Tonija Lynelle Edwards I am running for the office of the IPC because I am dedicated to the idea of students having control over how their money i* spent. As a past IPC chair. I can use my knowledge about internal process and networking with diverse organizations to enhance the IPC process I want to be in a position w here I can work with and educate individuals, groups, or faculty about student empowerment and the many wavs that this power manifests itself. I believe that student government is one of many vehicles where students can express themselves and make a difference on what happens w ith their lives as college students As a non traditional student, I bring a different s icw about college, life, and stuilcnl process into my college experience I want to be able to bring this experi ence into view and enrich the diversity of the student body in a wholistic manner Joel Bruner Having jus! completed my twelfth quarter at the I’nivcrsit) of Oregon. I have had many opportunities to watch and eritiei/e the decisions made hy past members of the A S I O Incidental l ee Committee Mv decision to run lor the I I C during my last year of college was spurred by my need to quit watclung and listening and complaining about what other people are doing, and to start taking part myself. As a potential member ol the lit I think it is time that student money started going where the entire student body feels it should go Oser the last few years. I have read literally hundreds ol letters to the Oregon Daily Emerald editors from people who ate unhappy with l i t' expenditures. Yet. I have never seen any changes in I 1C practices that might show that I I C. members hase read these letters or cared to allocate according to w hat these outspoken students say. as a member ol the I.I C.. I would tlo my best to be aware of what my fellow students are saying, and make choices that please them not me. This brings me to my second point, why docs it always seem like the I I C members have their own agenda’ It has appeared in the past financial allocations have been made according to personal preference, mu student needs I would vote to allocate funds in ways that meet the needs of the student body, not my personal priorities Joey Lyons Hackgrmmd Currently serving as the EMU HoardSecretary an aide to Senator Joyce Cohen, and an Outdoor School Coordinator Willamette University Matthew s Hall President and on the Executive Hall Council Involved in the Unitarian Univcrvalivt movement, av a member of the Continental Youth Steering Committee Experience My history in student government and commu nity leadership i» rich with different experiences. I have serv ed as treasurer for a number of organizations, including my Yinith Group and regional Youth Conferences Working with the EMU Board this year has given me valuable insight into the student process and an understanding of the issues surrounding the IK and ASUO Motivation I am committed to bringing responsibility, leadership and organization to the IK'. As an aetts ist ansi organizer of rallies, demonstrations. Zfc s»vial action leader ship conferences. I have a goal to make the IK' an efficient and open mimics! organization I w ill make sacrifices to meet the needs of the stuslents. and will work to linsl volutions to budget cuts am! growing stmlent needs I have a positive leaslership style, ansi am strongly deOuated to serving student neesls Hie IK' needs to tv an accountable hosly, with responsibility and direction Julia Wallace As a member of the IK' I will he interested in supporting progressive educational programs In order to supps>M cultural diversity on campus lunds must be prostslcsl lor special events, programs and organizations which tvnclil the student hosly My gift m life is my ability to work with bureaucracy in an efficient ami responsible manner I have sis years experience working wiih a children's rights organization ami have raised over $.10,1X10 lor them I was an intern with The Chicago Tribune and two other major newspapers Immediately alter moving here in September. 1 volunteered lor No On U ami helped raise funds for them I understand how difficult it is to raise money, and also how important it is lor the Iff to balance the needs of those who request tuiuls with the needs of the entire student body I am a responsible, organized and active stmlent. amt I have a sense of humor I will base no problem attending the IK' meetings and assisting students who wish to make requests David Kuhn Two words, responsible allocation In the past the IFC has thrown money at programs it has deemed worthwhile Well, now it is time to start listening to the arguments, see the budgets, and alios ate the correct and lair amount of money to fund University of Oregon's students programs 4,5 million dollars is a substantial amount of money and that money comes out of your pocket Unless you don't tare about your money you can go out on election day and write in a vi»ic lor your cousin Rudolph from the Northwest Territory, but you probably cate. So. what it boils down to is elec ling an IFC that will be lair and responsible with your money. I am willing to put in the time and thought necessary to achieve responsible of your funds. I am concerned and I want to help, so vole for David Kuhn for one year term on the Incidental Fee Committee. Carrissa J. Callison The Incidental Fee Committee is an important voice ol the student to the University administration. The I PC is the only such board in the Oregon State Falucalional System that is composed entirely of students, therefore the IFC is extremely important considering that the incidental tees we, ac students, pas arc being used spent by students for student scrsiecs am) groups I believe that there are vital student groups and services that deserve funding. but through careless waste by some, many are not receiving adequate funding to accomplish their goal(s) in an efficient ami effective manner I believe that I wiiuld he an appropriate voice ol the students on this committee because I have worked lot two such services pant lor through imidcntal tecs I am also more than willing to talk to and work with (he groups ami services that arc effected hy the decisionc that the hoard and I make that will directly effect them EMU Board Ont'Yatr Scat Candidates S.W. Conser t"hc |S1l iv 4 righteous plate in .1 Ivautitul wotId I love wielding power tools in (he Cralt Center I love grinding to the jam* in the Ballroom, And I've loved being your Cultural lorum Rim ('oordnutor this pavt year I"his is our spate ITus is the nurturing womb lor students yining .itlsl old I tt s run it Nutt said Keith Rutz \<» Statement Mathew Ha.sek Ms name is Mathew tlasck ami I am running lor the l-.MC Hoard to keep the Hturd focused in issues affecting the student body sush as increasing multicultural awareness on campus Ihc billowing positKms I have held here at the l O that show my commitment to serving tire student Itsly Student Senator for the past yeat and a hall, '»J Summer ( hail of Student Senate, member of the Student Health t otmmttee. and a member of the Assos rated Students (’resident's Advisory Council. Remember when you vote for Mathew llasck you vote tor yourvclt t«h> Two Year Candidates on next page...