Fro® Googles — or — 25% OFF Ton Products w/540 pockoge (that's 21 tans!) 344-2691 • 16M FrankSn Bkd. h** 7-n x vfe* /canoe rentals/ an hour \ weather permitting • Tuesday-Thursday, 3 p.m. * dusk • I riday, 2 p.m. - dusk • Sat. t* Sun., 10:30 - dusk jftik. on the mill race Mp 1395 Franklin Blvd. 346-4386 SPORTS BRIEFS Cam Marlin won a three-hole playoff to take first place in the Western Intercollegiate, leading the Oregon men's golf team to its second tournament title of the season. The Ducks won the tourna ment by three strokes over San Jose State • •• The Oregon sailing team will compete for the Dellenbaugh Trophy this weekend at Brown University. Oregon is sending two teams to the event. Stephanie Dixon and Sarah Romish will be Team A. and Hope Spriggs and Dar lene l-ombo* will make up Team B. The event will Ik; Saturday and Sunday. Oregon's softball team hopes to gel a break in the weather today when it is scheduled to play a doubleheader against Oregon State in Corvallis The Ducks are 13-11 overall and 5-3 in the Pacific-10 Confer ence. Saturday, Oregon will attempt to play its home opener against Stanford in a double header. followed by another home doubleheader against Western Oregon Sunday. SELMAN Continued from Page 9 and the training technique* of her new coach. Sal ly Hannon. "1 wasn't consistent Inst year.” Selman said. "But now- I feel stronger than 1 ever did in my past." Sehnnn began her "throwing career" in southern California youth track meets, where she < ompel »*d in the softball toss When she graduated to the real track implements, she tried the shotput hut found there was very little throwing involved. Thai's when her parents made the life-altering choice of a javelin as a Christmas gift Because them is no high school javelin event in California, .Selman was restricted toTAC meets for javelin competition. "I tan understand why people think the javelin is dangerous and shouldn't be in high school," Sel [nan said. Selman said she enjoys the team empha sis at Oregon. "At USC, we had some outstanding individuals, :uit we didn't have a strong team." Selman said. 'It's fun now to be at a more team-oriented school which has a chance to win Pac-10's and place at aationals." Selman said if she were able to place in the top •iglit at the NCAA meet, she would be able to Inally reach a long-time goal. "Becoming a four-time all-American has been a liggnal for me.” Selman said. "People sometimes ixpect me to do certain things, but I don't feel any jxtra outside pressure. The only pressure I feel is he pressure I put on myself." WAREHOUSE SALE TWO DAYS ONLY SAT., APRIL 17TH * SUN., APRIL 18TH ★ PRICES SLASHED * TAKF AN ADDITIONAL 30%-5(P _ SPECIAL GROUPS OF EkUS MERCHANDISE NOW SALE PRICED AT 5.00 ★ 10.00 ★ 15.00 ★ 20.00 ★ 25.00 MERCHANDISE FROM ALL 10 KAUFMAN’S STORES HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO OUR WAREHOUSE, LOCATED AT THE REAR OF OUR 135 W. BROADWAY STORE SHOP EARLY FOR THE BEST SELECTION PARK f R[ L SATURDAY A SUNDAY AT THE PARCADE OR THE OVERPARK OPEN SATURDAY 9 A.M.-6 P.M. ★ SUNDAY NOON-5 P.M *■ War Crimes In Bosnia The Muslim Student Association is sponsoring a table in the EMU lobby today that will feature videos and literature about the patterns of war crimes in Bosnia, from 1 lam to 3pm. ka GIVE US TIME TO REPAY YOUR LOAN. After just three years in the Army, your college loan could lx* a thing of the past. Under the Army's loan Repayment program, each year you serve on active duty reduces your indebtedness by one-third or $1 ,.r»00, whichever amount is greater, up to a $55,000 limit. This offer applies to Perkins Ijoans, Stafford Loans and certain other federally insured loans which are not in default. And this is just the first of many benefits the Army will give you. Get the whole story from your Army Recruiter. CALL 345-3877 ARMY. BE ALL YOU CAN BE.'