Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 19, 1993, supplement, Page 2B, Image 14

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Measure #1
Shall the students pay a one time fee of $2.45
per student per term ($3.67 per semester for
law students) for one year, generating approxi
matcly $109,025 for remodeling and start up
costs to establish a Multi-Cultural Center for
the University Community. The center will
serve students, administrators, faculty, staff,
graduate teaching fellows, and community
members to enhance the academic, cultural,
and residential experience of students while
incorporating the educational vision of
exploring the complexities of cultural and
ethnic diversity.
Measure #2
Shall the students fund a pilot "Sexual Assault
Hxamination Fund" at the Student Health
Center in order to provide funds to students
who are unable to afford a Sexual Assault
Kxam through a one time fee of 17 cents per
U of O ID card. Registered law student's
identification cards are valid until the first day
of the next consecutive semester class.
Any student run wishing to utilize or support
bus service to campus, may obtain a refund
during the first two weeks of classes each term
Measure #5
Shall a Student Incidental Fee be established at
SI.26 per student.per term, to generate
$56,000 to fund a Nontradilional Student
Office ’ Nontnidmonal students arc students
over die age of 25 and or arc students who are
parents. Tins amount includes $3,000 in one
time expenditures ami $53,000 in operating
dollars This will pay lor an office, a director,
work study positions, and printing updated
editions of the Practical Guide to C ampus
Resources for the Nontradilional Student. The
office will support nontradilional students by
serv ing as a central information gathering,
coalition budding, and resource and referral
Ballot Measures
si mien I pci term (26 tents |Kr semester tor law
students) tor one year generating appmxi
match $7,56V
Measure #3
Tl»e Family Center, Room 27 I Mil is a
project funded through fistal sear '92 '91 by a
ora" year Strategic Planning Fund award tor the
purpose of establishing a centrally located
child friendly lounge to supply unique re
source and referral services for campus
families To date the Center has served
approximately 450 students w ith needs related
to child care and family support The Family
Center is slatted by work study students and
interns Shall a permanent student Incidental
Fee Ik established at SO.25 per student quarter
to generate approximately SI 2,(XX), to Ik
administered by the ASUO. to pros idc
continued funding of the Family Center? Tins
funding will supplement any moneys provided
from the University Administration.
Measure #4
Shall the Student Incidental Fee be establish'd
at S6 00 per student per term, to generate
approximately $294,900 to fund unlimited bus
service within the Lane Transit District Service
area for all currently registered U of O
Students for the 1993-94 fiscal year? I .aw
students would pay $9.00 per student per
regular semester and $6.00 per student for
summer semester. Unlimited bus service
means any currently registered IJ of O students
may ride any LTD bus any where in Lane
Transit District's service area, as often as
desired, by show ing the bus driver an U of O
identification card validated to the current
Unlimited bus service wciuld be provided
between consecutive terms. For example a
student registered for fall term, may present a
validated U of O identification card and ride
until the first day of Winter term. If this
student is registered for Winter term, the
student may continue to ride by presenting a
validated card for winter term. Students
registered for summer term may rule until the
first day ol Fall term by presenting a validated
office, ottering personal assistance and
adv ocac y
Measure #6
Shall the ASUO Constitution be amended to
add Sections 6.13. 7.9, and 9.13 as follows
h i t A quorum ot the IK' shall meet at least
once during any three week period, exclusive
of dead weeks, final weeks, and weeks when
the lull University is not in session, Failure to
do so will be subject to disciplinary action
under section 9.13
7.9 A quorum of the Student Senate shall meet
at least once during any three week period,
exclusive ol dead weeks, final weeks, and
weeks when the full University is not in
session. Failure to do so will be subject to
disciplinary ac tion under section 9.1.3
9.13 Upon the failure of a quorum of the IFC
or die Student Senate to meet at least once
during any three week period the Constitution
Cduri shall have the authority to remove all
members of the appropriate governing body.
Measure #7
Shall the ASUO Constitution be amended to
add Section 9.14 as follows
All rules, resolutions, and policies established
by the ASUO Executive office, the Incidental
Fee Committee, the EMU Board, and the
Student Senate shall be reviewed and approved
by the Constitution Court for compliance with
the ASUO Constitution before going into
effect The Court shall respond as required in
Sec. 9.9.
Measure #8
Shall the Associated Students of the University
of Oregon issue a public statement demanding
that Senator Bob Puck wood resign from the
United States Senate due to his admitted acts
of sexual harassment.
Measure #9
Shall the Associated Students of the University
of Oregon issue a public statement declaring
that the Oregon Citizens Alliance is wrong,
abnormal, and perverse.