EDITORIAL Give people of LA benefit of the doubt If you thought Los Angelas looked like a war zone last spring, take a look now. New LA police chief Willie Williams is preparing the city for a potential repeat of last April's mass riots that loft 54 people dead and caused nearly $1 billion in dam age. Police have installed a 3-feet-hlgh concrete barrier around the federal building to block unruly crowds. Inner city communities aru being stocked with militia and blockades, just in case. In addition, several military units, including the Marinos and the National Guard, have practiced riot drills The Marines. In an exorcise that sounds frighten ingly aggressive, stormed a mock town as part of a "just in case" urban assault drill. In an effort to maintain calm in anticipation of the Rodney King beating verdict. LA police are actually doing their best to incite tension and fear. In many com munities. int re.tsed police activity means greater unrest because police are regarded as enemies. Within these neighbor hoods. people are wary of what will happen if violence occurs. Will it start a war between police and citizens? Will police know the difference between pro moting calm and heightening tensions? It's unbelievable that the police torce doesn t recognize the uneasy fears It’s causing. The problem is that Williams is essentially telling cit izens within heavily-patrolled areas to watch their every step. Don't react hostilely to the verdict, or you will pay. Ho isn't giving credit to the citizens' intelligence — they don’t want to destroy the city again — or thoir rights. This isn't a prison Williams is arming: it's a community. The question then becomes: what does it mean to an individual to be considered a suspect before even com mitting a crime? How will that person react if there is episodic violence? Will he or she side with the police or rebel against the authority that may have caused last year's riots in the first place? No one knows quite yet, but we must remember that police attention is rarely welcome in South Central LA. regardless of the reason. Williams and his forces should leave well enough alone. Within Watts and Compton, community leaders are urging calm. They are talking with people, making sure everyone realizes what's at stake. And they do. Most activists say the only uneasiness in those communities so far has been from police activity. Police have an obligation in this country to protect people without sotting up confrontations In this case, using military force may bo asking for trouble — they are training their forces to be aggressive in case of unrest, rather than protective, which may light a fire under a community that dislikes police anyway. Police have an obligation in this country to protect people without getting up confrontations. Oregon Daily PC BO* 3'Vi fuGiNf OBfOONS**^ 7h* O>*gon Q*iy Emwato * tx**s*«J uwme( t>> the Oregon Oa= Memo*** ua*o« arvJ *s a member of the Associated Pr«M T?u* f me* aid *a p"«(>t4 property The u^jm^u remove* o» use of papers *» proiMjCv**afc»®e by taw Editor Pat Mmacti N*w* Editor *«**• tvwq Editor**! Editor M,v* • ( t%*W Qf»phiC* Eddor Pa* <*v £»t*fUmm«At Editor ft*** Morn >pcxis tonor ua*e ' ‘i s-*-;. f dilo»uii E C*•«*» tinMmor Might Editof Pit' M>* '* Editor*' t fl” •>> H.»**»* S'. -V '! (iiSr ** ' ‘ ***, Oil i . T-yooe Ci m -,*yy. Cf- «W" f*ohi«3. H0Mr fMMn AprvteMKjn N«M» SUM A.*- Mam 6*n» Jott til. * S#«n Cue* Mng Da*■■;■■■• Am, Oevenpon. Jon £Rraoo. Amanda Ferrve Anthony Forney Both Hege Ten Li»a Maun. Reoecca Merntt. Sieve tin. K«fy Uoetier. Tetmi Hew. Tr.sta No*. Eue> Sr.m fr<* Sly Sendee Mo- ,»-• Handy Ttveten H ”*» Ihompao- Agt, .1 Amy Van Toy Todd A am*. Dayton Y#e General Manager udv «■*' Production Manager MOvee HoU Advertising: Tom laecn. Snaron vat. SM Manager* Snawn Bsrven. CMcir Atenager Ja„f i,,..., V«u IjeoeBe, Pr-ip jo»m*on n On* Kan;" Jeremy Mason. van V O'Bryan 11. Q* an Oh, Hacnaei Turn Ange nVmdnm ClMOlred tlecVy Me chant, Manager Ban, Logan, Sharon Savve Distribution: Branoon Anderaon N<* Manruwig. Graham Smpeo Buamaaa: Kamy Carbone Supervtaor Jody Connony Production Ingrri W»ye. PriXk/ctO” Cocvomafcjr Kn»tne Granger. Dee McCotJO. Siacy uvne.1 .leiwier Roland Jerwder Smm Nmwooik .—.... Butlncu OWtc*..WMH Ottplay Advancing Ctasslflad Advotumg. .MM7t2 _M6-AJ4J OtnOKSPlML LETTERS Equal gifts 1 have no problem with Stephanie Sisson expressing her views lOf)k\ April 5), but I do take issue with her misquoting the Hible and her quoting the Bible out of context. I found the verses to which she was refer ring in Romans Chapter 1. Vers es 26 and 27. First, it is important to note that |esus spoke no words of condemnation against homosex uals Next, the Apostle Paul's teachings must be read in the context of his Hebrew culture in which non-procreative sex acts were equated with paganism in that culture, males who did not procreate were devalued and given the already-devalued sta tus of women in that society; same-gender sex acts among them wore ignored There are many homosexuals who follow Christ People don't choose homosexuality. The Apostle Paul also spoke of the subordination of women in the first letter from Paul to Timothy. Chapter 2. Verses 9 through 15. Surely Sisson has no problem critically analyzing these teach ings in today’s society? Finally. 1 was surprised at how quickly Sisson dismissed the Old Testament and its lows as "laws given to the )ews." That book and those laws are still part of the Bible she claims to believe in. H also sensed in that comment an underlying tone ol anti-Semitism, which 1 find to be very disturbing.) Mavhe the next time Sisson picks up the Bible, she will pray for understanding of what she is reading. Christ, as I understand him. is about love, forgiveness and salvation; and the gifts of the Spirit are available to all persons equally. Gregory E. Torrence Law Wrong verse Because Stephanie Sisson's latest column [ODE. April 5) is the current hot topic" about which to write letters to the Emerald, I (relieve a correction needs to Ire made. Sisson's reference to the Bible was misprinted as Romans 26:27. There is no Romans 26. The verse she made reference to are Romans 1:26-27. By the way, Sisson, there will always be opposition out there to cut you down Don't let them bother vou — write on! Tony Gunderson National Student Exchange Mammon? If. as some contend, a woman degrades and prostitutes herself by posing nude for money, what c an be said of people who sub ject themselves to a minimum of four years of stress and over work. merely to gain an advan tage? in the universal practice of selling one's self to the highest bidder? Students Awake! Beware the moral peril into which you ven ture. not just a folly of youth, soon forgotten, but a lifetime of sin and misery. Prostrate before the one true god, Mammon. Students Arise! Reality is the curse of the thinking class. Throw off thy shackles while yet there is time. Hum thy diplo mas and subsist in righteous purity upon the bread and water of moral indignation. Students of the world! Unite your slogans! You have nothing to lose but your minds VVhee ... Graham Lawrence Biology Apology This letter is in response to the April 13 article. "Candidate may have violated ASUO rules." I want to apologize for any misunderstandings regarding my fall-term enrollment status and i.lear up some confusion i oncoming tins issue After having been assaulted this summer, 1 was emotionally overwhelmed and unsure if I would remain in school or in Eugene In the meantime. I was still holding the position of mul ticultural advocate I w as appoint ed to in the spring of 1992. Hv the time I w as sure 1 would remain at the University, the enrollment deadline had passed However. I still fulfilled the hours necessary to earn six credit hours through the Dean of Students Office and a practicum in the Women's Center. Since w inter term. I have been in the process of petitioning to regain my financial aid. my scholarship and these credits so that they can be ofTicially added to my fall 1992 registration tran script, thereby fulfilling all ASIJO Constitution rules. The supervisors for both practicians are helping me petition these credits. If the petition is in fact unsuc cessful. I will of course return the stipends that I received for fall term. Once again, I would like to apologize for the way in which I handled this situation during fall term, and 1 hope that the University community can now focus on the relevant issues of the upcoming election. Diana Collins Puente ASUO vice presidential candidate Hunger cleanup The Ninth Annual Hunger Cleanup will take place throughout the Eugene commu nity on Saturday, April 17. The volunteers in this effort will take part in a nationwide campaign to heighten the community's awareness of the problems of hunger and homelessness that face thousands of Americans everyday Hunger and homelessness ravages our community as much as anywhere else in the country. In Lane County alone there are 2,000 people who are forced to live and sleep every day on the streets because of the lock of affordable housing and shelter About 65.000 people in our community ore on emergency food assistance These problems will continue without wide spread popular support and a cohesive plan committed to helping people obtain a safe home and a consistent source of nutritional food The Hunger Cleanup is o "work-a-thon" that gets people to volunteer lour hours of their time to help out at various local public service organizations with the dual purpose of com pleting community work service projects and taking pledges to directlv raise money for the hungry and homeless. So get involved! To lend a hand, stop in the OSI’IRG office in Suite 1. down stairs in tile EMU. or call 346 4377. Arron Goldweber English