcrcsled in mak mg a difference while de vcloping career option* Come talk to us Info meeting Wednesday (April 21st) at 2 pm in KMU Century Room "I-" or visit our office I MU M 111 or just c all »4h 4 at»a, mar-y po?b bon* 7»oi t*un*rs» Ca* » 000-430 4* f, r*t PXK» Raaaarch a*»«atant or aaaooate to NMp *n COnSf»v*Cbon of Q&vrtX. »-rvKoqfi map of human chromoaoma t1 Naad »-'('ws^X^ Of Uttx mc*eCvl*r l>0»ogy !ecn fytctLi aa/aoma computer »*i»* Safa ry dependent or etpervane# Sand nt suma A 3 rfttamct'ft addresses A Ph r» to Or M*« lift. Dap* Of Molecular »m3 Macftcal genet** 1 333. Oagor Mae** A Soanca University Portland, OP 97?0t 3096 f «« 503494 6393 Raatdent managars granted 16 56 units, UO KJcatorV v*rx5 return® to PO BOX 11460. Euoana. Ofl. 97440 B lac* stone Manor - Fum. ? bedroom m* $496 Mngr 607 0664 Pattaeson Manor * Dear spec *oui. ' tjadrm ap» . S35C Mngr 344 7 ’ 40 Von Klafn Proparty Mgmt i3QiF»MyS! 466-7/76 GREAT HOUSE 9 t*s bom UO. 2 rms av»». Starring 5/t6 _667 5634 $»mon_ Pra Leant lor summer 3 bedrm. $350 P»elc«s« tor fa« 1 mo bee' 3 bedrm. $696 Both lest than 1 Woe* bom cam puS *r covered parting 666 9499 Or 461 0199__ PROSPECT PARK 2 bedroom apart mart ava»* no* Qu*«t country atmosphere ^convenient oty locabon. Other features include pool tanmafeaifcafeall Cts. rec room and playground. right past 256' and Cham t>«rs 484 6S$5 CAMPUS EVENTS 2?s APTS DUPLEXES Campus Apartments Fumithtd tt2 Bedrooms Winter rates 5373BS23 465-2823 t 2 BLOCK FROM CAMPUS Studio. on We laundry iaot*es, SJO&.'mo 485 0790 Reserving Now! For Summer & Fall A cksa”. Qu*e< ’ tx*«> ' U of O B*g wa* *r> dow« Fu»y *ufn«sf>«K3 Cantu* '*iand *rtcf>ar. Cove* ad p«rt«»og 464-4103 _ SPRING SPECIAL Only MU. 2 bedrm. fully equipped kitchen, cable, beautifully I end ec aped. on bueime. better hurry1 465-1352 or 343-6357 Unique, one bedrm on campue. utili ties paid, laundry, first 6 last plus deposit 465-7366 WALK TO CAMPUS Spaoous. ught. i bedrm. balcony parking, laundry. S335 ♦ deposit 967 Patterson Real E state Northwest 741 2504 _ Fc OB£ST V1LLAOT7 ..ArAnmuni- L Ki^ny lie beamy of woods and ^ wildlife la super floor piss 2 IHXHM, I '/.BATH *495 St *515/monll* • Dus to cantpus • Swimming Pool • WelyfiiTFitness Hoorn • Saunas Lf. Eutgenr (Dsnsld A f'sibsUsw) 687-1318 CAMPUS EVENTS Muslim Student Association presents “The Genocide in Bosnia, an Eyesore to Humanity: An Islamic Perspective” Imam Muhammad al-Asi, President of the Islamic Education Center Washington, DC', TODAY! 12:00-1:30 pm, • Oak Room, EMU 210 HELP WANTED 210 HELP WANTED Summer Opportunities [ Summer is rapidly approaching. You're probably wondering: how to combine* the tun of summer with the reality of working. \ At Harrah's Reno the summer is the most exciting time of the | year! The area's recreation activities abound with golf, tennis, j water skiing, boating, hiking, fishing or just relaxing in the High j Sierra sun on the beaches of Lake Tahoe, less than an hour's drive r from Reno. And work is just as much fun, with the continuous f thrill of greeting new guests and meeting the day's challenges. j We are looking for enthusiastic, outgoing applicants who would { enjoy serving our guests. Personnel Representatives from Harrah's $ Reno will be on campus, Wednesday, April 21st and Thursday, ? April 22, 1993 to interview for summer positions in the gaming j and food service departments. You are invited to complete an r application and sign up for an interview in your Student Employment Office, Room 12 Hendricks Hall. | Hanatis. ! ( ASINO HQTLL f RENO The Belter People Place. } EEO M/F US. AND AUTHORIZED ALIENS j