Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 15, 1993, Page 7, Image 7

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Continued from Page 1
would In? interested in pun hasing the radio station and now think
they have found an interested buyer. Although Parker would not reveal
any names, the group is optimistic about the prospect and believes
some sort of deal will lie made in the next few weeks.
"(The potential investor) thinks the KAVE can work from the busi
ness end if we can make it work from the programming end," Park
er said.
If the deal is carried through, listeners can expect the KAVE to
return to its original home within the next five months. The new
KAVE will play the same unique music that made it so popular to its
"The main thrust of the station will be the same," Parker said
"Our philosophy was always just play the cool music wherever wo
find it.”
Friends of the KAVE are aware of the financial problems that pre
viously plagued the station, but believe someone with a strong busi
ness background tan keep the KAVE on the air Parker said the group
is considering accepting pledges from listeners to help with operat
ing costs if they are legally able to do so.
Parker said former KAVE staff members are c ommitted to return
ing to the station, mostly because of the strong base of listener sup
"The amount of support we've gotten from the listeners has just
been great." he said. "We always thought we dug a foothold in the
Continued from Page 1
of Appeals said it wouldn't
consider most of the errors
the Metzgers claimed were
made because they didn't
raise the points during the
The jury found that Met
zger and his son incited the
killers by sending an agent to
Portland to stir up skinhead
violence against non-whites
Metzger's home and his
television repair business
were seized after the trial to
help pay the damage award.
"Our literature is heavy
duty stuff, but we don't call
for anyone to go out and kill
anybody," Metzger said
"My message is white sep
Rosenthal said the free
s|>eech point isn't a valid one
Children of Gey and Feibian Parent* will moot IcmUv from 4 p in
lo ft a m in the FMU Rod Linder Koom For more in formal ion. < all
Vietnamese Club will nw*M tonight at 7 in the Smith lounge For
mom information, tail U6*8490
Alpha Kappa P*i will have * ganoral mooting lot lav at !i 30 p m m
Room 330 Gilbert For mom information. tail 484 4230
Women and Religion Reading Group will meet today from noon lo
MO p m in Room 63ft PtC. For more information, call 346-301$
| a pa near Student Organisation wili meet today at 4 10 p m in KMl
Cothr Room F For more information, tall Ml7- 1602
ASCO C jsmalitulion Court w ill meet today for ballot referendum a ai
1 p in in Room 180 Straub For mom information, call .146 3724
Im idenlal Fee (lommilte* will meet today from t 10 p tn to 6 10
p in. in Room l'»4 Straub
American Soc lely for Interior Ueaigner* will have Product* ih»>
today from 1 to 4 p m in Room* 278 and 27<j lawnmcR
leabtan. Gay and Btaeaual AUianca will prment speaker Mary Ann
Humphrey tonight at ft in the EMt • (<uni«MMil Rmmi For more mfcw
nwtuw, (tit 14ft ll<*0
I (.HA will jmcwmi Hi and Hi Myth* and Hoahluw of Ri«r*it*htv
today from 4 10 ii rn to ft p m in tfw* EMI • (iuitiwuiMl Hoorn lui mol*’
information. cult 34ft JJdO
IC.BA will prwMMU s«» 41**1 faith Splliliuiily ut the l»a% ‘KK
Iwltv from 1 p rn to 1pm #t the kuiimnu renter f or mof« inftw
mat ion. ( all 14ft .1 Hrfj
M.HA will present « imbiau ga* and biioaual prof*»*i*maU panel
today from H HU m to t 10 p m m dm EMI (.mtiwmxl K*»»-n h>:
more informal ioii . * all *■*«» UftO
t niwmilv Mouamg and the Hnn of Mwirnt* Offae will him .i d*»
cnvaion group for Iranian. Kay ami htMr«uai (form rmntrnl* tonight at
7 m the (Lamm Bine Room for mure information. «aH J4ft ft 161
(artfi Planning and PU«rm*nl Servue will jinwiti i aim panel*
about mnplovitwoi lomghi from ft to ft for loutflott* ami mum litter
mat ion. (all 14ft 1233
Outdoor Program will prevent the noon t-idoo t'hmb' today at
12 10 p m in the Outdoor Program Hi Him in lire f Ml ’> for nutre Ulfor
mat mo. rail 346 4 IftA
C*raduata School will have a graduate kImwI funding workshop
today from iuxhi to f p in in Koofit 12S ('.Hapmati for nutfr mforma
t ion. call J4ft 2604
'(Delivera KNOCKOUT...
• • 'without throwing a punch!
13IT> A Lattwooce Euqan«»»»343-?296
University Housing
University of Oregon
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The University InrVRiley Area Desk
JOB OPENING: Fall Term 1993 continuing through Spring Term
1994 Applicants must be able to commit to working the entire
1993-94 academic year Training will begin Spring Term 1993
Job descriptions are attached to applications
COMPENSATION: Campus single room and board credit and a
cash stipend of $1710 00 (9 equal payments) An hourly rate of
$5 15 will be paid during the training period
QUALIFICATIONS: Preference will be given to qualified
individuals with U of 0 Housing experience The Senior Desk
Assistant works an average of 20 hours per week, divided
between desk and supervisory duties The Senior Desk Assistant
must live m the U of 0 residence halls and be registered for a
minimum of 8 undergraduate or 1 graduate credit hour(s)
Candidates must have an accumulative GPA of 2 5 and received
at least a 2 25 last term
APPLICATIONS: Applications are available at ail Area Desks and
at the University Housing front desk and are due back to any
Area Desk or the University Housing front desk no later than
Noon, Friday, April 16, 1993 Applications may be screened on
the basis of their quality and only completed applications will be
guaranteed consideration
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