Oregon Daily FRIDAY. APRIL 16. 1993 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 94, ISSUE 137 Student sentenced for role in assault □ Freshman pleads guilty to intimidation charge stemming from assault on bisexual man By Matt Bender Orggon Datiy f mewkl A University student was sentenced to two years probation, 72 iiours of community service and was fined $200 in District Court Thursday after he pleaded guilty to assaulting a bisexual man and a University student earlier this year. Freshman Todd Lin wood Pendexter, 18, told District Court judge Bryan Hodges he was sorry he assaulted Steve Laliberty and Brian Todd Pendexter Horne retuiexter men lurneo co me iwo vu. tims, who were attending the sentencing, and apologized for his behavior Pendexter pleaded guilty to second degree intimidation in an incident where Borre. a 19-year-old University student, and Laliherty, a 23-ytser-old bisexual man. were assaulted on the 1300 block of Mill Street Jan. 29. Pendexter was charged with intimidation because Pendexter perceived that the vic - tims were homosexuals. "If you threaten someone on the basis of rat e, color, religion, national origin or sex J ual orientation, your have committed the crime of intimidation." said Tim Birr. Fustene police spokesman. Fendexter, who wns originally charged with first and second* degree intimidation, plea bargained to have the first-degree intimi dation charge dropped. First-dugree intimidation is a felony and ot curs when morn than one assailant is involved. S«h ond-degree is a misdemeanor and is < hurged w hen there is only one assailant. Hodges said Fendexter took a positive approach to acknowledging that what he did was wrong and sentenced Fendexter to a signife cantly lighter punishment than Assistant District Attorney Floyd Prozanski asked for. Prozanski recommended three years probation, at least 120 hours of community service and a $530 fine to pay for Laliherty's medical hills and damage done to 1-aliberty’s eyeglasses in the assault. Horre arid lailiberty both said they were upset with the verdict "The court system doesn't work." Lalibertv said "I am going to have to pay for medical hills and my glasses even though they are a result of his doing.” Rolling Ducks >**HS*m frr Mhony Putney David Hubin, director of Academic t eaming Services (above) shoots a basket m Thursday night's Ducks on a Roil 4th Annual Wheelchair basketball contest (Lett) Duck men’s basketball player Jordy Lyden drives to the hoop around ORC player Jim Craft Candidate to petition for credits j Collins Puente apologizes, cites rape as reason for missing last fall’s enrollment deadline By Tammy Batey Oregon LXv/y £ rr*n*k! ASUO Executive candidate Diana Collins Puente said she will submit a petition to the Office of the Registrar Wednesday so that six credits of practicum work will be officially added to her lull 1992 registration transcript. An article in Tuesday’s Emerald reported Collins Puente may have violated the ASUO Constitution (all term because she was the ASUO multicultural advocate while not enrolled us a student. ASUO members are required to t>e Universi ty students "who have paid the current term or semester incidental fee." according to the ASUO Constitution. Collins Puente said she missed the fall enroll ment deadline because she was "emotionally overwhelmed" after being raped this summer. She was unsure if she would remain in school or in Eugene. By the time Collins Puente decided to remain at the University, the deadline had passed. Since winter term, she suid she's been trying to regain her financial aid and her Euurul Award, a schol arship. She's also been working with her Turn to PETITION, Page 3 University report says professors productive j University faculty compared to those at other Universities By Colleen Pohlig Ornijon D»