NCAA title up for grabs at OSU CORVAI.I.IS IAP) — The NCAA women’s gymnastics championships will onerate under a new. expanded formal this week, and Georgia roach Suzanne Yoculan doesn't like it "For the first time Georgia is seeded No. 1 and for the First time there is absolutely no advantage to being seeded No 1. siie said ns she prepared her powerful Gymdogs for the start of com|>e tit ion Thursday at Oregon State The meet has been expanded from two to three days In the past, the team title was de< ided the first day. with the lower aeed ed six teams competing in the afternoon and the top six teams going at night Hut la-cause of complaints that the scoring for the lower seeded teams was unfairly low. elimi nating any chance for them to win tfie title, there will be a pre liminary qualifying round this year. The add-numbered seeds, led bv No I Georgiu. will compete Thursday afternoon The even numbered seeds will perform Thursday night The top three teams from eat h session qualify for Friday night's team finals The individual i hnmpionships will lie determined Saturday nighi "1 understand all the reasons and I think that all of the teams should have the same opportu nity to qualify to have a chaine to win the title." Yoculan said "But at the same time. 1 think if you've done the Job all year then should fie some regard for that " She snid her team will leave Corvallis and stay in Eugene, some 40 miles away, after the afternoon session "We're not waiting around to find out- We re there to compete for the national title Friday night." Yim ulnn snid. "Thursday is a tec finicality." Cn-orgla. I Itah and Alabama are expei led to compete for the c row'll. That’s no surprise Since 19M1, one of those three teams has won the championship "The other teams around the country prolwhly don't have tin depth that the throe of us have." Yen ulnn said Most of the kids who have !>eon on the t ISA team look to one of those three schools." Utah was the No t team throughout the regular season hut slipped to the second seed after Georgia compiled a 197 50 in the Southeast Regional Utah, tin defending i hampion. is seeded second after s< oring a 19fi 975 in the Midwest Alabama. the 1991 champion, is I ha No 1 seed with a 196.075 In the Central Region After that, then1 is n big dropoff to No. 4 louisann State's J94 70. Missy Marlowe of Utah won the NCAA all-around title a year ago as a senior, and another Ut« is the favorite this year Kristen Kenover hod the highest all around score in NCAA history this sear, .to'to, March f» in a meet against Washington and Boise State And she almost tspuded it in the Midwest Region al with -I 19 HO Nine of the lop 10 finishers in last year's all-around competition return, including runnerup Heather Stepp of Georgia and third place finisher Dee Foster of Alaluiiia, who won the i onipeti tion as a freshman in 1990 and was Mi,nud in 1991 Another top contender is Georgia freshman l.on Strong, who has a season’s l**st of 19.50. Other teams m the competition are No 5 Florida. No l> Auburn. No 7 UCIA. No. H Arizona. No. 9 Oregon State. No 10 Arizona Stale. No 11 Michigan and No 11 Penn State Twelve other gymnasts quali fied individually for the all around competition EQUITY Continued from Page 9 However, two former women's basketball players, Cathy and Nancy Aiken, sued the University in 1977 claim ing the athletic department gave men's sports better equip ment. coat hi rig. training faril dies and transportation than women’s sports After two years of legal wrangling, the Oregon Court of Appeals ordered the Uni versity to improve support of women's sports The Aikens' suit forced the t 'niversitv to increase support of women's teams, said |anet Wentworth. University affir mative action ombudsman. "Over a period of several years, the University improved its support of women athletes, and the last review showed the athletic deportment had met its goals under the Aiken Case agreement." Wentworth said The athletic, department now voluntarilv monitors its programs to ensure they com ply with the low. Wentworth said. Maintaining support for men's and women's NCAA ‘In those days women were supposed to be spectators, not participants —- Len Casanova, former University athletic director I)i\ ision I programs lias forced the athletic deportment into a Si 8 million ciefic it. Walton said. Meanwhile, in an effort to provide women the same amount of athletic scholar ships as men. the University Senate has recommended the University create another nat ional I y com pot it i ve women's team within five years. "Title IX improved athletics for everybody at the Universi ty of Oregon," Casanova said. "Now we run enjoy watching our great women athletes com pete in our conference and nationally. Now we just need to find n way to pay for it." 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