Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! too birthday greetwgs HAPPY »nd toooy c ft* ftaady 4 30 Saturday LOVE. THE SMUGGLERS 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS K AW Co*gratut«ion* fOv* t »ova & RotWl W<* you '*» V ■* « tHt f A i TM| T A CHI POKI « MKiHT Ihuf April ?? at M25 { t9tfi 105 PERSONALS Univerttiy of Of egon Single* i ftoa442 ?oao **i 135 11\ ()|)K V v>!&!i tw** ^>h/yxJ 1«tm p^-WV^J W* tftWft'O VH . . f ON CAMPUS’ FLYING FINGERS typing n*tvk« Fust tccuraft. laser St 00 page up Professions writer at your sanrtce to write edit 464 9030 JO THE TYPING PRO Word Proccrtain^f;' dWwgff ytw»g These* Dissertations on law' _C——»0O00 myttme TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara Lund *” 40S-3343 Serving UO wm wi:« 1901 125 INSTRUCTION FABRIC MARBLING Create your own ma»b*«1 dattgns on fat*C uftmg Wv«» ancient arTfcwm Pont on tabncs can be uttu«d to* yen home decorations and ott** pro reel» $22 members $20 non mem tw'*v Mondays 6 30 9 00 pn" Apr# 20 ?7 I MU OMI Conte* 346 4 *6» WRITING HELP For «i! your paper ft. projects, etc Writing, editing, proofing All sub feels end styles Affordable end convenient PRO/EDIT 343-2747 ■BKEOjOaHI Detachable Bunkbed* Dark wood, $100 485-0772 QLHTARS GAl.ORt’ Mw(.« at <«m 1 ii« kind* Atoo cameras and mwi Hi/) and Sol Cantor __36 t W Irfr* Lika naw couch A tovearrat ‘-11 *vts oi o*o/w». can* han^^ng lamp A matching i rcture $300 Vv ak 66/ 3697 ev«4 Oumh bad $160. twin luton w Irama $1*5. SHARP portable starao w CO * doubt* chmIU $2*0 F Reabok* U 7 $40. rug $50 ***-3337 Rol tor blade* neve* M>1 l -wlc-, osa 7 I V SNH* 3422131 _ Stuff you Man Bg * *ma» dorm ru* ingerator* plus nc« Fuy 12 Ken) b*e Paul 344 i7?i_ Died lunlarl rowing machine $65 New Sharp PA 3000 6 Portbl eiec ' Ironic typewriter $4$ 343-5137 eve or hr man* _ Wood Irama *>*a i * >' i-ibr wt .v-‘ Good condbOn C*1 663 1807 ii'tnr 6 OGpm or i pew-gr The Clothe* Hors*, the Kentucky Darby ol re late 720 € 13th 345-5099 Hi CARS TRUCKS Ctonr**** tiftiwi I *vn* g*Mt. tow m4«n <*' j- w##. a*» SHQO obo 34fr09frS <* 683 S96i 1972 VW VAN Nice Shape Not running S500 obo trade for Bug 484-3188 eves TUI ToyoU CorwMl W®qoo t***w good kvv* ft'-Saagn $11 $0 6*0-4 8* Pr»*ud# SI Honda *«?d *£*? »0 000 on ™*w wh4o» Co«'*» #7 ToyoU T#rc*l » • *• ***« «»’ V«T) •**' i»4»-«7 f f .000 lv-«4#tv ■* iiHWr.5 fejfM* ■ ••.s^ f - -vjW f«d *•'»» rfite»*t» VWJO Ike.*.,' MM343 1 f T* ~«*VI _ 19*$ f c*d t W.od ' > m .-r* {.w ntffWinr.^ *uito amdta* $1800 f£&-4yT 1 J W MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS »9 V*m»h« 50 KOOMf Itwv n «* $6*>0 obo W 366'i 155 BSCYCLE5 Mountain bill*, M«y*ta wnth 0*ck*. 16 , $450 Cali P*i*» 344 22t* T trad of **p«nftiv* tnkei’ ►«»*«* 5 on« you can f **# t* !tv4 of a Hufty ThuttJarwoc*). b*» cool, l* f’uQai buy !N» Krypto and 60W *nd, »3Q ObO Itkvm Ml 7A&4 M Bn4g*«ton# Spew! Tguftfig b*©. ?3“ ff*m# mcT» tuck, ij& 9«>a! wait* U»rfo» hofcJ** S150 obo 3434J443 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS IBM AT , ->0* *•« pr»rtetf sof*WiV« *x;j. $3SQ 74! /tl6! ODE Classifieds I stop shopping Macintosh SC 4 mb k»xj *«*• 4Qmt> fxl A ftpppy $«S0 /4 W961 Mactntofth SI 2 *>■ Ky t*** dm** In54*y^n*» !*< II ptol* t*P n«n*r* ttt&% uppoiaa s/nooBQfea3 4io3 rr-COMPAT 40 MB. HO. floppy. *■! **ytx>4f .vxl mwv«.» VMS VCR'S ana stwoa* 1 hompton t xk trouts 1122CV* 343 92/3 195 TRAVEL HEADING FOR EUROPE THIS SUM MER? Italy S2W" MX IW* ANVIlMt lor S269 !»om lh« Wwsi Cowl StA9 from the fast Coast rrth AiRMlTCH* iKeporttta ta let s Go' A NY tunesl t flOO«97 tow ft, Ira. $310* EurSiip*** fora $22 *44, Cm Rant jl ham $191 A*> Holes* ham $25/nt$M Tour* ham $57 * (Uy leer* * IsrjuJrje vt Europe ham $31*4*, M»t « **.* MR, *‘****1 w «»—!« a* ra.5» T &r-*+m '*•** •% mm a f*» i f ***** ftUHxxt aaouanca* sampaar *ynlhaaijr . »QPl » o» >cv»d». ttyfl 066 *906 i as BOOKS CASH FOR BOOKS Taro Conran»ant LocaiK>n» 700 1- til* $2$ Wiltaman# r ampu* ttJCWhlrhW*' $40-1051 3A$-4717 BUYING HOURS o» of bi.t-e.feer 07 Sal Smith Family Bookstore m OPPORTUNITIES CHEAP Vmiay© Clothing Sale Set *3 ONLY’ 290 W 37th, Eugene ICC Instructor and two eduttt. non smoker* •rmfc'tng a house 10 ®*1 Ju#y June Oak (V* 345 16/5 A tasks Sommer Employment fisher ■m t ain SfiOOs-'ww** *n cawwnn o» $4QO0*/monfh on (.sh.ng boats I roe ?*anspoitai«on' I toon. and Board1 Off* 8 COO openings Man* 01 I «m«a> E or employment program can t 206 546 4 156 «»! A606P_ A pari man I Manager needed ’00% rent credit servJ 10 8PM ’430 W Barnette No '69. E ugene OR 9/4Q i__ CrulM line Entry ‘evri on boar elands.de Positions avarf sum matyaar round 7 \4 549 1689 _ _ Cam cash stuffing anwaiopas at »wmt An mater ais provided Sand SASE to PQ 9fe43Spnngf*fcj M06S6C' EARN $1600 WEEKLY mo*ng qpr car cutars' Begm NOW t Hi fc packer S£YS Dept 249. Bo. 4080, Cordova TN 38018-4000 HIRING International Health $ Nutrition Company >s interviewing students ttils weed for management $ market ing positrons Some pen-time Alt mejor* »*vou*d apply Call $$7 6636 INTC RNA TIONA L EMPLOYMENT Made money teaching coovwrui tonal Engfcsh abroad Japan and Ta* ear. Many prpvde room $ txiard p*v» other berwf.ts» Make $2000 $4000 ♦ per month No previous tr^nmg or taechmg certikceie reduced for ©m ptoymer* program can (206) 632-1146 eit J60&9 XWS row NCJTT YEAR ESCAPE E«eid Stucke* t* accepting apptcahone *or Orwto» Asa! Director PR Special ist. Ofkce My» Ovrsaon Meads (Pubfcc Sctvcoit Human Services. Outdoor School teadershp Tr*ntng) and GTEs tPubkc Schools A Human Ser vice) App**'afeons f*r> EMU M Ml) are due Apr* 23rd Cal 346-436' tor into Areni you glad you read Ihrt? r-i 3un (Oa^cY ^l^csort Spend ikr Hummer »or kind at keautiful Sun Valley. Idako. $5 per kr.. dorn» type kou*in£ available. 1/2 price recreation, free awiniming. Sign up for interview* at tke student employment office or call 346-3214 k J 210 help wamte; POSTAL JOSS Start Sit 41 hr plut banaOtA Ear ap pNcattorvtnlo. caM 1J16JJ4-310J 7 AM-10PM 7 days POSTAL JOBS a*« *y» many pc* i-or.* art, motc-momay b* HP IRS. Of.S avpabbla you* vm nora Cai t 600 436 4 fej »«-C<2’0 _ SUHVAUEV RESOW <* n»mg t» Bv* |umn«r wavy. Po» t«tjn» ■nc.tpoa »»' va" t>»***4 and »n«*aw-«ni. cxurwantroft, COOfca. !**!■»t A nwjmr Mr *.-feng ovattabfe 9000 pa* A bane’ !!, for (Jam f mptoymont ons>> If Wl »3 to MB up apt* • r—«- * on 4.? * *** * MICROCOMPUTER SERVICES now accruA-ng Modom app>«*«ni tor »o*i *ara Knar* pp*.t-on Mutrt norm m,ct**r aoordmator m S6S mo AppAcabciot A /ot> dmcnphont at t CrftA o«c* sw-tr- 31* EE I 346 3380 DnacPr.® f r Apr* jom A At Of FREELANCE EDITOR The f.m**aid 4 acaspt*r*Q app* cation* tew tr»« tans* *OAa* The |Ofc •nvotves ttouinfl and wort mg witr student* Who wart to contrfcule '•w»s s&onaf to» pUAtabon Pegu**® marts rckxte two bWee hour* pa* day Monday Thwnday Apphcabon deadbne $ Monday Apr a ’9th at 5pm Contact Pat o» Jmn at 346 W15 ky more mttvmafeor GRADUATING? Environment* Marketing Firm Making part-time or career mind ad indtvtduai*, Eugene A Portland —t . fMTOi._ Survival Cantor fairing aw \ CoCoordnak*. $7&mo. rutf Da a •ludant A«*y a! SurvtvW Cent** EMU Su*e 1 $4643!* AJ»o €artft Wee* Vokmtaar* needed now* 215 WORK STUDY Buttnm* M«|nri. Hums on ••pc •no* Buanau M»nag». o< North»«J »<«•» Uu« &*' CompuM* 4*w> Ca# Jono■■ 346-396/ anmnoons _ EMU CRAFT CENTER Worti Slody po*4»ons s**i*bt4 »ip * mnsiif p6o»ogr«p6* «oo(S»o--t<>riy cvtmc* fcb*«» «lc p>»MK'«] *«"> giOondKow (MU 346 4361 225 APTS DUPLEXES PROSPECT PARK 2 bedroom apartment a*a*» now, quart OOuntty atmosphere wxonvament aty iocal>on. o»h«w feature* *nc*ud» pool. tenntsrt>aa*ettxiK eft. *«*: room and playground. nght past ?Sth and Cham bar* 48*456$ 213 HELP WANTED SSSSSSSSS52222 Bl*c k ft ton* IftanOf • Fym. ,? t**>oom m* *495 MnQr 607-0684 Pattaraon Manor . On.* «* > ..•« l bOOrm apt $380 Mr.gf 344 ? 140 Von Klatn Property Mgm! i3Qt f«mys< ~4te-ym _ Campus Apartment* Furnifthad 142 Bedroom* Wlnta rate* $3 75 $555 4*5 28?3 Pre-Laa*e ?o» summer 3 pert'- $3*0 Pr« lease to* *aP i mo free* 3 bed"*. BMft Roth left* than « fttocb from cam puft *r ;ove^ert partrKvj f*8f >499 or 461 0199 1 and 2 bedroom »v.v*»t>*- am &y. parting, »#cur*y dOW to campu 484 9929 to ght. ' bedrm. balcony, p.t'k.fv; laundry. $335 ♦ 06006*1, 967 Patterson R*m { state N •'Tnwf-'/ _741 25Q4 _ 1? BLOCK FROM CAMPUS Stud«c on s