1 tMjjjgjU m* near muse COg S38G-mc Nm» included Can aft* ?pm Ridgewood Apt*. MB-if00 Nlc* hjmtsTwd room u*lt>e*, laundry non *mok>ng. S250 • MCI. foreign Mu dent* mrrdccm* *61 -45?3 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Hindu v#g#t»rt«n man tMks hou*ing with other* Brooks. rm 4, 465-147B. NEED A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE through June’ Need Roommate. ?tKjrm apt F *ep» hardwood ftoor», ctose to campus Can Juke 667 * 7 Sunny, coxy house wcon veniences Yard May but Nonsmoking Ornate w'pets share rent with responsoie i student S2?fruH«t»e* 726-7756 —E33E5HMW Attention ASUO Candidal** That* aaiMa cendidetee fair on Monday m* 19th trom i0-2txn m tn* inner courtyard o' the EMU I Mi*** and space well be provided. aB you need to do ■« mow up 280 MEETINGS ANCIENT FOREST HIKES OPAL CREEK PROTECTION UPDATE An evening of ancient tores' con templation tot Earttnraefc’ Monday April 19th. 7pm. 110 WHIamette FREE! Outdoosi Program 340-4005 The International Students Association W!» nave a constitution else bonttneeimg on Monday Apni >9th a! 5pm. 100 Willamette Ma.1 Ail ISA mem oets are minted to attend this important general meeting For information can 546-4387 AAEOf 285 CLUB SPORTS Road Trip lo WorW Wh.me Ban Cham pntnahej near Node Oame Indiana. June '9th 145 449? KARATE DO Traditional style Oofu Ryu Aar ate do. salt detense, fitness and tour nament competition, as students welcome For into contact UO at 344-3733_ Aru you a toraiar mam bar or 106*1 You am mv«ad to a '•vk'W AprJ 16. Vfpm. EMU tntam*no«ai lounge »MM See SECTIOH 114 lor all your typing need* ETHICS IN JOURNALISM WHAT? WHY? HOW? Joann Byrd. Ombudaman for lha WaaMngton Boot MW ba apaaWIng on thl* fundamantaf laaua Mon day. April iwn. 3-JOp*. M? Allan Maw. Sponaorad by BBJ._ m ARTS i ENTERTAINMENT [(community • VUrfolpiactj .3 * Celebration ir_A L/J £( pHhifday on the Market Stage^ La) Steve Carter ji foajpJN mmmt -•*>%»'«(*» 'It -oeuoKmiLr -HILAWOOST -mWt8«T1«Ltr STRICTLY LBALLBOOMJ MMVMCOOMU M,rmmOOQ*M PASSION HSH ARTS 1 ENTERTAINMENT WOW HALL Sth A Lincoln TONIGHT Jolly Mon Sage Anzio Bridgehead SATURDAY Knitting Factory Tour With: Samm Bennett and Chunk Fertile Crescent Oren Bloedow All Ages Welcome 687-27-16 ODF. CLASSIFIEDS A toad tlr* Pap «n*a>i. ntaetwn choc**. &utn control pregnan cy Imre ami untUaaad couneaang 344-04! I Pregnant? OacMMftl to '’-an* ’ Confc dental *e» t**Wig tarty detarfcon BlRTMRKJMT M? «65! FREE DELIVERY ON CAMPUS 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. P1ZA7SC)S PXZZyl Zesty Chicken Fajita Pizza Special Introductory Otter *3.00 OFF large s2.00 OFF medium 346-0776 Oflw good liwu spring l«nt Doonesbury by garry trudeau mu ** c*#r irAt\f ,v rrr g&n u*& Mrs ANC'w*mmf*i>iN tofff’or>a■■jh>shw urr$ moan. HK W <• /MP PW ’ 1HF, IS HXAHO HtlXt ’ of tec Nt*n>‘ aw , tW/MWW W'" ^HtSALW!} l MW/ TO jai* vw TTI CROSSWORD Hy Eugene Shaffer ACROSS 1 Gall smart, •rttt'up' » Sp*d« Man’* logo • •Bu*yr 11 From squarsons 1) J actua l sacond 14 Actor Vigoda 15 Escargot 11 Backyard play araa * 19 Ora Patting sauation 20 Mangovarl 21 Urban transport 21 About to arrnra 24 Cracfcar sprsads 25 Inlmitasr rnal b4 27 Gktcb 29 J R twins at al 11 J It Ewtnf at al IS Allan danca count 17 Harvard’s rival 1 <1 lha pat ad* 43 •—Gal By* 44 Glutting 45 Mutl'a inn. a a 47 Hal ftyla 4B Cal ait h tatnady JJMtt Naon 53 Aclftt* MacGtaw 54 Bahaty byproduct 55 Haply atm 54 tBJ pooch 57 Sttamad DOWN 1 *Mow Gtaan — My VaJlay* I — aauo 3 Of(k»i (Much 4 Wet. ad 9 Maid n • SwriMol hafdwaia TP*ltd OEO • C>«> • Morocco t capital tO Ov«i It Wham miaa 17 load in to ■batoaad" 19 Surmiaa II HaalhcW. •9 II Wo*ad down 24 Luau gunk Solution Umo: » mint. Y«•today's antwaf 4-1* n vm* iMCun 24 t «*mpUf» ol ndnm M *Wayn*'t WtofkT •>pMm 12 StfM« eotnm lam, oftan angt* 14 *— Bfcj 0» pnoctBki* M Madfctna thaw oflatmg MFiatafmty Wlx M CIumm of Japan*t*. tof mtanca 40 Fumaf'a 42 Old (fold com 4$ F«td mou»* 44 t man* lion 44 Sciaogoan outcry 50 Edinbuigh unci* 51 Mehaal Jacfcaon tbuffl T, A T.l.1