Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 19, 1993, supplement, Page 4B, Image 16

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Scat#I & 3
Two Year Seal
Joshua Thomas
The University of Oregon is presently
in need of dedicated and concerned
ASUO memben I consider myself
qualified for a scat on the Student
Senate by those standards, and would
serve fairly and impartially while
considering general University
policies and issues. Student Senators
represent University students as a
whole Hot that reason, it is important
to choose wonhy representatives —
representatives such as Joshua W.
Katherine M. Waters
If elected as a Student Senator. I feel
that my fair-mindedness would be my
greatest attribute This character trait
would enable me to accurately
represent a large percentage of l! of O
students I have attended the U of O
for three years and am closely in
touch with the thoughts and feelings
of a variety of my fellow students.
As a member of the Student Senate, I
would always encourage people from
the student body to express their
opinions to me openly and honestly.
My diplomatic personality enable me
to examine an issue from all sides
before discerning judgement
As a journalism student. I am trained
to disseminate information in an
objective manner. This background
would help me to serve well in a
position where I represent a w ide
range of other students. As a
representative of other students. I
would always make sure that I have
considered all angles of an issue
before casting my vote
My personal values hold integrity and
respect for all people extremely high
If elected to this position. I vow fair
and equal representation for the divers
population of the student body.
Jenny Steedly
No Slalrmrnl
Ariana Mull
Background I was involved in High
School debate and the American Field
Service Program (International
exchange). I've maintained an
awareness of student politics since my
arrival here at the U of O, and would
like to get more involved.
Senate Interests There is definitely a
need to deal with the Multi-Cultural
issues on campus, and am prepared to
become more familiar with ihc goal*
ami realistic achievements that can be
done. I see a need to address ethnic
and cultural issues in the Senate, and
will push to create a forum for this
As a Senator, one of m> main goals is
to make more people aware of the
issues student government is dealing
with, I realize that right now I am not
as involved or knowledgeable as
others, but working in and with other
students will motivate me to foster an
aware stuslcnt body.
Pcrvmal I'm a freshman living in a
Women's Co-op preparing to study
pre-journalism neat fall. As an
elected ofTicial. I am committed to
serving the students, and participating
in the Senate I tike to work with
people, and glean from other people's
knowledge and points of view
Please vote for Artana Mull Senate 2
Seat # 2 & 4
One Year Scat
Jennifer Bohme
A\ a journalism major, I am interested
in running for a student senate
position I rcjli/c the importance of
University policies to students within
my major, and would act as a
competent liaison Considering the
many changes that have taken place
w ithin the Journalism School, a strong
affiliation must he made between the
department and the University, I feel
that I could he effective, and would
represent the needs and concerns of
Journalism students.
Tessie Talarsky
No Slalfmenl
Micheal Omogrosso
My name is Michael Omogrosso and I
am a third-year undergraduate student
of journalism Empowering students
is my platform. I will help you help
yourself by showing you how to have
improvements or grievances involving
the university experience heard in
circles of power on campus And. I
will help you follow through with
these ideas or concerns to increase the
chances that they will he implemented
or a satisfactory resolution achieved.
Dennis Bolt
I have been a Student Senator
representing Architecture arnl Allied
Arts and Journalism since the end of
Fall term. I was appointed, after
applying, and am just gening
acquainted with Senate procedures
Having the experience of being a
Freshman Senator. I feel that I can
fully represent students during the
not year I try to be unbiased in most
matters. because I don't have a lot of
pre judged opinions. Hence, I
endeavor to look at any ivvucv that
tame up in the University Senate with
a Irevh mind, ant) make my decisions
with students like myself in mind I
welcome input from students in my
ASUO mailho*. when I hold office
hours m the ASUO office, and when I
am in my second home, my architec
ture studio. I hope that! can continue
representing you. while gaming
knowledge of leadership here at the
University of Oregon.
Language Arts
Arts & Letters
Seat #5 & 7
Two Year Scat
David A.M.
As a Mcxican-Jewish American. I
have learned the importance of
diversity through my own observa
tions of the ignorance and cultural
insensitivity that exists in our society.
Recently as Student Senator (Seat *5)
I voted for a bill that will expand the
Race (sender requirement from one
course to two courses. This amend
ment will allow the requirement to
more effectively nice: the intentions
of the original proposal — to insure
that every U of O graduate has the
tools she needs to begin to compre
hend the complexity behind the
diversity issues that challenge our
The passing of the bill was an
important step in making sure that the
U of O continues its pursuit of
diversity, while acknowledging the
financial constraints Measure 5
prix'ccds to impirsc on us
I seek rc-elcvtu*n to the Student
Senate, in return I pledge to continue
my efforts as an instrument of cultural
and human understanding within the
Senate body
Hillary Aitken
Background High school Debate
team, member of Cynthia Wooten’s
campaign, member of College
Democrats and Students for Choice. I
am currently an intern for a freshman
seminar. Crucial Human Issues. This
provides me with the opportunity for
direct interaction with incoming
students. Further. I gain the prospec
tive of the professor by leading
discussions and encouraging student
Presently: I am a sophomore in the
Honors College, studying English.
Senate Interest' Concerned with
student faculty interaction - I would
like to work to create smaller
discussion groups that encourage
independent student thought. Sec a
need to develop a venue for more
opportunities for student scholarships.
Style I recognize this unique
opportunity to have a direct involve
ment in my educational experience
and am determined to bring a high
level of responsibility and commit
ment to the Senate.
Please vote for Hillary Aitkcn for
Student Senate.
Seat # 6
One Year Seat
Chris Fox
It appears to me that there is a lack of
responsible people on this campus
who have any interest as to what
happens in the governmental office,
especially the Student Senate. I am.
however, interested in the challenge
that being on the Senate would
present. I think that if I were on the
Senate. I would try my best to enact
legislation that could improve this
I also believe there are many problems
on this campus that affect students,
problems only students can confront
or solve. The Senate could be a
powerful facility, one that could deal
with many of the problems students
face If elected. I will try my best to
create solutions to the long-term and
everyday problems all students must
deal with I will use the Senate as a
tool, to improve the campus commu
nity. making it better for students.
Elle T. Ernst
The University is undergoing a time
of change and uncertainty. As
University students we must not
compromise, but continue to further
our University environment. Students
need to get involved I know that my
position on the Student Senate alone
won't cause any sort of University
revolution, but I plan to use my voice
to make sure the students are heard
and seen as the most important reason
that the University of Oregon eaists.
Social Science
Seat # 8
One Year Seat
Matt Krigbaum
I wn currently on the Senate Gricv