Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 19, 1993, supplement, Page 3B, Image 15

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    President/Vice President
Eric M. Bowen &
Diana Collins Puente
Bowcn/Collins Puente comprise a unique Mend of leadership style and cxpcri
cncc in addressing student concerns. Through our years of involvement we know
that the only way to guarantee student justice is to take direct action and tight tor
common goals.
The ASUO must commit to fight for equality of opportunity and strive to provide
a fair, just, and supportive University Community. We will apply continued
pressure on the State Legislature to ensure access to a quality higher education at
a minimal cost based upon replacement revenue.
There is no excuse for poor money management nor excessive student taxation.
Wc believe that the student fee process should be changed restructuring,
monitoring and reducing the fee. Wc will reorganise the ASUO to emphasise
responsible money management by creating a Fundraising Coordinator who
would facilitate alternative revenue generation and decrease reliance upon
student taxation.
It is our belief that the ASUO should foster a community where each individual
is respected, valued, and their safety is protected; a place where encounters with
others arc seen as opportunities for learning It is our priority to establish a
Multicultural Center to foster a sense of community through personal interaction
and increased awareness of diverse cultures.
It is our goal to provide a hospitable environment for all students and actively
meet changing student needs beginning with the creation of a Non traditional
Student Coordinator and an International Student Coordinator.
If you want diverse, experienced, proven leadership to represent you. vote
Bowcn/Collins Puente April 20th & 21st!
Leslie Warren &
Mark Johnson
Innovative leadership requires experience, action, anti commitment.
Leslie Warren and Mari Johnwvn have what it takes
Leslie is currently the Director of the Black Student Union (BSU), Co
Director of Black Women of Achievement (BWA), Co Founder and
Coordinator of Students of Color Building; Bridges, Chair of Affirma
live Active Advisory Board’s Sub-Committee for Student Concerns.
Appointed student member of the International College Master Planning
Committee, and Appointed student member of the Multicultural
Curriculum Committee.
Mark is the Coordinator of (lie Dorothy Project, a program designed to
assist in the educational and medical need of children in Uganda,
founding member of the Tan/anian Association of Anthropologists and
Archeologists, ami has worked to correct the foreign exchange market
for the government of Tanzania Mark has also worked as a factional
violence mediator in South Africa
Leslie ami Mark arc committed to actively pursuing diversity in
education ami our community, reducing costs ami increasing options for
child care, holding regular town meetings am) Saturday office hours,
facilitating an "Adopt-A Lightpost" campaign to improve campus
lighting, developing better methods of reporting hate crimes, and
providing more self-defense ami safer sex work simps
Our global perspective ami continued involvement demonstrates
collaborative efforts to keep students our number one priority. We
approach problems differently, seeking creative solutions, and we
follow through because of our passion, commitment, and ability to reach
out to students and act on their needs We care about students and the
community. We actively encourage and facilitate personal connections
rather than maintaining the status quo.
Lor a new way of thinking, vote lor Warren and Johnson!
Todd Newman
The President's Advisory Cooru.il is not a
forum for personal griping or advancing
individual agendas, it is one of the leu
opportunities for students to directly tell the
University president about student life Those
serving on ASPAC should be able should be
able to bring a broad, diverse set of experi
ences to the committee I am a 37-year-old
graduate student, father of two young children.
I serve on two University committees (Family
Housing Board and University Child Care and Family Services), and am the
Chair of ihc Chair of ihc Tenants Council of Westmoreland Family Housing I
have friends and acquaintances from all comers of the University, and believe I
have a cmpathic and insightful understanding of what student life is for many of
us here at U.O. Serving on ASPAC will all me the regular opportunity to share
with the president the nature of student life the problems, pressures, anxieties,
excitement, challenges, hassles, rewards. Most of all. 1 would do rn> best to get
across a student perspective of University issues
Chris Glasgow
A friend of once told me that opportunities don’t happen, they are made In
running for a student office, the candidate is making the opportunity. It is this
opportunity to do something for the University of Oregon, the student body, and
lor my self which I hope to take advantage of by attaining an ASPAC position.
My motivanon as a peer adv isor for the past three terms has led to my position
as coordinator Working one on one with the students has given me a chance to
talk to them and determine their needs and wants. As a member of the
President’s council. I will continue to work with the students and listen to their
needs. What it all comes down to us this I want to try. When elected. I will
demonstrate that I have the credentials ami experience to he an exemplary
advisor on the council.
Michele Johnson
No Slulrmfnt
The ASIJO Klections Guide is published once a year in j
accordance with Election rules. The statements con
tained within this guide are solely those of the candi
dates and have only been reprinted by the Elections
Board; the only editing has been for spelling
While this guide does contain information from each
registered candidate the Elect lomJioard encourages
all students to attend candidate forums provided
several times prior to the elections.
The ASUO encourages all students to partu ifHite in
the electoral process.
1992 -1993 Election Board Members:
Tracy Dennis
Nicole Sabourin
Korcn Jarvis
Kristy Gorman
Steve Such
James McC'affcrty
Election Guide design by James McCaffcrty
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