Oregon Daily TUESDAY, APRIL 20. 1993 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 94, ISSUE 139 Officials say dorm fire due to arson j Little damage was done by fires Sunday at the University Inn on Patterson Street Police nntl (ire officials are investigating a pair ol small (ires set at the University Inn Sunday night Firefighters responded to an automatic fire alarm at the ini), 1001) Patterson St., about 11 p m ami found fires burning in a third-floor trash i an and in a dumpster outside of the building Fire investigators said the fires were deliberate!) set and are looking fur suspec ts in the uu idem, said I tin Uirr. F.ugene lire department spokesman "Whether it was a prank or not." Hirr said, "we take any fire in a high-rise building very seriously Ihrr said very little damage vs .is dune by either of the fires I be third floor fire vv.is started in .1 trash 1 in lot ated in an elevator lobby and was easily extinguished I ho dumpster br<« yvas start ed when some burning material was sent down a garbage shoot A sprinkler in the garbage shoot ysas set off on the set ond floor ■is the horning material made its yvay down to the dumpster, whir h is hx ated outside of the building Ihri said ysater from the sprinkler 1 wised minimal damage and was 1 leaned up by fire fighters Hirr said the 1000 blot k ot I’allerson Street yyas 1 losed from t 1 p m to midnight while the building was evai lulled Ile said five firefighting vehii.les were dlspattlled to the si one Stumped I-----~ . i mu - - ■ ' 111" ' ' ' '' ■ ■" '' l,r- ""'~rr ' ' '' ' 'n " ITT L'"IJ ""rT‘""'"r Al Moms sets up $ foundation for a petrified stump and slabs of granite outside The Museum of Natural His tory Monday afternoon Morns, who volunteered for the /ob said. It's not that hard if you ve got a strong back The work should be completed by the end of April ASUO leader hopefuls have second debate j Opponents agree they will continue to work on causes By Tammy Batey Two ASt'O Executive candidates ended a University Housing sponsored debate Monday night bv commenting on their shared com urns But their running mains spent much of the debate juxtapos ing themselves with each other. In their closing remarks, Diana Collins Puente. ASUO vice presidential candi date, and Leslie Warren, ASUO presiden tial candidate, said regardless of the election results, they'll continue to work together to fort e political change. However. early in the debate Mark Johnson. Warren's running mult-, set u|> .1 con trust between the lobbying offer live ness his ticket could .it hieve .1 ml thot achieved bv Collins I'uente and hru Howen. ASUO presidential candidate Howell described bis exponent e .is .111 intern at the state House of Represonta Turn to DEBATE. Page 4 Waco cult comes to fiery end j Group allegedly sets its ranch on fire after FBI begins tear gas assault U .\( tl, Iexas lAI’l Doomsday i nil I vail" r David horesh s apoca lypHi vision ■ ami' trui' Mniulav vvlivn lire believed si'l In Ins fol lowvrs ilvsirovvil llirir |irairiv i iiiii pound as fvdvral agents Invd In drive Ilium out w ith tear gas atlvr a a t il.n siniulnll As m.on as ttti invnilivrs of lliv llralli h Davidian religious svit. tin lulling Korvsli anil ..'4 i hililrvn, wvrv thought to haw divd as thv flames rat ini through thv wooilvn huihlings in It) inmuti's (luUtiiut' were known to haw surviwil I In- bla/e lanni'il In still wimls. erupted about 1?. It a p in . |iist m\ hours after PHI agents hvgan using arinori'd vvluc his to pound holes in the i omplex ol huihlings anil s|»ra\ them with tear gas Attorney Ceneral Janet Keuusaid she personally approved the assault in hopes of fori mg a peat eful end ing to the standoff She said she never t ousidered the ''chain ex were great lor mass sun ole. despite Koresh’s warning in a letter gist last week that am agents trying to harm him would lie "devoured In lire ” federal authorities said they would not know the prei ise death loll until thin i mild sean h an underground nia/e of passageways ■four ol the surv ivors were hospi lali/ed with horns and broken holies, the live others were ill i us todv in the Mi l.enuan County lad ()ne Survivor told authorities that people inside the t (impound had set the blaze, said Justice Depart ment spokesman Carl Stern. I lie mail said that as lie left one ol the buildings, lie could hear above him people say mg. I he fire s (men lit, the fire's been lit."" Stern said The end of the standoff plainly stunned the HU bemuse Koresh had repeatedly promised there would he no mass suit ide "I i ail t tell v oil the shot k and the horror that all ol us foil when we saw those flames coming out.'' I B! spokesman Hob Hu ks said ill a solemn afternoon news i onlerelli e Turn to WACO. Page 4 \WEATHER Mostly i. loudv today with a fit) pen enl chance of rain. Highs m ar M5 degrees More rain Wednesday with highs 55 to 65 degrees In 1889 Adolph Hitler was bom in Braunau. Austria. NUDITY APPEALS WASHINGTON (APj - The Supreme Court Monday me a •.;