Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 15, 1993, Image 1

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Oregon Daily
KAVE working on
return to airwaves
□ Friends of the KAVE
may have buyer for
defunct radio station
By Rebecca Merritt
Oregon Deify Finer hK1
Friends of the KAVE, an orga
nization comprised of former
KAVE staff members, is offering
hope to its orphaned listeners.
If listener and investor sup
port continues, the group plans
to put the former alternative
radio station back on Eugene’s
airwaves by the end of the sum
mer. The 2 1/2-year-old station,
previously found at ‘15.rt on the
I'M dial, was taken off the air
Feb 12 by its owners because of
financial reasons.
"They lost a lot of money,"
former KAVE deejay Jason Park
er said. "They just got kind of
burnt out."
Since the station has been off
the air. Parker said support from
former listeners and advertisers
has been incredible. Friends of
the KAVE has received about
3.000 phone calls from listeners
who haven't been able to find a
substitute radio station. Former
advertisers have promised to
continue to support the KAVE if
it were put hack in business.
Parker said
Because of the strong local
support, Parker said former staff
members considered purchasing
the KAVE as a cooperatively
owned radio station. Parker said
they believe it was not the sta
tion's programming that forced it
off the air, and there is still a
demand in the community for its
"We felt we could make the
radio station work with the
music and personnel we have."
Parker said. It |tist seems there
is a need in this area for a station
like the KAVE "
However, after two weeks of
delilieration. the idea was reject
ed because none of the staff
members have any business
experience, and it would 1st very
costly in terms of time and
money because they would have
to comply with Securities
Exchange Commission regula
tions. Parker said.
Friends of the KAVE began
looking for major investors who
Turn to KAVE. Page 7
Court upholds damages
against Metzger, son
□ Court of Appeals maintains $12.5 million
damage award against white supremacists
SA1.KM (AP) — The Oregon Court of Appeals Wednesday upheld
n record $12.5 million damage award against white supremacist Tom
Metzger stemming from the 1988 beating death of a black man in
The 1990 award by a Multnomah County Circuit Court jury was
the biggest civil judgment in Oregon history.
The damages also were assessed against Metzger's White Aryan
Resistance group and his son, John Metzger, the other defendants
in the lawsuit.
The appeals court upheld the jury’s conclusion that the Metzgers
offered "substantial encouragement or inducement” to three white
skinheads who beat Mulugeta Seraw. a 27-year-old Ethiopian, on a
Portland street in 1988
"We re real happy," said Portland attorney Elden Rosenthal, who
represented the Seraw family along with Morris Dees of the South
ern Poverty Caw Center in Montgomery, Ala.
"We remain committed to putting Metzger and his friends perma
nently out of business," Rosenthal added.
Tom Metzger said he would appeal the decision to the Oregon
Supreme Court and then to the 9th U S. Circuit Court of Appeals, if
“We're prepared to go right on up the ladder," he said.
The Metzgers acted as their own attorneys at the (rial. The Court
Turn to METZGER. Page 7
Over the top
Scott Momger of the Coots Light cycling team climbs Green Hill Road during the pro
logue time trial of the Tour of Willamette, a five-day, six-stage bike race ending Sunday
with a critenum on campus The riders will lace the Smith River Road Race today
An 80 percent chance of
showers today with with par
tial clearing periods. Highs of
55 to 60 degrees Increasing
clouds Friday with a chance of
rain on the coast
Today in History
The British luxury liner
Titanic sank in the North
Atlantic 81 years ago
SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) - It took a bag of chocolate Easter eggs and push
and-pull from human helpers to free a pet porker that got stuck in a hole
while searching for a snack
Porkchop. a two-year-old pot-bellied pig, tumbled down a steep staircase
trying to get at dog food in a root cellar, owner Vicky Bierce said
Bierce heard the porker squealing like, well, like a stuck pig and found her
jammed in a hole leading to the root cellar Animal-control offit ers pulled
on Porkchop's ear and pushed her legs, coaxing her along with chocolate
eggs until the pig was free
She s just a pig. after all.* Hiene said.
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Billie Moore, who completed her
16th season as head coach of the UCLA women's basketball
team last month, has decided to resign, senior associate ath
letic director Dr ludith Holland announced Wednesday
Moore, 49. compiled a record of 296-181 at UCLA. In
1978. her first UCLA team won the AIAW national champi
onship and the Bruins reached the Final Four the following
Overall. Moore's UCLA teams won at least 20 games in a
season five times and reached postseason play eight times
Including her eight years as head coach at Cal Stale
Fullerton. Moore's career record is 426-196.