Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 19, 1993, Page 5A, Image 5

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OSPIRG volunteers help children clean up stream
By Carrie Vincent
the Oregon Odufy Fw<ikf
A box spring, a purse. a baby
chair — these are but a few of the
items pulled out of theCal Young
Middle School drainage ditch by
the school's Environmental Solu
tions class and some OSPIRG vol
The project is funded by a grant
from the Environmental Protec
tion Agency and is coordinated
by Ken Shindledecker, a biology
teacher at Cal Young.
Shindledecker said the pur
pose of the project is twofold: to
significantly improve the envi
ronmental quality of the stream
and its inhabitants, and to
involve students in creating and
implementing environmental
solutions in their community.
The intent is to return the
stream to its natural state, includ
ing replacing existing blackberry
bushes with indigenous species
and to maintain a channel for
flood control and drainage, Shin
dledecker said.
Shindledecker said the project
would take 10 to 15 years to com
plete but believes that the stu
dents have created a partnership
with the environment and will
continue to take an interest in the
project even when they leave Cid
"I think people should I* more
considerate of where they throw
their trash. I think they are very
thoughtless.-' said Bethany Ford
Golden Baxter. Tanya Stiller.
Kurt 1-achcik and Sue Owen, all
University students, volunteer
their time to the project through
"It's an opportunity for Uni
versity students concerned with
the environment to actually do
something and see results." said
Baxter, who will receive degrees
this June in both biology and
The projec t also provides expe
rience for people interested in
humans interacting with the
ecosystem in a sustainable way.
Baxter said.
The clean-up process happens
once a week. This week the class
and the OSPIRG volunteers are
t>* Kami? t **•«><•*■<
Bethany Ford. 12, and University student Cotden Baxter remove debris from the Cal Young Middle School
drainage ditch as part of the school's Environmental Solutions class ’ effort to restore the stream.
taking a field trip to the Fern
Ridge Reservoir to inspect
streams that ore in their natural
Shindlodmknr is phiiming on
Muitling his students door to d*x*r
ill a couple of weeks to try and
inspire the community to take
part in the projet I
Vigil brings JSU, LGBA together
By Shanti Sosienski
for trie Oregon Dairy f meratd
Sunday night a small group gathered in the EMU
Courtyard for a candlelight vigil, marking the clo
sure of Cav Pride Week and the beginning of
Shoah Week, the remembrance of victims of the
The vigil was a joint effort of the Lesbian, Cav
and Bisexual Alliance and the Jewish Student
"I feel it's important for student unions to do
things together," said Yohanna Kinberg. co-direc
tor of the JSIJ and organizer of the vigil.
Gay Pride Week has gained more recognition
with students on the University campus recently.
"We had a huge crowd for Queer Pest both last
year and this yeur," said Sarah Ross, co-director of
The vigil was seen as an important addition to
pride week because it recognizes the oppression of
homosexuals in Nazi Germany 50 years ugo.
“When I was growing up. 1 was taught to not
only remember the oppression but also to remem
ber the resistance." said Alii*} kinberg, a local Jew
ish community leader who joined the University
vigil to show her support, along with her husliand
Rabbi Myron Kinberg.
"If I had lived in another time in Germany, even
though l am a blond-haired blue-eyed German. I
would have been persecuted because I am a les
bian." said Elisabeth Alsou, an international stu
dent from Germany "When you become a lesbian,
you change your whole entire history."
Pvwto by A/Hfcony F»n#y
A Sunday night vigil In tha EMU Courtyard ramam
bared tha homosexual victims ot tha Holocaust
Several people in the vigil made reference to tin*
Oregon Citizens Alliance when speaking about the
Holocaust, reminding each other to not btdievo
that oppression toward minorities was over
The Queer I'est is probably the most memorable,
if not most noticed, event of Cay Pride Week in
students' minds. Friday's Queer Fest show was a
lip-sync show with long-legged queens haring
names like Mona and Camilla and hip-hop groups
like the Uttle Dykettes.
Holocaust remembered
By Beth Hege
OMy f irmtitk)
Shu,ill Week, the Jewish Student t boon -sponsored remiini
hram.e of the Holocaust, is more than an examination of past
"Societies have the power of mass extermination." said
Yohanna Kinberg. JSU co-diret lor Rumettibering the Holo
caust "opens our eyes about genocide and ethnm ide in our
communities today." she said
Ktnberg used the past and present treatment of Native Amer
icans as an example. "The government has made a deliberate
attempt to put political and economic interests above nations
of peoples." she said "It is like what huppened in our Holo
Drawing links to current issues was central in the planning
of Shoah Week. A panel of Holocaust survivors and libera
tors — those who helped Jews escape com munition camps
— will speak today on issues ranging from the conflict in
Bosnia to Oregon’s Ballot Measure ft. an anti-gay initiative
"We want to talk about our own communities." Kinherg
said. “We have defeated Measure 9. but what's next? Who's
Tuesday, Delia Offer of Hebrew University in Jerusalem will
speak on U.S. foreign policy lake today’s Haitian refugees at
Florida’s coast, lews wen; turned away from New York harbor
during World War II "They were sent hack home to die." Kin
l>erg said
Shoah Week, so named for the Hebrew word for Holocaust,
will continue through Sunday. "It is a powerful time." Kinlierg
said "It is a time to remember what happened, and to remind
us of justice and equality issues today.”
By Mucha Sancftei-Seati
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