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AiniWHi rom ^ 605 e! 13ttT^ WRITING HELP iour papara. profacta, ale. adtttna. proofing. A* aut> .-a - - * - — A RL«Mt^tta--a W W|M5- RlwMM MW PRO/EDIT 343-2747 DMMfMM# BuithlMdi Dark wood. (100 488-0771 floiartfadat. navar mad Ut*m imp 7 iig 880 CaP 3411131 Stuff you naadf Bo S ama* dorm ra ixgaratora ptu* net Fup 12 ipaad t*a Paul 344 1771 130 FCR SALE MlSC Out TARS QALOMCI IA.KI «ni u> 4* uMl AMc CAKWM And «bw*o* ITMT !W p~nw3S1 W S» Ilk# nra coucb & «ww« '»<• cotw* OKVXA o» ODOM can* Nmpng «*mp A makftng fKlui* *300 to* a* Ml? Sfe9.' »n»* Qu aan bad 11*0. twtn Mon wtram* IIU SHARP ponabt* I1*H wCO t doubt* cwMIA *2*0. F R**bok> u 7 *40 ruo *80- 8M-U17 t U5CARS TRUCKS h Fac# M. thot* Quota laana may look b*n*r on aom*on**l*t TIi* Cloth** Hon* 7201 IWi 34VSOM Chryaiar Labaron ■«*« * mm g>*al. low it.im. aa pow* *>. *i>00 obo 3400875 O.W3-5901_ 1972 VW VAN Nice ShaperNot running S500 obo/trade for Bug _ 464-3168 eves a* Ptaiuda SI itonda *«i 5 «w 10.000 on n*w motor Cons* a** $7100 603 3363 *4 Audi Coup* lad wac* brrt. low mAwa pw*o ale. waal vupa. Ho. hctSaWOobo 3458828 m«*taq* "isS'rofdTiacort-fi*~riui!r~iZr' ttoanno *uio amdm. *1800 0804071_ iwMOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 'M Yamaha M acootor low m4*a, nm* graat. anhalmal. or or on road $660 abo 34? IBM 156 BICYCLES M Brtdgaatana Spcm lounog H«. 2T* tram* md‘» tat* gw aaai. wato torn# rxudar $<$0ot>o 343 6443 166 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS IBM AT. color moortor. pnntar «oHww# tcI $360 .’41 /96i MactntoaK SI 4 mb. Wfid, ««!(« 40mb 60 A «fppy $660 /4 I 7961 Mac i n 10*6 SC ? floppy r*tr dH**. Imagawruar II prmlar l A* km* t worry tpgradad, $/00 060 663-4103 XT-OOMBAT 40 MB. MO. loppy *>1 kayboard color monaor. mouaa. wrtolu*. word $?50 000666-360? r SOUND SYSTEMS CABHttl Ma buy. *•• and aamca VMS VOTa and ataraot Thompaon Bac tronca. 1123 0* 343 92/3 Black toanaJ 1X1/0 atocmc girtar. gg bag. coxM raid bandar amp. $300 /41-/961 laam YOUR lavotaa tonga* Guitar, kayboard baas knuwna. a* aiytoa Jonn SMakay 34? 9643 Baaaaf Haritag* amp 2«i2~. 120» Ana >tr«r copy. Hat*. $260 aaen 343 5134 Paavay 300 wad BA haad 4 channai. moita graat tor yocala. monitor* or both. (ISO 1*1 on oar a dtoc changar. |ua1 tunad up. S12» 406622/ hr* HCAOMQ FOB CUBOBC TMt SUM MER/ Only $260"’ Jar thar* ANYTIME tor $269 from th* Wap Coaal $'69 Horn tha Eaal Coaal rph AiRMlTCH* (Raportod rn Lara Go1 A NY Trmaa) 160039/1098 Read the ODE Classifieds everyday... It’s reading ^ at it’s best. ■ KiOPPCB< ALWAYS WAMTCO TO nr? Otacouet »ys>g now let only S2S1 C«A Sec* on oampu* M3 SAW FAA CwtAart I *f-i waructot LCC tiMmcln and too adult*, non stnoaass. saak mg • bout# to W July June QlADfc* 3AJ-I57S NOTAAY FOtMOATKM SCMOLAMMAS TO* SAM On* award ayasat** tor tmaa months study abroad on* lor u» mon»i« and on* lot it acauame yaar Baar •> pana** oovarad Oatnrfi cat >u 2*10 or JM ?«J betot* July 1 19*3 tmm*d Qfajggh EXPAND YOUR HORIZONS Tha Sfcrdam Owntabon S*a" oraMs you to tox mam m watoowawg new students lo DO by serving as a vot utYaat HOST Mods welcome n«w students antwar questions and help tmpsement the New Student Orient# Hon actvAie# M This opportunAy oilers many 'a ward* You wd gar. a graatar snoas adga o* campus, ua* satisfaction at nailing now students adyusi to cam pus Me and racawa a baa 1 aiwt Find ool mora about Bus tartest* op pottunAy and K* up mot* mtorm* ton at m* Dean ol Students Otltc*. Ma Oagon Ha* &gn up by Apts 2to HELP WANTED Apartment Mensgsr melted UXfS re'll oertt. send munt to B >’ M 1430 mtamette No 189 lucent OR 07401 ATTN Career Seeker* Standard to eurance Company a hosting an open meeting tor as studtmts rnteretted m a caraer in Insurancef nanoal Consul mg Maple Hoorn ( MU Wed April 7' fe 30 to 7 JOpir, CAMP STAFF NEEOCO For ccarte amme -ev;Vt! camp Must be teaponMAe carrng and ener gear Salary room A board pruwded Cal Weatem tbvery Get Scout Council, 495 59U Cnriee Hoe Entry level on boamlandeide Poemon* aval mm m«ry» rtemd 714 549 "jfetr CRUISE SHIPS NOW HMNNO Earn S7000e.man«i . wood bevel Hobday Summar and Car eer employment aval atpe. No aepanwKa ryeoeeaary For emptoymen program caa t 206934 0468 ad 06089 ■ANN I1SO0 WEEKLY nwkng our or cotarf Beget NOW FREE pecker SEVS Dept 249 Bor 4000. Cordova. TN 39018 4000 Earn $7 Fast! Cottage akidentm needed to M out Survey Native Engasn speakers only 57 tor about 50 mmutes 4AXM3. 9 t 'AM EMU Map*# Hm GUARANTEED »400 Tec student dubs needed tor ta* pro tect Your group GUARANTEED at least 5400 Must can BEFORE END OF TERM I 800*32 0528 art 99 gun ^affey ^I^esort Spend ike summer working «l kcautiful Sub Valley, Idako. S5 per kr., dorm-type kousing amilaklc. 1/2 price recreation, free swimming. Sign up (or interviews at tkc student employment office or call 346-3214 ji; HELP WANTED NOWHMMQ for losa positions ? O (Vector* « ABMmo i Ohee Menace! a! SSOcmo < Speak t lentVvoiunteer <. cvitnator * iAAfmo Appacaton* A art: dMcrc*on» e> KiflA once tune 3f9 Ffi 34* 3360 OetuSn* f n Apm 30P» AArEOC kSCROCOSIPUTER SERVICES now accepting Mudem appfcanon* for to* net Xewy poebon Mud Have macro oompuiw low, good communication arid o*g«mjatronai teat Starr ng pay 5.35-SMrtioie Appfy toom 280 Com putmg Center____ POSTAL JOSS Sun StlAtflu ptu* benefit* For ap pAcaaonmto. cad i »t*-3?«-?i0? 7 ASM PPM 7dey* POSTAL JOSS avertable many poa. Uoni greet benefit* Can l 4M0-436 436S ait P3309 Reaearch aeelatam or niaoc.nl* to help m oonttruckon of generic linkage map of human chromoaome 11 Need Knowledge of bate molecular Oology tachruguea'aom* computer duoa Sate ry dependent on erperrence Send re turn* A 3 reference > addreteeft A Ph n io Or Mae Let. Dapt of Molecular and Mertcei genetic* l 333. Oregon Heath A Sconce Umvertrty Portland. onarjct xm f*. sarwMM Rea idem menegeri wanted. fS-66 una». UO local on tend return* lo PO BOX i f«68. Eugene OR. 97*40 SfIZEO CARS, truck* boat*, a wheel art mofcxhomae, by FBI. IRS. DE5 araAaet* your area now Cal 1-600-43*4363 *«1 C)?10 INTERNATIONAL CMPLOTSKNT Make money taechmg bate convert* ■on* Engtwn abroad Japan and Tar wan Many provide room A board phit other benefit*' Mate S700C $4000 « per month No premout iremog or leeching carirVale '*qu»ed For am ploymeni program can (706) 63? I 14* eat J606B JOH FOR NEXT TEAR ESCAPE F eld Stud** ■* accepting appwahont lor Ovecfor A 1*1 (Vector PM Special at. Office Mgr. Dnneon Head* (Putkc Schooft, fkiman Service*. Outdoor School A leader *hp Tr*nwg) and GTF* (Pupae School* A Human Sar wee) Application* (m EMUM-nn are due Apr* ?3rd Cat 34*4351 lor mto A/anf you glad you read ttu*? Earn caah Muffing envelope* at home A* •-atenai* prowdad Send SASE to PO 9M3Sprmoh*rd. MO66601 BuMnaee Mafors Hands on iu» spc* Business Manager at Northwest Havana MuM be' computer savvy" CM J0M M 3BI sfterrioons Btacketone Manor - Eum. 2 bedroom apt. *495 Mngr 6870664 Patterson Manor ■ Oean. spacious. I bedrtnept $350 Mngr 3*4 7140 Von Klein Property Mgmt '301 ferry St - 486 77/6 CASK Wan Wt lanced yen) south E ugene 3439564 Campus Apartments Furnished. iA2 Bedrooms. Winter rates 5375.6525 4*62923 GREAT HOUSE. 9 t*i from UO, 2 rms awMi starting 5r.S 667 5634 Simon l*ra Laaas lor summer 3 badrm. $350 Protease lor lad! mo tree' 3 badrm. S696 Both teas men 1 Wot* from cam pus recovered parsing 686 9499 or 461-0196_ See SECTIOR 114 lor all your typing needs SPRING SPECIAL 1475, 2 badrm. fully equipped Me. beautifully land on busline, batter hurry! 4*6-1352 or 343-6357 Only *41 Site hen. Unique, one badrm on campus, utili ties paid, laundry, first * last plus dspoalt 4*6-736*. WALK TO CAMPUS Spacious, bght I badrm balcony, parsing, laundry, $335 » deposit 967 Penerson Heal E stale Northwest _741 25Q4_ CAMPUS EVENTS 2ii APTS DUPLEXES PROSPECT PARK 2 betKoom apartment aval now. quiet country atmosphere wrconvemant city location, other taahjta* include pool, tamdA)a* cts r*c loom and playground. nabt past 25th arc Cham bar* 484*553 t/1 BLOCK FROM CAMPUS Studio. on ate laundry tac*tie». S3Q5'mo 4850790 1 and 2 bedroom opt avanatxa laun dry pacing, security clow to campus 48* 992? 1 badroom turmahed apt near muvc tudg. t380imo. neat included Call alter 2pm Ridgewood Apt* 688 5789 CEDARWOOD QUADS «4i E inn Private room*. ALL UTILITIES PAID, on vie laundry Giaal 'ate* from S236' CaA Br»an at 688 0597 IF OBCaT YllriaAOi; _aaearwaaia_ Lr Enjoy Dm beauty of woods and wildlife la super Row pUa 2 BDRM, I '/iBATH '49S&'5I5/iiioiiIIi • Bui to c»nftu« • Swimniinf Pool • Room •Sami 1L Eagnx |DwU A F«Mn| ^687-1318. CAMPUS EVENTS Muslim Student Association presents “The Genocide in Bosnia, an Eyesore to Humanity: An Islamic Perspective” Imam Muhammad al-Asi, President of the Islamic Education Center Washington. DC. 12:00-1:30 pm, April 20 • Oak Room, EMU 2iC HELP WANTED immmxxxTxnxi Summer Opportunities Summer is rapidly approaching. You're probably wondering how to combine the fun of summer with the reality of working. At Harrah's Reno the summer is the most exciting time of the year! The area's recreation activities abound with golf, tennis, water skiing, boating, hiking, fishing or just relaxing in the High Sierra sun on the beaches of Lake Tahoe, less than an hour's drive from Reno. And work is just as much fun, with the continuous thrill of greeting new guests and meeting the day's challenges. We are looking for enthusiastic, outgoing applicants who would enjoy serving our guests. Personnel Representatives from Harrah's Reno will be on campus, Wednesday, April 21st and Thursday, April 22, 1993 to interview for summer positions in the gaming and food service departments. You are invited to complete an application and sign up for an interview in your Student Employment Office, Room 12 Hendricks Hall. Hanatfs. CASINO HOTEL RENO The Better People Place. EEOM/F U.S. AND AUTHORIZED ALIENS