Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 19, 1993, supplement, Page 8B, Image 20

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    Stephanie Dixon
I am currently a member of the Club Spam Sailing Team and serve on the C lub
Sports Executive ( ommmcc I understand the value of programs supported and
funded through the E1MU anti Incidental fees I would like to sec the dtverstty of
programs in the EMU continue to he expanded to further meet the needs of the
students If I am elected I would stork ssith the I-.Ml' Hoard member to meet
this goal.
Deirdre Johnson
Running for the l-Jb Memorial Union Hi»ard is a great opportunity to get
involved in campus life I think it’s important that students get involved in
systems that affest them I would like to be a board member and become an
active participant in dealing ssith EMU programs I'll admit I haven't had a lot
of leadership experience, but I am confident I can do the job I'm rccpsmsiblc.
organized, and interested, qualities that I feel will help me I look forward to
gaming this type of experience at the University Perhaps this statement will he
longer the next tune I run for a position'
Margaret Chatfield
The EMI is an important pari of student lile I feel I could have a positive
impact while serving on the EMI board I have had an opportunity to work in
different offices in the EMU. such as administration, scheduling, and food
sets tee With this background, I have a broad perspective of the importance of
the EMU in student life I. myself, am a frequency user of the EMI and
understand frustration concerning EMU cervices I am willing to listen and
make students' concerns important in decision making
Please vote lor Margaret) Ohallickl for the EMI board
Everything you need to know
The Primary Election Is on Tuesday and Wednesday,
April 20th and 21st
The General Election is on Tuesday and Wednesday,
April 27th and 28 th.
To vote you will need your student ID (Don't forget
ill) ■ ;; f . ' '
You need to know what you aie voting for so teadmp
and get ready.
Prilling booths will be all over campus, (they look s lot
like old newspaper stands) you may vote at any one
you wish. m
You may only vote for the Senate seats which are in
your major.
Sample Ballot
Prcsidcnt/Vice PrcMrlcnt
(Vole for one only)
//BowcnC'ollm* Puente ;
Incidental I ce Committee
One Year Seat*
(Voir for ihrrr)
IID Swartly
IH' Alexander
III. Liu
III Orxoco
IID Shepard
IIJ Hruncr
IIT Earwood
Illi Wong
IIB. Kcltcy
//T. Ixlward*
Two Year Seat*
fV'o/e for Im o)
III) Kuhn
IIJ Lyon*
11C ( allium
HI Wallace
EMU Board
One Y ear Seats
(V me for Iw o)
IIS W Conser
//K Rut/
IIM Itasck
Two Year Seats
(Vote for ihrrr)
IIM Outfield
IIS Duon
III) Johnson
(Vole for Out)
H \ Newman- Barnhart
//{' Etlasgow
IIM Johns<>n
Student Senate
Sent I A 3 - two year scat
I Voir for i»ol
IIJ Thomas
IIJ Slecdly
UK Waters
II A. Mull
Seal 2 & 4 one year scat
(Vole for r* o)
IIM. Omogrosso
IU Boh me
IID Bolt
IIT Tatarsky
Seal 5 & 7 ■ two year scat
(Voir for twol
III> Wallcrstctn
IIH. Attken
Seal 6 one year scat
(Voir for one)
UC Eoa
HE Ernst
Seal H - one year scat
I Voir for onrl .
IIS Eugash
IIS Johnson
IIM. Krtghalm
Seal 9 ■ two year seal
(Volf for onr)
III Williamson
IIC, (iord
IIC. Calhson
IICi Harris
Seal II & 13 - two year seal
(Voir for two)
HZ. Kclton
lie Felton III
III Bohrrr-Olancy
IIA Ncit/cl
Seal 14 one year seal
< Volf for onf I
lie Chase
Seal 15 two year seal
(V ole for onf I
IIS Carver
Seal 16 one year seal
I Volf for onf I
IIM Ironic
//( Brtxly
Ballot Measures
(Cm If m/ninse)
ill V or N
92 Y or N
#' Y or N
#4 Y or S
#5 Y or N
#6 Y or N
#7 Y or N
*k Y or N
#9 Y or N
/ /in space left blank far you lo note
any write in candidates you »* ish to
vote for.