EDITORIAL Multicultural center not truly necessary If two students can collect 850 signatures by today, University students will be given the opportunity to vote on a proposed multicultural center April 27 and 28. If approved, student fees would increase $2.45 per term and generate $109,025 for the center, which would be adjacent to the Footnotes office on the lower level of the EMU. Aside from the fart that asking students for more mon ey those days may bo considered admissible ovidonce of insanity, a more basic question arises — is a multicul tural center needed? The answer is yes. And no. Yes. a central, visible location that provides students with exposure to cultures othor than their own can only be considered a positive move. But no. another isolated room in the dungeons of the EMU is neither the way nor the placo to do it. One of the greatest complaints made by minority stu dents is their sense of isolation on this campus. And it’s true, an incredibly overwhelming percentage of the stu dent body is white. Unfort unatoly, some stu dent leaders would respond to this dilemma by retreating into the shad ows. rather than bringing the issues of minority stu dents to the forefront. One of the reasons minority students feel iso lated is because they tend Another Isolated room In the dungeons of the EMU Is neither the way nor the piece to do it. to cluster within the contmos ot tne various stuneni unions, and thus their various cultures also remain in isolation. A multicultural center will serve only to further iso late students from each other. The center’s sponsors want a place where minority students can meet com fortably There are already a number of places, both in the EMU and throughout the campus, where studonts of any ethnicity can congregate. If students pushing this idea don’t want a place where students of all colors can go. of which there are already many in place, what they aro really aftor is a minority student bunker. The center can do nothing to further mullioulturalism. It can only increase isolationism. Student unions absorb thousands of dollars in student fees every year. Certainly they can find a way to use that money to make their cultures accessible to students in general. All it takes is a little initiative and a genuine desire to foster true multiculturalism. Spending more than SIOO.OOO to provide a redundant service is ridicu lous. It's not as if they're short of funds. It’s simply a matter of how they choose to spend them. Instead of spending money on calorod parties, karaoke sing-alongs or renting ballrooms at the Eugene Hilton, they could spend the money here on campus and create a true multicultural center that would encompass the entire University, not just the bowels of the EMU. Emerald The Degon 0*iy * mnr,*d * pubfcshod daJy Monday through Frvlay Airing the school yaai and tuesday and Thuisday dur.ng the wimmi by im Oregon Daily Emerald Pubtipvng Co me al the U«v«My ol Oagon. Eugene. Oregon The Fnvthi oparatm independently a» the u™vanity mth ottees ai Su«e 300 ol the ( it> fctamonai l*von and i« a member ol me Associated Pros* Toe EmetM « envoi# property Th# uniawM lemovai 01 use oi papers ■» prosecutMSe by uw Editor Pai Maiach .late Barg Freelance Editor M»nn F«her Editorial Editor Rrvets Janssen Je« Paslay Sports Editor Dave Charbonneau FieyaHom Supplements EdKor CaAay Anderson Night Editor: Chatter Anon News Editor Editorial Editor Graphics Editor Entertainment Editor Associate Editors. Tammy Beley. Student Govinmtnt/Actinti**. Carolyn Tiappe Commurvfy CoSaen Ponfcg. Hgher EducahOrv AdmnrsIrjeon News Suit: Chaster Alton, Matt Bander JuStm Brown. Sarah Dark Mag Dado**. Amy Dover toon Jen Esson. Amanda F erne Anthony Fornay. Both Mage. Tar eta tkmtsmger, Uaa Mauri Rebecca Mwntt Slave Bm Kety Moaner Tittirv Muffler. Tnsta Noel. Eton Shaw Enck Studemcka Manor- Suitor. Randy Thwbon. Mchere Thompaon Agutai. Amy Van Tuyt. Todd W-fcams. Dayton Vaa General Manager Judy Red Production Manager Mchffe Rosa Advertising: Tom leech Sharon VaJ Salat Managers Shawn Berven. EWcr Managar Jv» kola, Teresa laabeUe Phtkp Johnson II Chnt Kanott Jeremy Mason. Vsn V O'Bryan II. Gaum Oh Rachael True. Anpe Wnden. Brian Wndhavn ClaaaMad: Becky Merchant Manager Barry Logan. Sharon Sauve Distribution: Brandon Anderson Nek Mannnmg. Giaham S-mpson Business Kathy Carbons. Superyrsor Judy CormoSy Production: m^id Whrte. Prodwmon Coonsnafev Knstma Granger. Deo McCobb, Stacy Miches Jennifer Roland. Jennler SmAh > Office S44-BS11 MSUti Dieplay Advertising ..MMTt! Po ClXH IN | ftWStVDCNN W Owl Pofop'fou’' u*v» :7 TmSJWaM4 CouKT ’ " vhwtcv (uo*d7om,no. f I tyjNT fUtMK 'O KlO.HO ftfRLt OoMT INVSX IF V I WTKI w **(cv*. r, I LI CouD HAt^DiT iCum For L'**u*t* <*** LETTERS Real men I'm responding lo Scott Bish op's latter [ODE. April 6) attack ing "foul-minded Christians" for promoting a billboard titled "Real Men Don't Use Pom." Bishop asks. "How do you use pom?" He answers his muni tion twice in the next three paragraphs, making his letter irrelevant It's clear that the billboard is intended to make people think in formidable terms regarding pornography. Obviously it con centrates on a deeper level than the physical “manipulation" oi one's "generative organs." as the confused Bishop writes That level starts in the minds of men who “use" pornography. The damage only in-gins there Think about the destruction done in our society that clearly can lie linked to pornography We’re talking about men. so consider the ill-respect toward women as a result of a demean ing centerfold. Weigh the facts. There have been steady increases of rape and sexual harassment cases in the United States Pornography is another ingredient in promot ing this trend I'm happy the billboard exists because "real men" don't belit tle women, they don't harass women, and they certainly don't rape women As for Bishop s question — through his graphic details, it sounds like he already knows how to use porn Casey Nicholson Alumni Foundation It’s not art I would like to address Stephen Frost's letter to the edi tor (ODE. April 7) titled "Play boy art." Frost asserts. The pic tures are displayed as art. 1 beg to differ. As a young woman. 1 am absolutely disgusted with such “art forms" as Playboy. Maga zines as such are not art; they exploit, degrade and dehuman ize women in the highest form. Frost claims "that the human body is a beautiful thing and the revealing' of it is not harmful unless shown purely as a sex object (e g. unnecessary poses)." The only thing magazines like Playboy do is show women as sex objects just because they exist, regardless of the poses the women have. I would like to see Frost's resoonse UDon opening a Plav boy magazine and finding his mother, sister or girlfriend in all her glory. I'm willing to bet that his views and ideas of "art" would quickly change. Robyn K. Hagg Pre-Journalism Good job The staff of Oregon Student Lobby would like to thank the delegation of students from the University who attended OSl.'s Oregon Lobby Day March 3 in Salem. We would also like to thank the faculty and adminis tration who were supportive in the students' efforts The lobby day was extremely successful — at least 500 stu dents from around the state were there to oppose tuition increases, program cuts and enrollment reductions in the State System of Higher Educa tion and to encourage legislators to work for replacement revenue in the wake of 1990's Ballot Measure 5. University students were a vital part of the rally and lobbying activities that took place. We would also like to thank all the students who wrote let ters opposing the cuts in pro grams and enrollment and opposing the tuition increases. These letters in support of a strong higher education system for Oregon are crucial to our efforts. The personal visit seg ment of the lobby day was espe cially successful. Students met with lawmakers in more than 140 separate meetings We encourage all students to continue to write their legisla tors. The Oregon Legislature will have the final word on funding the state system. The legislature could still act to put a replacement revenue plan before Oregon voters this year, before the program cuts and tuition increases take effect. There are also other events students can attend: The Heart of Oregon Coalition Lobby Day May 14. and the State Board of Higher Education meeting in Monmouth April 23. Robert Nosse Ed Dennis Oregon Student Lobby Astounding Stephanie Sisson astounded me yet again [ODE. April 5). I must wonder if Sisson doesn't think, or if she suffered some sort of tragic accident as a child that caused irreparable brain damage. First she managed to upset me with a comment that was insult ing to jews and Judaism. I would like to remind her that the Jewish holy hooks are also considered holy in Christianity, and that Jesus was a Jew. But that is irrelevant; she should not be ridiculing the scriptures of any religion. Then 1 wonder what planet she is on. Does she honestly believe that society sees it as hip to be queer? Her reality is seen through a strange lavender shade. The core of her diatribe is against homosexuals. Of course she does not hate or fear homo sexuals. she has no cause to. But homosexuals have much to hate and fear in her type of discus sion. I resent ami wholly reject any statement that asserts that homosexuality and bisexuality are any less valid or "right” than heterosexuality. With overpopulation as it is, in fact, perhaps laws should he enforced to punish heterosexu ality and its reproductive conse quences I don’t care if homo sexuality is biological or chosen, I refuse to subscribe to the Indie! that heterosexuality is a "better choice." The only hope that Sisson tan offer me is that she and others of her intolerant, ignorant and big oted views would just shut up. Heidi Bowman Comparative Literature Offends Jews 1 respect Stephanie Sisson's right to be a Christian and live a life according to the Now Tes tament. This is her choice, and hey. this is America. But being a Christian does not give her the right to make fun of. or put down, any other religion or spiritual path. As a lew. I am extremely offended by Sisson's references to the Old Testament and the laws that were "given to the Jews." Anyone who read her column can surely feel the anti-semitic undertones (or overtones) in her blatant mockery of the Jewish faith. One should not need to put down someone else's faith in order to reaffirm his or her own. If Sisson does not want to be called a "KKKristian," then maybe she should stop acting like one. Think about it. Voh anna Klnberg Co-director Jewish Student Union