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DISCOUNT STUDENT FARES.* j *MANY OTHER CITIES ARE AVAILABLE.* •CALL RIGHT NOW FOR CURRENT RATES.* S.T.T. WORLDWIDE TRAVEL, INC. 9KW) S\V Rcivrrliin Hllhdik H»j , Hratrrtun. OK *7005 L T Committee fields meeting quorum By Beth Hege and Chester Allen Oregon OauCy fm*«W After a rough beginning. the Incidental Fee Com mittee this w«ek Fielded a quorum for two meet ings and got the budget process moving aftur more than a week of stagnation. The IF'C heard budgets Wednesday and Thurs day The IFF also heard budgets Monday, but all decisions made at Monday’s hearing were nulli fied when IFC mem tier | S*ud«rt» to* Choe* 1.002 APASU 6.3?? International Stuctent Amoc ?3.90? Mastor • 8u*o«S4 Assoc 415 $3,473 1.142 6.113 27.986 375 > 560 . 140 4 1 . 17£ 9 6 OlpAK by J*« p«w*y "There are some attitude problems,” he said "People ore frustrated. You are seeing the end of a process that is impersonal and frustrating." The student thanked the 1FC for their work, but Lee wouldn't let the committee off so easily. ”! agreed with her." he said "I had to transfer funds so students could get paid, which is illegal. ASUO is forced to do questionable things because things aren’t getting squared away here In sharp contrast to Monday's confusion. Thurs day night's meeting went relatively smoothly. After debating whether Students for Choice was using student fees to directly campaign for pro— ( hot e candidates and issues, the Incidental Fee Committee decided the group was not violating the ASUO Constitution . Committee member Kd Carson cited the Consti tution rule that forbids student groups to use stu dent fees on political campaigns ns a reason not to fund Students for Choice. "I personally believe in pro—choice, but I don't think its fair that students who don't agree with this group's position pay for their activities." Car son said Carson said the committee doesn't fund the Democratic or Republican parties on campus, and asked why the committee didn't hold Students for Choice to the same standard Masat said Students for Chou e didn't advocate a particular position on the aRortion issue, hut onlv uImh ated keeping women's rights to make their ow n de< isions. The committee voted to ini reuse the group's I')1) I 04 budget by 14 percent The International Student Association, hai k liefore the ( oinmittee (or the se< ond time, rei eived a 17.'Z percent budget increase In other hearings, the committee approved 1'1‘H 04 budgets for three student groups. Assembly to vote on ‘stalking’ rule "Stalking." or following n |«-r son iirtnnul in .1 threatening man ner. would In* punishable by the University it an amendment to the Student llondui t (.ode pass es the University Senate next month. A hearing on the proposed amendment is scheduled for Monday. April to at 3:30 p m. in the KMU Guinwood Koom. The University Senate will vote on the proposal May 13 The proposed amendment defines ' stalking" as i ontac ting another person in a way that causes the person "reasonable apprehension ol Imminent phvs tcal harm" or "substantial impair* ment of the other person's anili ty to perform the activities of daily life." The contact would not have to Iphysical, said student conduct coordinator Klaine Green The proposed amendment says it i ould include "l ummunii ating with or remaining in the physi i ill presence of ltii“ other person The proposed amendment does not suv him stalkers will lie punished. Alison Baker, execu tive assistant to Univ ersity Pres ident Nl> les Brand, said the Uni versity assigns punishment on a l aso-by-case Basis. The current Student Conduct Cixie prohibits unwanted sexual behavior and specific threats to students' safety. Green said, but it doesn't prohibit stalking. j NATURAL FOODS Fm Tasting Saturday April 17,3-6pm Spring Potato Salad Come try a taste of what you can do with this fresh crop of red spring potatoes. 24th & Hilyard • Open Daily 8am 11 pm • 343 9142 T-Shirt Design Contest To Promote SAFERIDE The winning entry will win a gift certificate for dinner for two at Chanterelles! Bring your designs to the Women's Center, Suite ?, EMU, by 5pm, April 27th. as%!S5«s5«=w= ! DOCKS Iff IT TANNING CENTER OPEN 24 HOURS 13IN ft PatttTONi «■ 485-2323 \