Suspect surrenders after 20 years 1 NATIONAL ARLINGTON. Va (AP) — Twenty years ago a band of would-be revolutionaries botched a bank holdup and left a bloody trail os they dis appeared into Cuba on a hi|ac:ked jetliner. I he last ot the tour suspects sur rendered Wednesday. William White Graham. 38. was arrested about 2 p.m. os he stepped off a flight from Miami at Wash ington Notional Airport. U S. Attorney Kenneth Melson said. "He just docided it was time." Arlington Coun ty police Detective Steve Carter said. Graham had been living in the Son Francisco Hay area for about five years and was married to a woman who lived in Miami, said FBI Special Agent Howard Luker. Graham used the name John Morgan Richardson and worked in the computer field. Luker said Graham had returned to the United States in the mid- to late 1970s. Luker said. He would not say where Graham had lived before arriving in San Francisco. Graham’s lawyer contacted the FBI early this week to sav that Graham was considering turning himself in. Luker said. Luker said he felt "shook astonishment and every other type of emotion" when he received the call. The arrest closes a case that has haunted Arling ton police since October 1972. when an off-duty police officer and a bank manager were gunned down in the foiled robbery Days later an airline ticket agent was shot to death as the fugitives hi nicked an Eastern Airlines ■ jet from Houston Intercontinental Airport and forced the pilot to fly to Havana The other three suspects. Charles Toiler and his two sons. Bryce and Jonathan, were arrested short ly after they returned from Cuba in 1975 But Graham remained behind, and Cuban offi cials refused to extradite him. In 1975. he said in a newspaper interview that he had enrolled in the University of Havana. Luker said that Graham indicated “that he is extremely relieved that this is all over with." lira ham wus influenced to turn himself in by pres sure put on his family by investigators. Luker said He said the FBI was investigating whether family members might have helped Graham elude capture IRS offers last minute tax filing advice WASHINGTON (AP) — With a midnight deadline approach ing. the IRS offered some final guidance today to as many as 25 million couples and individuals who don't believe in filing their tax returns early. The first rule: Don't panic. Second, don’t think an innova tive excuse will get you off the hook for failing to file. The Inter nal Revenue Service has heard them all. There was the certified pub lic accountant in Dallas who didn't file for two years, claim ing he couldn't find any forms. Another Texan skipped filing for several years and. when pressed by the IRS. demanded: Didn't you get my death certifi cate? 1 mailed it to you.’’ Many IRS offices and postal stations around the country planned late hours tonight to accommodate procrastinators and those who simply don't want to hand over their money a minute too soon. In most big cities the plans were similar: IRS workers and volunteers available to answer last-minute questions and postal workers standing at curbside to receive returns In Milwaukee, the IRS and a radio station were teaming up for festivities that include a dunk-the-taxman opportunity for harried taxpay ers. Proceeds will go to reduce the federal deficit. The IRS, which is on a cam paign to treat taxpayers like pay ing customers, offered three major new wrinkles this tax sea son: • A person who is unable to complete a return by the dead line may gain a four-month extension, to Aug. 16, by filing Form 4868. The big deal this year is that no failure-to-file penally will l>« assessed even if 4866 is nul accompanied by a check for Ihe balance owed. Note Form 4868. printed months ago, still says you must send a check; thut is outdated. There still could be penalty and interest of 13 percent on the balance. •The IRS is pushing its installment payment plan for those who file but can't afford to pay all that is owed. The taxpay er can suggest a payment plan by attaching Form 9465 or a handwritten note to the return; the tax agency will say within 30 days whether the offer is acceptable. •People who have failed to Tile returns in the past — costing the treasury at least $7 billion a year — were offered almost no-quea lions-asked treatment if they con fessed and arranged to pay before the IKS contacted them. 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Polo Allow .V4 wcvk Send check or money order to “AROUND THK WORLD II" P.O. Box -42719 I x>s Angeles, CA 90060-0719 A Symposium on Sexualities: Lesbian,. Gay, Bisexual, Straight inter ions University of Oregon April 16 & 17th Friday, April 16 12:00pm-1:00pm Symposium Opening Reception. U of O ('acuity Club 3:30pm-5:00pm - Carol Queen. The Melting Pol is Boiling: America's Struggle to Accomodate Sexual Diversity, EMU Fir Room 5:00pm-7:00pm - Lesbian Gay Bisexual Alliance Reunion. EMU International Lounge 7:30pm-9:00pm - Dean Hamer. Biological Approaches to Human Sexuality, EMU Fir Room Saturday, April 17 10.00am-11 30am - Carman Vazquez. Men on Top: A Look at Enforced Heterosexism, EMU Gumwood Room l:00pm-2:30 - Elias Farajaje-Jones. Responding to the Religious Right, EMU Gumwood Room 3:00pm-4:30pm - Community Panel: Beyond Measure Nine, EMU Gumwood Room Free • Everyone Welcome F.F.I.: Jackie Balzer, 346-1142