ET ALS MUTINY Nr lam e htiwn R«*din| firoup wit) lMp«( t« diMiiM Iktm ii by Ottdvi* Hoi ip* (nuifthi at S 15 in Mown 4411 PtX for morn intornuKKNi. t ali 146 1910 Honon (.ollrf* Sludrnt («mmunil* Board Mr))! hav«* an nm«rjpjMC> mmrtine lo dltcu*« tuition hik«. • poaior* and M)vt»tiu| today at ) 10 p m in i)m» Hon on (i>lii4t» Umnu*» For mow inform* Hon, call Mi-tin Outdoor Program will mart lo (Inrun anr Jont U*rml hlkm am! t)u* prWhatUOft of Opal t,t«wk lunighi at ? in Boom 110 WdUmrrftn for mom information, rail J4A 4tt>* ASK) Mactiona Board will hava a < iaminiate fair from 10 am In 2 p m in tho KMU fourty an! for moo m form a Hon. cal! Ufi 0629 Amaru an Indian Sfctaan# and !«*•■ naaring Swirty will mao* tonight at 6 in Korun 1411 Straub for mom information I « Ml 4 inn !n< iHrnlal )tr fommillrr will moot hit bttdgrt bnar m*$* today at ) 10 p m in ih« fMt? Hoard Koom New Horizons are just a short drive away when your car is in good working order. Keep it that way with help from... 1917 Franklin Blvd. ^ 485-8226 dose to campus BACK BT mrtJLAK IEMAND! BtfMMHMMto loRos What would it take to get you to vote in the ASUO elections? “Some kind of big party with free beer." ROLAND IPARRAQUIRRE senior, political science "I think shaved heads would be nice. But I want those guys who wanted to put a roller coaster on campus last year, back." NUKE FREUDENTHAL senior, biology is that what all those fliers are about? I’d vote fnr a good lunch. Real food, not dorm food." RACHEL KRAFT freshman, undecided “Money, r About five dollars" 1 JULIE OSTER freshman, biology "It does n't appeal to me. There is a lot of discus Sion, but mmmm. none of the issues affect me. Nothing is changed for the bet ter." ABE ESTIMADA sophomore, pre-journalism “Knowing more about the issues and what's going on 8 would get me to vote. JAY MIRANDA junior, biology HIGHER ED UPDATE TWo grad students get fellowships Two University doctoral degree students in geog raphy are among five students in the state to receive the 1992-93 International Trade and Development Fellowships Holly Freifeld and Alexander Kliachin each received St 0,000 grants for the current school year. Hie fellowships are funded by a $1 million endow ment from the Sasakawa Foundation of Tokyo to the Oregon State System of Higher Education. The purpose of the fellowship is to "educate grad uate students in virtually any field who have high potential for future leadership in international affairs, in public life and private endeavor." said state system Vie* Chancellor Shirley Clark in a news release. Freifeld. who is specialising in the conservation of island ec osystems in the tropical Pacific, will study how human alteration has affected the eeol ogy of forest birds in the Republic of Palau for her dissertation. Kliacbin, whose research focuses on Asian nations and communism, will study the political and ethnic geography of the newly independent countries in (Central Asia. TWo professors eam Fulbrights University professors Diane Ferguson and Philip Grant have been named recipients of Fulbright Scholar Awards for research and teaching abroad during J 992-93, Grant, a biology professor, received a five-month grant to teach biology in Hungary in the fall. He has been a University faculty member sine* 1966. Ferguson, an associate professor of special edu cation and rehabilitation, has completed her four month stay in Iceland, where she taught not only undergraduate students. Hut also those pursuing advanced certification in special education. ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► > ► ► k * SUMMER JOBS IN RENO Personnel Representatives will be on campus in the Student Union Wednesday, April 21 &r Thursday, ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► > April 22 Irom 9 am 10 4 pm. Pick up Applications in Hendricks Hall Room 12. If you have any questions please call us in Reno at 1-800-777-5325. in— Blues Jam $1 High St. $2 ■m—iww Lost Creek Little (daman Savoy Brown 81 Terry Robb Unshakable Race (Srjumbalassy 375 E. Tttl • 484*7181 Put the power of Oregon Daily Emerald advertising to work for you. Call 346-3712