FREELANCE Eorrcw 7h* EmaraW a now accepting 4pp* codon* let *m lone* #d*or The joe ■nvofvm r*crwting *nO werkmg with MuO*n(* who own) to contrbute now* storws lor pubteaecn R*qu*• m*nl» metud* two oBc* hour* oe» day. Movtty Thursday Appneahon daaOma r* Morvtay April i«h at 5pm Contact Pal at Me at 346-S611 lor mpra nkymahon MN2ROCOMPUTER SERVICES now •ccopong student apptaaoon* tor aottwar* library ponton IAr« have rmcrocomputar *awy. good aommiancation and orgamraiional M** Starting pay 5 35 5 95/hour Apply room 250 Computing Cantar POSTAL JOBS Start sat 41/tw ploa banam* For application into, call 1-216-324-2102 7 A Ml 0PM 7 day* _ POSTAL JOBS jvii.K **• many position s. graat beneMs Call 1 -600-436-4365 ait P3309 GRADUATING? Environmental Marketing Firm seeking perl-tims or career mind ed Individuals. Eugene A Portland areas M7-4708 Survival Center h*«ng new position Co-Coord»nator. $7fymo. must tx* a student Apply at Survival Center. EMU Suite 1. 346 4356 Also Earth Week Volunteers needed now* 215 WORK STUDY Business Majors: Hands on e»per ence Business Manager of Northwest Review Must be" computer sawy" Can John-346-3957 afternoons_ EMU CRAFT CENTER Work-Study positions available, e«p m jewelry, photography, woodworking ceramics. fibers, etc preferred Apply Qround floor, E MU 346 4361_ WOODWORKER? WORK STUDY CERTIFIED? Woodshop auparvtaor fob* open1 Apply at EMU CRAFT CENTER, ground ttoor, EMU. 346 4361.__ 225 APTS DUPLEXES Pre-leese for summer 3 bedrm. S350 Pre-lease for faff 1 mo free' 3 bedrm, $696 Both less than t block from cam pus vwcovered parking 666 9499 or 46f-0i99 PROSPECT PARK 2 bedroom apartment avail now. Quiet country atmosphere w/conventenl c*ty location, other ‘sutures include pool, ienrusibasketbaii ct». 'ec room and playground nght post 25th and Cham ben 484 6553 Unique, one bedrm on campu*. utilt Ilea paid, laundry. Aral t laat plua depoad *65-7366. WAUCTO campus'" Spaciout. light, t badrm. balcony, parking, laundry. $335 * deposit. 96/ Patterson Real Estate Northwest ?«t-aa<>4 1/2 BLOCK FROM CAMPUS Studio on wte laundry teoMiei S305lmo *650/90 1 and 2 bedroom apt avast*** iau» dry. parkmg. security close to campus 484 9922 2ri4*s<**»1 ****** Patterson Manor • Claan. apacwus, < b«*m «* . WSO Mngr 144 ruo Von Wam Property Mann I3QI ferry S» - S46-7T75 Cam pm Aparsmsnu Furnish sd 112 Ssdroowi* winter ram uniut 4452421 1 bedrm near muat bug. on bua >422 Walking distance to Campos Sparkling clean bright, torg• studio Covered parting Laundry faoMwt Great location 4366 4*4 6633 Eugene Manor High kving wrth plenty erf charm large 1 bdrm $455, ?nc< afl utt * cable 4*4 /441 2« QUADS Nice furnished room ufcbfces, laundry nonsmoking, $260 • dep l©#e*gn students wettome 461-45/3 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Hindu vagatarlan man aaafca housing with o«hera. Brooki. rm 4. 445-1474 NEED A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE throu^i June? Need Roommate. 2»>drm apt Feepl hardwood lloorj. close to campus Ca* Jule M75717 Sumy, coxy house —convenience* Yard, easy but Nonsmoking hwnal* —pen share rant with rasponsMa F student $22Vu1>M*» 725 7754 •W Eugene house m ptoaaant neigh borhood Cony bus 4 b*e to L*0 StatVmo plus flap 444-1873 4-beWoom housa, one rooai rants at 4147 50 Near MR 5 Adams on bus Sna. No heel or Mat! 4451244 Thara a* M a camMHM <•* on Monday aw 19m tram 103pm n aw fvw courtyard o* aw EMU Tablaa and apnea ar» ba prowdad a* you naad ntn<> n«ar Nona Danw Mdtorw Juna l«ai J«S •»**> KARATE DO TradMonal aayto Oo|u Ryu KaraM do, aaM datonaa. IWnaaa, and lour namana compaaMon, aa aairdanaa ■Meowa. Ear Mo eonMct UO a* jstaa_ CAMPUS EVENTS ETHICS IN JOURNALISM WHAT? WHY? HOW? Joann Byrd. Ombudsman tor tfw Washington Pool ntH ba ipaatmg on IMa lundamanaai laaua Mon day. April l*th. 3:30pm. 307 Allan Mad Sponaorad by M J. 295 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Pocket Playhouse Presents The Undertow Wnttfn 6* J /iatrick Mantrtlh April 15. 15 A 17th At 5PM Pocket Theater Room 102 VtUerd ft IkmtUnm RTS 4 E‘.TERTi:V,'E LTHE AME^ > an—i irirrulairmi 4 PASS|ON FISH T)m»mm4ludmr THE LIVING END r Mk#AHy 11 » o*» • 6kg 9k»#an TV 2*> 0» dPamt *<« &*•< J C*jO H**iry 9 & ■..*» tap VPARTMKM III NTIM.? I.«1 « TUB PAR SIM By GARY LARSON EfeiCsutl B1 • 1. •I “Mayl You r* net lookin' to buy anything, an you? I Htlnk you boat |uat koap mowin', buddy." Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson I SM LETS MC*E ON TO SUMMER. by Kraig Norris Weasel’s World fttSOSKTBU?©. HUN** WED ABOUT THE A/KTHY AMONG THE STUCENT5. SINCE TX, ELICKMTt&E, WrtXTBEEN ANT KKlX5: ncraxrsG// rocAfle ABOUT ANTTHtJG ANTMCfE. I WEU. LOOK, OAN,HCY'flE fWESnHQM THAT 3«n( 'Give us Back mykons HJSttCHE..." QOOO GFIEF. :j HEALTH i FITNESS Contact Lanaaa By Matt Im W*k to to* 1 BOO-MMENS 315 COUNSELING PW06tf»*S1Ca» tha UO OHM l«« tot traa. anonytnou* cna*» conaatng and Bam-fipm. M f 14 ht*** Mtnk J4«v44*e j» SERVICES fraa Pragnaney TaaPnf I ugana Pregnancy Support Cantor Wak oaaatoma 'ua» >(U MSOW Unelannad pragnaney? BtRTK HIGH! a Diaca to ttvna thing* mar tarty dotation Somaona to tali to Patton* conWannai Ut Mil ODE CLASSIFIEDS A /«»•/ dr-tl' J a. -*.'B t all tH. tUt \ /a b» |i!mc yuur «J t FREE DELIVERY ON CAMPUS 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. PXZALNOS PIZZA Zesty Chicken Fajita Pizza Speoal Introductory Offer s3.00 OFF large *2.00 OFF medium 346-0776 Otlor good Ifvu spring term Doonesbury by garry trudeau smUumn pk> rher HAVt you f*MCH gtetj' rmcA&N NO, BUT ONLY Of CAUSf AN tARTH mr>r m+t conn law mow axx> set YCUtXMN AT WE XES?#? FUJI m au&’ HMim au IXCfPl CHfff i ur w «v on nt has 1 CROSSWORD Hy Eugene Sheffer ACROSS I Port*/ * butd*n 3 C«l*nd*» PP • Wok* 110-Mrtr UCotch tom* Z* •4 -G4kgan( Wand* caM mambm 1iCly 14 Scimc* (o*4| «7 Vtondy lOCwatyto odiart 20 Nwo. in * MOW 22 •Coefc-4 23 T mint 24 Watwyala 27 Mancy 32 Art madum 33 Cad — day 34 Wr«a* Lamn 33 Stand*/ ou» on* M Gla* css •noun » TNk» — 40 Nm>V hara 43 EiptalM 45 FigM 44*Chaa<«' alumna MEmargad vctonoui MC4y an Vw Hudaon Drudgary BiaeMad Adamd or UcCawg M Na«a< ■goto? 17 Slaulh. kxthort MSpMad ttw bum DOWN 1 tOW lOnad Mkm 2 Con prov 3 Prod on 4 Study • Forma* acorn 7 Jailor* • Pul (on a cant • Concor dant 10 SnaOarad 11 Sadial. tor ■'1 1 tr kKWUfWW 14 Playpen OOOJfMnl ISMMdy 33 Non ■dual MFoolunt n*u pat •onAwf 3* Cynical 10 — 31 Down 3SOa*<* 37 Sad LaM ■MM 33 On* MM Ola *0uar* dance QRMP 41 Tim* ol pm^Mrty 43 Counlar teno* 43 Buttef Bunny, •9 44 Bat l gnal 40-Novu* — Sactorum* 47 Ga* dirty 40 Ogl*d 31 Mamtecn M ■—i.a-r.i—I