Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 19, 1993, Page 12A, Image 12

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    Learn Something This Term
That Can Save A Life
C.P.R. Workshop
Oat Certified NOW! .
$10 Fee Includes:
• 4 Hour Class • Instruction Booklet
. Red Cross C.P.R. C ertification Card
• For registered UO students only
• Cancellations must be 24 hours m advance or student
veil be charged lor workshop
• CPU classes heldm Studen'Health Center Catetena
April 21, Wed - 5pm-9pm April 24, Sat. - 9am-1 pm
April 26, Mon. - 5pm-9pm April 27, Tuev • 6pm-IOpm
April 29. Thurs • 5pm-9pm May 3. Mon. *5pm-9pm
May 5, Wcd.-5pm-9pm May 8, Sat.-9am-1 pm
May U,Tucv-6pm-10pm
Register Eerlg! • 346- 2770
Sfttmuvrd /» ihr \iwltru llrulih < rnirr Ij/nhle 1‘Uinnmt I’m t mm
April 18-25,1993
Remembering the Holocaust
4*tt S
Memorial Service
Service to remember those who
perished in the Holocaust
Temple Beth Israel, 4:00 p.m.
Candlelight Vigil
Vigil commemorating ihe gay and
lesbian victims of the Holocaust
F.WU C ourtyard, 7:00 p.m.
mtmdtktf mput t9
Survivors and liberators
Panel of Holocaust survivors and
liberators discussing hale and
genocide in 1993.
Gumwood Room, KMU 7:00 p.m.
PaauaSWsr agsr/ 20
US Rescue Efforts in
Politics or Total Mar
Professor Dalui Offer, of Hebrew
University in Jerusalem, will speak
on the Allies and the late of the
European Jewry
Gumwood Room. FMU 7:00 p.m.
Reception will follow in the Kir Room
awedWruWop aguf 21
The Nature of Evil
Professor Mickey Rothbart examines
the Milgram's Experiment.
100 Willamette Hall. 7:00 p.m.
(Am%nt+f +p*U 22
(iypsies in Europe
Professor C arol Silverman will speak
about the Gypsies’ lifestyle and their
extermination during the Holocaust
Ben Kinder Room, KMl' 3:30 p.m.
Revolt of Job
Academy award nominated Hungarian
movie ab»mt Jew ish life in Eastern
l.urispc before the Holocaust
IK0 Pl.t’, 7:00 p.m. Free Admission
(%ni4Uf 23
Memorial .Service and Shabhat
Koinonia Center, 6:00 p.m.
awdWy apuf 25
Brave Old M’orld
ITic world renown Kle/mcr Quartet
Beall Hall, 7:30 p.m.
SK Students Seniors
$10 General Public
"A moral society is
committed to
memory, for truths
are the things which
cannot be forgotten."
—Elie Weisel
Holocaust Survivor
Nobel Laureate
Afternoon movies:
Films about life during the Holocaust
Monday through Wednesday
Ben Linder, EMU 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Sponsored by Jewish Student Union, the
Siqrtui Alpha Mu Judaica Fund and Hi 1 lei
For more information call J46-J4bt
Continued from Page 7 A
from her specially, the 400
meter run, to win the 200 in
24 tH
Hamilton took time out from
signing autographs to win the
BOO-meter run in a modest
2 oh 14 Hamilton set the pace
from the start and won by a com
fortable margin over Weber
State's Shawna Co*.
Hamilton, a former Wist.on.sin
star, said she was running in
Eugene to "toughen up."
"I did a workout about a week
ago, and it was hailing It was the
hardest weather I had ever run
in.! just think about that day and
know ! can handle anything
now." Hamilton said. "It makes
vou tougher to run here, that's for
sure I'm enjoying it and I feel like
I'm getting stronger and tougher
Hamilton, who has been train
ing in Kugene for several weeks,
said there were several reasons
she chose to run at the Oregon
Invitational rather than the larg
er Mount .SAC meet in U>s Ange
"I don't want to travel a lot. the
meet was right here, my coach is
here, and my husband came to
visit me," Hamilton said. "Kvery
thing was in my favor to lie here."
Continued from Page 8A
week in Corvallis Mills was runner-up at the Bruin Classic in
November when she shot 22‘» as an individual.
Following the Pac-10 tournament, the Ducks will wait to see if
they are invited to the regional championships in May. The top fin
ishers at regional* will compete in the NCAA championships later
in May Oregon has never qualified for the national championships
in women's golf.
Enjoy Spring Cleaning
With Our Easy to Use
Bring your comforters, throw
rugs and sleeping bags.
Eugene’s Largest^Js^Avi*^
Front-Loading :
Washer! 3
k50* WASH A
Early mornino
weekday special
8-11 am
240 E. 17th
(Between High & Pearl)
Join ui for
the seventeenth annual
Ktthl Lec ture
Si'onsoted hy the *u tun>l of Jintrnah&tn
and i omniunu alum
"Let's Stop Abusing
the First Amendment"
Joann Byrd '64
The Washington Tost
Washington. D.C.
lursdat. April 20. IW
Alumni l.ounge. Gcrlmgcr Hall
I 30 p m
Joann Bvrd ha-, been ombudsman at The Washington Host
since June 15. l*bJ2. Before that. she wasexciuinc editor
of The Herald, a 60.000 circulation dads in F.scrett. Wash
mg ton, tor more than 10 scars
t his Icclutc is made possible with an endowment gilt made in
me mors ol Robert Kulil. cdilor ol the Medford Mail Tribune