N*cm furnished room. uhMww. Sundry. noo tmo*i«ng, S260 ♦ dop. foreign students wetcom* 461-4573 Room for root m apaoous 3 bedroom house CkMM to campus $27Srmo T»m at 345 7099 290 CAMPUS EVENTS 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Hindu yagatarlan man aaaka houaing utth olfun __ SrooAa, rm «. aSH«T* NEED « GREAT PI ACE TO LIVE Ououfll' Jun*T Nana Roommara 2bOm apt htapl iwm»ocd *>»». c«o*a ’o camp.,* Caa Jut* (*r «7M Sunny, cory houaa arconaanlancaa Yard aaay Du* Nonamotang <*maiu <*t*t* *M»« 'am mth -Mconaoie F tiudam t2?VuUi»* ,•;?»; rs6 SW Eugana houaa m (aaatam magytoorhood Cony Out & t»*« 10 DO SUKYmoptuxwp Aft* 1873 a-Oadroom houaa, ana room rant* at 11*7 50 Naar 5th t Adam* on buadna. No Aral or laac 5M-12S4 Sunny haa myard hanch *». *** igW. bamOoo. non amAg. Du* *n*. miyconv »3i«l>3 34S-T9I6 vi elections Th#ct it ■ mandatory «rnHrt»*g for all pofH>rtx»i«r» wortuog fcy tt*« ASUO £ ttcfcont ? 30pm W«*d Afjri 14 to Mac#« Room, EMU ?85 CLUB SPORTS KARATE DO TratSttonal aiyta Oo)u Ryu Aar Bla de. aatt datonaa. ntnua*, and lour namanl compaction aH aludanta welcome For into contact UO at X0-3TU_ APARTMENT HUNTING? L« (Mir (ImmIMi br tour 290 CAMPUS EVENTS CAMPUS EVENTS American Society for Interior Dmiqiwi Student Chapter sosartj annual Modest* Oat Mara'aeture*'* •opt and product dMf*ay» Jem u» for produet ■ntormaliy' v« la» » W( «t» Wad Apr* U , I PM 4PM lewranca m, 2H>_ Faire CMU LOBBY »*vt •*•«* f tsJtt*r»i «nU VU»* tV-dil Thunk., April 15th A perfect opportunity to learn more about umpuv programs .out find wass to become more involved. Also, candidates for the upcoming ASl’O election will be on hand to answer questions lues.. April 13th (hn nigh 10-3 320 SERVICES J95 ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT TOE CRYING GAME h_— d«ri. m- • «a, aum— - M MMwriiiaiu rn MmacoaMu Mimwooam PASSION FISH «**•* ’« ’A gay. paU-gunk Mm aiW i.«4aa r THE LIVING END Pocket Playhouse Presents The Undertow Wntun J Pbirti k Aprft 1$. ft A 17th et SPH Pocket Theeter. Room tW vuterd Sw^||pr«W /V_ PAD LIEUTENANT T BIJOU LATLNJIf_1 M « ,U V!, ^ THE CRYING CAMEJ miw «.«•», i»» itt m i BAD LIEUTENANT J 3?o SERVICES Roots of Rian’s Social Problems: K Quranic View The Muslim Student Association is presenting a lecture given by Ali Ta/arvi today. Mr Ta/arvi is the president of the Darul-Haq Islamic Center of Reno. Nevada Anyone interested is invited to attend. 5:00-6:30 p.m. T0DJTY Cedar E. EHTU Wteh tee ® Oafo (to lb aaassaad# l>i » «l \ ADVERTISINO AND PH ARCHITECTURE EDUCATION FINANCIAL SERVICES HEALTH CARE HUMAN RESOURCES LBOAL MEDIA 330 OIL0ERT 123 CHILES 333 OILOERT 223 CHILES 127 OIILES 244 OILEEH r 332 OUJH'RT 227 OIILES ciuhuiii roi ion iiroiiiTioi Introducing Bob's ^OfESSIO/v4< Car Wash Service VW's TO RVs l«alur(n)j Enxine Dexreasinx. Waxinx K Polishing, Wheel Dress, Vinyl i* < onvcrtible lop < leaning, Interior H Exterior Cleaning, S|H>t Removal, and ol courve We Vacuum GET MTKM BUND S M0U5DVttattX! i *«*•*-■« 9 3?o SERVICES Episcopal Campus Ministries 1 kar^« I •««*«■ I «MrM « * 11;*» i** Wiy>« «mI progr***- I ■«%«( MfrMrc Fff# Prsgrvtncy Teawny f uijnno Prpgnancy N.#**** C«rt!«* Mil* rs w»fco«* Tw«* '04 .van040) BtfYTMffeGHT ii pt*j« H> ttww» rfwga OV«r f CMtfCtOft S !T(OW>, «£>’ I I I Htu mmcocv, nocv mute ear m wjw (QUtfHMT flV me1*5 HCMP 4rt in tom r or tct anP m*usn& ineor&AT/aN / m»w AtivtVfA nntN nx/u REACH \HR »JU • urn, an BtSlOUfftft ft n about tHST i (V KUfiHOtftf I MZ=>L CROSSWORD By Eugene Shtjfer ACROSS 1 l aund/y 5 Oku Wiki* » tin* qua noti • S**«u II Biaad ap/aad 13 Prop kx Mafkham i man 1«1‘r«ny Wo man* ala/ 15 Spitaiul 17 Walal ■am 1( Spaa> carnal 19 Mom ana* 21 Wo/Id Wa/ II k>*#>* 24 Kilty 25 ft**! 29 Una ol lore* 30 'Wtvan W.U — lovad?* 33 Canaua Italian: 34 Taka Ima 35 Sandy a com man! 39 IMhar 37 Ho/nad vpara 39 Hoaia/y woo 39 Halha* d TV 4) M*)h (f ( ) 43 f’(i« cm* haad out 46 Skmwimt •Ml M 50 Cittern* 51 Rnn 54 Buty with 55 Pto« to SO Stately growths S7 'Hndga on lh« Hw»* KwaT daacto* SO Inaipon •nc«d S9 Bulking txavo* DOWN I Matte a ••Mate*. maytm 2 "Family I «•»* iokt i 3 Onmniad 4 •vw«r $ Pnwiil quwpion? Mats 7 fUidy hanxn* 5 UlWJD thwqo* i»h • Shytocfc. •9 10 R*«* minwrolt 11 B>«fg« powlon 10 Agtnl M 70 fop 72 Two