Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! ( I ASSN II I) POLK IKS Deadlines l ine 4dv I p m , «*oc hucjncvcdav prwr to indent*to IIKpli) Adv I p m . two buvmcci day« prior in m\cn«<*s Copy Acceptance • The ODK ffMTfvcx the nghi in revise, nxt«viify, reject or cancel am ad at any time • No advcritcirig he term paper cakr* nr edtt«*ial writing and or research writing will he accepted • The OH* w ill not accept ad1* containing a I -900 phone number 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS ALPHA PHI Watcoma our nnnt mwibtfl SaHy A. MfchallaB Kxrini B Sarah B Joanna f Jutt* 0 Kendra H Barbara M Bonnay N Clair* W KAH At) Congraluiafton* on your tpetral W* anah you in* bate a m* TMf 1A l nrVrrt ll»a *a« Congratulation* Brooka and Brani on your paining Baal aitaltaa lor in* Mural l ova. your ttatara *»h naa IK IK SIGMA KAPPA Mould aa to mm com* a« arm*, and Spwg ptadg* ctAtaasol <990 IrancMP '.***#"» f Courtoeyl Janmtar P Tracy P JanodtK H Jody S Ooa B Hobynn C two C I mo* 0 Janrcat Angela H Kendra P Autumn P low*. Your Sitter* K__U Alpha Tau Omega Spring Rush 1993 I rid.iy. April d A 00 -..lihaU *' Bt *i^|lt tj of itnvt raj) & <85 105 personals Unlyaraity ol Oregon Slnglat 1«00-*41-70*0 ail 115 110 LOST i FOUND LOST Mu*' rororatt m*m> root***) n-1 tw. Seva*' Hxwit PICAS* caa 4«i> not___ LOCI (VtX* Janapon ftacaj>ar» a^voen team** pw'M A taaca mAh hi « fW—hi no Quaahon* aaaarJ Ptaaa* can >4fr97Sl 115 TYPING SERVICES *i MMm. momm « onao totoot tWWVIO 20-yaar «*H«H bac* ground t*m Itnum« W «* EOOng !***•(* OH CAMPUS' LOST S FOUND ITEMS FMU AD FON 2 DAYS) DM ipac m3 In* pag* 2* hr turn around. Era* campua prck-updal El VINO EMOCNS typing aarotca EaM. accural*, laaar >1 OO pag* up ProlMMonal writer at your aarvtc* to wmaadM. ea>«0M anytime_ TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara land — 4SS-1M) Serving HO area unca !M’ INSTRUCTION FABRIC MARBLING DmM your own marbled designs On tabne utmg Hits ancient arOorro Print on Ubnes cv i>* uiA/ed tor omits v«t> Mom# oeco>»t«n* and other pro tad* B? member* JJ6 non mam bar* Mondays 6 30 * 00 pm Aprs 2077___ PORTRAIT ORAWING Using a .J(.r»t, o> madia and a tore modat wc cut toon on tha balance pa taraan creeling a thanes* and mrjnndu at anprosarcm A» urvvns o* draanng aba «y ara aratooma *3/ members, $41 non member* Thursdays 6 30-000 pm Apr* 16 May *0 WOOD FOR PAINTERS Students aW team *a«a jse cl wood shop maclws** atnaa making stretcher Iramas and shaped canvasses, and shaping tMndmg and temtorcing pan ats tor pamfeng $2» members F t days tQOO am I* tj pm April 16-May 14 SEQA OAMCS But's vs Lasers A HBr S.'&cva-n Mmrfah/ 067t_ Used Tun tart roaring machine Its Hear Sharp PA-3000 N PonW Mac Ironic typewriter PS $43-9137 eve or la meaa _ _ Wood hama sola <.ha* table m* SBi Good conrMion CaA 683-1907 ahar 6 00pm or tv message _ _ 13 Color TV Black entertainment canter Lore 603-4442 Th* tcMultoo lor women who lov® ckxhot . Th® Cloth®» Notm , 720 E 13th 345-SOM t JO FOR SALE MiSC QUITAR9 QAIORC' Mux* o> *■> amda Aik. canrn and W»«M Buy arH Sa» Ca«n>3 Lika naw omc* A my*aaa* (a* ookya wAota ai pAowa can* hangng anp A fnaiCNng octin* WOO to< a* A>/-tt»/avaa Ouaan bad AIM. twin tuton w Irama •1M. AHA BA portatMa awrao wCO A douMt caaaatia AMO. A ftaaboka ay 7 MO. rug AAO AAA WAT RoMarWadaa .j»aO lartwa v/» 7 113 WOCaOaj JUi Roland W-JO kaytwaidAnuac »' alation. aaoucncw aant*m. ayMhaa*/ a>. 'OOOa a* Kxmoa. A'?00 6»4*» CARS TRUCKS 71 VW SUPERBEETLE RUNS GREAT! $700 OBO 346-0367 7* VW RaMM 4 uml. 2 . ‘2395 , —«-S t htlr tor «n irv* reUthlr 3 Rffki ot ifrtffdtH .pImAn It morr* Imluiki nrttfr. ikc&motUliom. jnJ rtiurvtonv t All T2b*8039 lor itkto on Vpt tap Ki CPPOBTUNfrtES Be All You Can Be J#n the SMMn Otinteton Stef *rx9r UO students to volunteer *5 hosts during Now Student Omrmt’or - the f at; Most* wetOOme new Students answer rjuethons and he*) rmptemant the actretos o( New Stud*"*. OnentaBon. 9f?2 » Howards'* A greater knowledge ol umtiut the eefcstatton ot hasping new students • tree T that. and load* ot tun P«* jo more mio at the Dean ol Student's OtAc* Sign up n 364 Oregon Ha* no «**» man April ?3_ ICC Instructor and too adults, non Smoke'S waking a house to ** Juty June O0 0«* 346 15 75 PUT THE FUN BACK tNTO ruNOBAtSMQ EARN AS MUCH AS *750 f on VOuR ORGANIZATION NO INVEST ME NT NEEDED CAll TCXl Ml» mOC>322 2464 SECONOABV SPECIAL EOUCATKM PROGRAM Tudon mvo ptu* mommy ttpand lor guaMrad par*on« rMinM m aarrung a ma*lar* dagraa and *pac«at aducabon cartrbcabon ft* more *niorm«lor wma to Sandi Dam*. I7S Education Unrvwtrfy ot dragon 210 HELP WANTED INTERNA TtONA L EMPLOYMENT Man* monay taartwig bade convaraa bond Engb*n abroad Japan and Ta* «an Many prmndt room A board p*o» 06hk banal**' Maaa 1*000 $4000 « par monpi No prmnou* traming or laaeftmg oanibraN raquvod for am proymant program cat !206! 632 1 <46 ail J606S JOM FOR NEXT rEAR ESCAPE fatd Shxtaa « aacapbng apc*cabon» tor Oaactor. Aaal Oaartor PR spaoal ■at. Otea Mgr. Owaron Haad* (Public Senoett. Human Sannea* Outdoor School 6 Laadaranp Trammgi and GIF* tPubhc Sc boor* 6 Human Sat vea) Appbeabon* fat EMU M111) ara dua Aprrl 23rd Cat 346-4361 tot mto AranT you glad you raad mm’’ MICROCOMPUTER MB VICES no* aooapbng »tud*n! appbeabon* tor *on aar* ttxary poarfton Mutt hav# m*c»o computar tawy. good commjnrcabon and otgonriadonal «at«a Starting pay 6 3658Mtour Apply room 260 Com pufcng Cantor Earn raab ttuiftng anvatopa* ai noma At malarial* provtoad Sand SASE to P O 9643 Spwgttl. MO Ei560i EARN 61600 WEEKLY na mg out circular** Etagm NOW FREE poctac SE VS. Dapi 249. Be* 4000 Cordova. IN 360164000 Or ad studant wan lad to nalp boat aicnangaat 20tvvw* *i menanga tor tot roorruboard 726 8039 710 HELP WANTED HIRING IntamaOonal HmWi 8 Nutrition Company It tntanrlaanng atudanti tint araak tor managtmtnt A martat Ina poatttona Soma pan-tima AH mayort tnouto apply Cau M?Wt SSmBub ftumrtMH Imptoymanl r famara for amotoymant program cat 1 20ft Mfr-U Man A8069 Apanmant ktonagir naadad <00% rani oadrt aand raauma lo BPM U30 Waamena No <09 tugana OB 97401 Crutaa Hna Entry invar on BoartMandtrda Potruona avai tummarryaar round 714 &49-1S89 POSTAL JOM Sian $11 41Tw plus Panama F or ap pllcatlon-tnlo. call 1-118-374-2102 2 ASM 0PM Trdaya SEIZED CARS, true**, boats. * wbee art. motorhome*. by FBI, IRS DES. available row wee now Can i aon. cooks bake's & mgmi Mousing available. good pay S beneM* Fo< mio con lad Iasi* at Slu dam Employment prior lo */2>/93 to mi up appointment on 4r?t.*)3 VOLLEYBALL REFEREES NEEDED1 Paid positions available k» letweemg an inaa tratarnay voUayban challenge April 24th For more into. call Karan or 10m m 344 1606_ FREELANCE EDITOR Tha Emerald a now adapting apple cations lor fraa lance editor The iob involves recruiting and working with students who want to contribute new* atone* lor pubkcaliOn Require ment* mdude two othce hour* per day. Monday Thursday Appbcation daadkna a Monday. April !9th at 5pm Contact Pat or Joke at 34S5511 tor mott information Survival Canter hmng new position CoCoOKknelor mu*t be a student Apply at Survival Cental, EMU Suae I. 346 4356 Also Earth Week Voluntaer* needad now1 GRADUATING? Environmental Marketing Firm seeking part-time or career mind ad individuals. Eugene S Portland araaa. SB7-470S_ ... ..* gun c()affcy tl^csort I Spend tkr lummrr working at beautiful Sun Valley. Idako. S5 per kr.. dorm type boueing available. 1/2 price recreation, free awimming. Sign up for interview a at tke student employment office or call H6-1214 k . ID HELP WANTED POSTAL JOSS awprabte "wry C*» bcrna, gryuB MnaMi C*» i S0CM36A36S «»l P33Q9 :i5 WORK STUDY Buainaaa Mafox Karen on *•{*>■ ere* Quunaas Malaga* ot Northwest Hevww Must b*" compute* sauvy Ca» John Sad 3967 ahiunoons EMU CRAFT CENTER Worn Study posaons avaBabte. aip m fWAKy photography, wCXXtwOrtong. Ceram*.*. hbers ate pretexted Apply ground Boor. EMU 3*6--*36’ WOODWORKER? WORK STUDY CERTIFIED? Woodshop supervisor fobs opanf Apply at EMU CRAFT CENTER. around Woo*. EMU 346-06 V 125 APTS DUPLEXES Blackston* Manor - Furn, 2 bedroom apt S*96 Mngr 687 0684 Panarson Manor - Clean, spacious. 1 bedrm apt S350 Mngr 344-7140 Von Klein Property Mgml 1301 Ferry Si - 486 7776 Campus Apartment* Furnished. 1S2 Bedrooms. Winter retes >375025 *86-2823 Pre-Lease lor summer 3 bedrm, $360 Pre-lease tor lall I mo Iree* 3 bedrm $696 Both less man 1 block Irom cam pus uncovered parking 886-9499 or 461-0199 PROSPECT PARK 2 bedroom apartment avail now. quirk country atmosphere wlconveruenl city location other features include pod. tenmsibasketbaN cts, rec room and it past 264h and Cham playground, right bars 484-6663 Studio available lor summer $296. very nice, cloee to campus _485-7794. 1 and 2 bedroom apt available laun dry. parking, security dose to campus 48* 99?? t bedrm near music bldg, on bus Hne. parking $ laundry. $360rmo Call aft 6 3*6 6069 t bedroom lurntshed apt near music bldg. S38CVmo. heal included Call alter ?pm Ridgewood Apts. 668-6789 ' 7obkst'yll.~i.AO'pi __ JLv| t rii^oy tlw beauty of woc*H *td JT. wildlife i« luprr Roar plM 2 DDRM. I 7,BATII '495 St ‘SIS/moiilh • Out la eanfnM • Swimming Pool • WtjfM/Trtnns Riem • Smimc I IE. Ceres (OruM A leMwl 687-1318 £ ► ► One Block to campus large 2 bedroom, great location, 1*5* 12 E 19th MSSsio. lurntshed it desired 34>6000 RIVERTOWN APARTMENTS 697 Country Ckjb Road 2 bedrm, townhouse trom $606rmo Pod and laundry 48b-1*22 cam Get \ Date? Parents and Friends Nagging You? Break tha Habit with a Smoking Cessation workshop & Support Group 3:30 - 4:30 Tuesday April 20 - May 11 j (limtmUm in the Medical l ibrary) Limited Space Registration Student Health Center • 346-4456 \ or stop by the Health Education Room SpoKtorrd by the Sltutrm Health Crater Ijfnryle Planning Pryfram j Bring your comforters, throw rugs and sleeping bags. Eugene’s Largest. Front-Loading Washer! MR. CLEAN JEAN'S COIN-OP LAUNDRY ^500 WASH5 Early morning weekday special ^ 8-11 am j 240 E. 17th (BelwMD High & Pearl)