T-Shirt Design Contest To Promote SAFERIDE IT*e winning entry will win .1 gift certificate for dinner for two it Chanterelles! Bring your designs to the Women's Center, Suite V EMU, by 5pm, April 27th. com soon MOVIE RENTALS*OPEN 24HOURS 13th A Patterson » 342-1727 J JADE PALACE CANTONESE & SZECHUAN CUISINE Professional Wok Cooking Extensive Menu Superb Quality - No M.S.C. ★ Huge Portions ★ No Cxtra Charge 906 W. 7th • 344-9523 • Closed Monday RIGHT ON TARGET Orrftm Ikul* Emerald CALL OUR ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT: 346 3712 DEBATE Continued from Page 1 the multicultural center when they won't feel the effects of it. given it'll take a year to start up " Collins Puente said students need to help fund the multicul tural center because administra tion has been slow in finding the needed money. "I don’t see a one-time fee a* loo mill h to ask from students given the other fees they're pay ing." she said Bowen said he didn't believe Wnrren and Johnson's idea lor paying for more campus light posts was realistic The Adopt A-Lightpost campaign would enable businesses to pay the costs for lightposts and get their names engraved on the posts in return. "Three hundred is a lot in these hard economic times." Bowen said. "I can't imagine a business willing to give $300 simply get a plaque out of it I don't believe it's as simple as the c andidates have it." any agenda is your agenda. I’m not a politician. I’m willing to listen to your issues.’ — Leslie Warren, ASUO Executive candidate Both sets of candidates agreed Incidental Foe Committee mem bers should be held more accountable for their ac tions The IFC has postponed several meetings the past few weeks bec ause not enough members showed up, Warren said she believed IFC members should Ik1 punished if they don't show up at the twice weekly meetings. She suggested the ASUO withhold members' paychecks until they show l hey'a* responsible. Tuesday was the deadline for applying for 1993-94 ASUO positions. ROBBERY Continued from Page 1 More's bookkeeper. "People go to the sole to cash lottery tickets all the time, and it was a lunchtime rush, so we were all real busy. Store employees said Strome acted ai < ording to store policy and commended him for his bravery. "He saved a lot of pimple from getting hurt.” Hahn said. Police describe the suspect as a white male in his late 20s. 5-foot 8. about 150 pounds, and having dark black shoulder-length hair and a inustoi he The man was wearing a brown i orduroy iacket and leans at the time of the robbery, said Tim Birr. Eugene police spokesman Birr said KPO offic ers searched the area for the suspect but found no one matching the description. TRIAL Continued from Page 1 vehicle*, and a chain-link fence went up around a parkin# lot across the street Police said it would lie used as a staging area. About 600 National Guard troops trained at armories in Inglewood. Burbank. Glen dale. I.os Alnrnitos, Van Nuys and Arcadia "California guardsmen have been instructed that they are to use any means at their disposal to protect themselves or any other citi zen if they are in threat of human death," said Maj. Gen. Tandy Bozeman. Another military contin gent was training 80 miles to the south. About 1.000 Marines at Camp Pendleton stormed a mock town as part of a "just-in-case" urban assault exercise, said Cpl. Rick Laemmle, a base spokesman. Hours after Sgt. Stacey Koon, officers Laurence Powell and Theodore Briseno and former Officer Timothy Wind were acquit ted of most charges in a state trial last April, the city erupt ed in violence that left 54 people dead and caused nearly SI billion damage. Police under the leader ship of former Chief Daryl F. Gates were criticized for their delayed response to the unrest, but new Chief Willie Williams has promised pro tection for the city’s 3 6 mil lion residents. WAREHOUSE SALE TWO DAYS ONLY SAT., APRIL 17TH ★ SUN., APRIL 18TH ★ PRICES SLASHED ★ TAKE AN ADDITIONAL 30%-50% I gjjlS SPECIAL GROUPS OF MERCHANDISE NOW SALE PRICED AT 5.00 ★ 10.00 ★ 15.00 ★ 20.00 ★ 25.00 MERCHANDISE FROM ALL 10 KAUFMAN’S STORES HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO OUR WAREHOUSE, LOCATED AT THE REAR OF OUR 135 W. BROADWAY STORE PARK FREE SATURDAY & SUNDAY AT THE PARCADE OR THE OVERPARK OPEN SATURDAY 9 A.M.-6 P.M. ★ SUNDAY NOON-5 P.M “30 years of Quality Service" Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. | 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. Eugene, Oregon, 97402 LATE NIGHT with Track Town Pizza All Medium Pizzas Discounted After 10:00 pm Daily and All Day Wednesday MEDIUM ONE ITEM PIZZA .95 Additional topping* $1.00 each TRACK TOWN PIZZA Two convenient locations to serve you: CAMPUS 484-2799 1809 Franklin Blvd. WEST 484-4262 2511 W. 11th & Wilson