ante Committee. I have been a Jorm Treasurer, and competed in intercollegiate sports anil intramural sports I am planning to attend lass school I feel that I hjsc adequate background of the mans different laccts of campus life to sufficiently represent student interests Spencer Lugash So statement Sarah Johnson No statement Scat # 9 Two Year Scat Ginger Gord Background I am currently working as a Desk Assistant in Hamilton Complex. I have studied at the U of O for two years, and last year I voted (big surprise') Senate Interests I’d like to deal realistically with the fallout from Measure 5 and the impending cuts. We must deal with money shortfalls and maintain good student-faculty ratios As a Senator I will be deter mined to work with students and faculty to solve problems and issues Working Style I dtm’t like to force my ideas on others, but rather look at the issues and options and then work together to resolve them I believe I can represent the students in the Science department well, be being available to hear their concerns and standing up for them in the Senate. I am dedicated to the work I choose, and if elected, will pjriictpatc to the fullest Jennifer A. Williamson Hello, my name is Jennifer Williamson and i am running for the Student Senate I want the position of Senator because I know I can make a differ ence on this campus. I believe in a Liberal Arts education in the true sense of the words Our education should reflect the world in which we live The curriculum that l of O offers to its students should provide us with skills, knowledge and open mmdedness that we need to compre hend the intricacies of the world in which we interact I have the experience to be a valuable part of a Senate that will ensure a quality education for the students of the University in the lace of Measure 5. I am currently serving on the Student Health C enter Advisory Board This position has given me the opportunity to work with other student leaders. I also believe that safety on this campus should be a major concern to the Student Senate. Working for Project Sale ride has made me mote aware of the lack of safety of students. I know that the experience I have will nuke me a quality Senator for the students of the UofO. Glenn Harris In the words of the immortal Joe Walsh. "Vote for me!" Carrissa J. Cal li son The Student Senate makes up two thirds of the l niversity of Oregon’s Senate The Senate is responsible for setting University policies, many of which have a direct impact on the student Nxly Through serving i*n the student Senate I would be able to help students through relating their concerns to the University faculty and administration There is no better means by which to effect University policy making process The Student Senate gives this opportunity to any student who is w illing to spend a little time and energy to talk, listen, ansi propose ideas and volutions. I believe I would he an effective voice of the students because I am not afraid to talk to other students, ansi most importantly I'm nsn afraid of standing up fin what I believe is right when it comes to working with faculty and administration to form University policy. Undeclared Music Scat #11 &I3 Two Year Seal Zachary James Kelton It is difficult to explain the many reasons why I am tunning for a second year on Student Senate in such a small space, so I will focus on the key element that has brought me to this decision At the end of this term I will have been a Student Senator for tone year, and the one thing that has been proven to me again and again on the Senate is that when students become involved, anything is possible. Members of the Senate are able lo set and change policy and exert a great deal of influence on the University, and I feel (hat my experience, my imagination and my drive lo see ideas through qualifies me to sit on the Senate that will address concerns affecting everyone, ranging from the continued effects of Measure 5 to campus safety, as well as helping students with individual grievances Charles Fletcher III The Student Senate is the true representative of the student body As a member it would be my goal to work actively not only to represent my major, but to represent the general interests of all students. I would hope to accomplish this by working with the various student unions in an attempt to make the University culturally diverse, yet unified as the student body. My goals also include communication all aspects of the University community, from the Inc idental Fee Committee to the Inter-Fraternity Council and beyond. I realize that it is almost impossible for one person to try to change anything on their own. however. I hope to work with other individuals who realize the potential that i*ur 1'imcntty can achieve Jesse Bohrer Clancy Hello. My name is Jesse Booivr Clancy ami thi* campus need* to i icarn \ i r Dm ptac-c is dead' What's anylxxly around here do (*>» fun anyway ’ (iel drunk, oh that'* original And when »a* the la*t time anyone pulled a gtxxl prank arouml here wiihout any major properly damage. like fumigating the liMI with nitrous mule tlaughing ga*).Now that would he absolutely hilarious Of rig the eampus radio station to broaskast polka music lor 24 hours a day It seems the only people on sarnpus with any sense of humor i* the Oregon Commentator staff, and they're Republicans’ Ihc entire ASl'O olficc is consistently uptight along with the IPC and OPS (yes. I do mean those wild and always wacky OPS officers w hine entire mission in life is to bust YOU for riding yout bike when you shouldn't be) Where is the joy in their dreary lives, what ever happened to that warm fuzzy little duck on your tuition payment envelope I think he died. So lets give that little water fowl mouth to-mouth and get this scluxil back where it should be. the place where Animal Mouse was filmed f leet me and maybe something could happen, who knows, but at least I'll try And if you don't elect me. oh well, there's always nest year Remember • Vote early and vote often Amy Neitzel My background is high school honor society. Students for Peace through Global Responsibility, member of Amnesty International, member of Students for Choice I was also recently selected to be a facilitator lot a Women's Studies 101 class. I lead a small group discussion and encourage openness of opinion among students I am an undeclared *oph<>morc. and my interests arc in soc iology and women's studies. My goals lor the student senate arc to make it more accessible to the students, not just the student government. Additionally, I would like to work with the ASUO govern mcnl to be more open to student input. My special interests for the student senate inc lude promoting women's studies and advocating a stronger program for it at this school Please vote lot Amy Neitzel for Student Senate Business Seat # 14 One Year Scat Cole Chase No Slalemtnl Seat #15 Two Year Seat Scott Carver I have been a student at the University of Oregon for 3 yean, and as a business major I feet that I am able to lend my skills to the Univenity. I have a etrong mlcied in becoming acme in ihc opcrattom of ihc I'mvervily, anil av a member ol the Student Senate. I believe I can make a difference Graduates Law Scat # 16 One Year Carl Brody My name is Carl Hinds and I am interested in running lor the student senate position representing the graduate schools amt lass sch.*>l, currently I am a second year lass student I am originally from Chisago. Illinois, ansi I received my unslergrasluate slegrce from Mossarsl University in Washington l).C As a ne»s memher r>f the Oregon community I bfing a Iresh vies*- of hos* stuslent government is most effective. Also. I would like to reintroduce the University t»>thc las* school as a vocal representative lor my classmates My perception is that the las* school has been separates! from the general University, mentally am! physically It is my hope that I will be able to bridge this gap as a student representative for the law school, while bring forth a diverse view as we enact the important policies which the University will follow in the tulurc Michael A. Frome In my five years on campus. I've noticed that University politics sutlers from a "groupthink" mentality that needs to be challenged i*n occasion Decisions that atfcct alt the students on this campus must not he rcachcsl sc uhoul contemplation of the possible impact on the silent majority who could care less about campus politics fboper decision making requires intelligent debate not IK senators voting as a block. My goal as a Student Senator is to ensure that I represent (iraduatc and Law students in a responsible, (houghllul manner that will not promote the narrow interests of ccriam groups of students, but also the entire University. As a Student Senator. I will be unyielding in my criticism of poorly thought out proposals before the University Senate and University Assembly. I will be a constant source of irritation to those who seek to make policy based solely on what is the right thing to do instead of the right and reasonable thing to do. I may agree with everything proposed on the Senate, but I refuse to accept anything without proper consideration of the effects on the University.