I lor Summat 3 Bedrm, S350 Pnr-Leaee i» W I mo tree1 3 bedrm. 9*95 Bom less ihsn t D*oc* horn cam pus wrcovered parking 68*9499 O' 46!-0ig9 1 bedroom tumisfted apl near mu-vc Has. Vieftmo heel included C«* shei 2pm Ridgewood Apts 688-5789 CEOARWOOO QUADS 4411 17th Private rooms. ALL UTILITIES PAID, on vie Sundry (Veal rate* Irom 9235* Of 8- an a! 686 0697 JmningsfCo One Block lo campus Large I bedroom, great location. 1496 V2 E 19th 9469 mo. furnished FOBKaT VILLAQr 2 Gagoy lbs beauty of womb sad £ 2 wildlife le surer Boer pies r: 2 1 DDRM, I '/.BATH £ 2 '49S & 'SlS/monlh • Swimming pool • WeighUTVsess Bern It Ia«nH(OseeM * retkellew) 687-1318 ra REAL ESTATE NORTHWEST Prime location on campus N«e 2 bedrm house w/vauited cm* mgs 9 own Private garden $526 plus dep 355E I7tn 741 2504 RIVERTOWN APARTMENTS 697 Country Club Road 2 Bedrm. lowrrhouse Irom SSOSlmo Pool and laundry 469-1422 Walking Distance to Campus Sparkling clean. BnghUsrge tfudm Covered parking laundry looMm (Veer location i»5 4*4 5*33 Eugene Menor tkgh use kvmg with plenty ol charm Large i odrm 9456. md a» uts • cable 4*4 7441 Room for rent m specious 3 bedroo house Close lo campus $27Sfmo T. al 345 7099 _ ROOMMATES WANTED 4-OaAoom (tout*. on* room nnti M *1tT JO Naar Sth t Adam* on buotm* Mo v*i or ia*t' 6M-I2M Wow'BfioBng. tarlou* lam at* Mu tton) with eoty horn* » p*t» looting lor F roommato Vardaaay bu* rout* MOT plus uMIttot. 7»77M NEED * ORE AT PI ACE TO UVt torougn Jwn*7 Nmo ftooim«, 2txSrm apt Exit* nantoood loot*, •■iwicaw. Can^r* SW Eogan* houM S'SQrmo ptui top 484 l973 Sunny h»# w yard fr#nc« On «ky rght. bamboo non *m*g, bu* u» m*ny conv. K?3ft»! 0 3*6 79 ig RTS s ENTERTAINMENT TRY THESE WORKSHOPS •PORTRAIT DRAWING •COLOR PRINTING •FABRIC MARBLING •WOOD FOR PAINTERS •WOODSLOCK PRINT TABLE LOOM WEAVING REGISTER THIS WEEK' UMV Of OREGON LOWER LEVEL. IMLI KWNOHHW CRAFT CENTER 275 ELECTIONS Than* l* a mandatory mooting tor an poawrontma wortnng tor to# ASuO IWtQM 7 30pm Wad Aprf 14 m to# Mali* Boom fMU SELECTIONS Extended Deadline ASUO CancMM* f*ne-luaa **** t*> SOOUff AepacaMnt aaaAdtxa at A3UO odtaa. au4d 4 ASUO * an f OC/AA amployar ;» CAMPUS EVENTS Amarfcan SocMty for Wofor Dm^wi Student Cn aplar a mums annual Product* Da> Marufacto'w » >ap» and product **p«Ay» Jout ua aw product ntormalwn and talk to it'd -apa wad Apm t«, tpm 4PM la». -anca 2«. 3?o SERVICES CAMPUS EVENTS STOVE/WATER TREATMENT CLINIC Tr*« « * coco****** tmtmmms as* UO OtMK* P'wj>ar> arx) «tl *f*> CtMf »1<~W M!(KtKK< pnrvortla »*• JKV) !yp** erf »i«*« MNt* ora «K** PWfrfCiltKJn OpKK’t * RE f Tua, April IJIH. 7 JOprn EMU OUTDOOR PAOOIUM M«~MM _ 32C SERVICES Introducing Bob's ^Oftss,°A^< Car Wash Service VWs TO RVs Featuring Engine Degreasing, Waxing t* Polishing, Wheel Dress, Vinyl k Convertible Top Cleaning, Interior k Exterior Cleaning, Spot Removal, and ol course We Vacuum k Do Windows. All in Your Driveway. Prices start at $5 So call 484-3188 and ask for Bob! MM M»MMMMMMMM»MMMMMMMMM«MI ( 1 ■ THCFARSIDC By GARY lARSON At wllnetee* later recalled. two email dog* |u*t ■rallied Into lha place, grabbed the cal. and wallied out ■i Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson OH GOOD. A TRUE OR - % FALSE Ttsr' , M USE SOKE ClARltM* EVERT SENTENCE EWER PvjRE. SWEET TSWTW OR * Mill . CONTEMPT igtt UE ' ONE * OR TWfc OTHER! NOTHING IN BETWEEN ' by Kralg Norris Weasers World »HHE OFFICES OF THE OflEQCN OAJtJ INQUIRER, AN ASftUCNG tWCWQUr IS MMX... AMAZING ! >' I > m$ >/ -rwrs fT.PCwsi vrve Qor UVD NEW3- LET'S (tUN IT*! 305 HEALTH 4 FITNESS Contact lantaa By Matt SmM%K>ntk t«00-«4M.EMS OokT* Battar Boom* MaffibarWUp *300 OBO 063' Manly 310 SERVICES Bacau** paopt* car* > raa croon*) C> fait-ng t »»Y cMMcton Car twin ftg." t»A1 _________ Ft** Ptapnancy T*»linj t u0»n* P"#gnan:y Support Certtn Aa«tMt&?Tv ftPiNMNt a rmm m V 7HIS&, stee**! QOiOU KMOtUUNO iam?^ CROSSWORD liy Eugene Shejfer *LHU» 1 Walton atutiad him 4 Watt oi HoByaood ■ Indcalon o) Mad (IMadtay 13 Sptndla toy) tlwfl 14 Gan Hobart — It Button •mod 1/ Kama coarorfcar llPalot Wy nkan and Btynkan 19 ProMad 21 Hardly an da at data 74 Rid ot nnd 24 Burdao 26 Ralph Rack tlrawt vattal 30 liilamng dawea 31 Pul up 32 Baltum oppotaa 33 No pchy aatar. thit 36 "Radar* oi in* io»l AA" *>tia 36 Y**i *nd 17 S<)u«i* m*th l*c* 36 Fmtruck n*«d 41 Lnw 42*1 cannot 1*4 —' 43 Tun* lyp* 46 Actot Aubat pnon 46 Cmty * b*oth*> 50 Maitiay o» Bagnatd 51 Offth* (»yfo4 52 Top*i 53 C*l*nd*f Mx 1 Jackson and Data* 2 Tartan portray at 3 Drtvat'a naad abbt «Gavato< a tana 9 lampara man) • Matody 7 Grata ■ Ciaad • Ada Mowbray 10 Maradtary ba 11 Fulura ptarx It Jantorvai prop 20 Smat — Solution IhtM: 24 mini VoMtrday'a mm w 4-1J 21 Smgar l 22 Gad about 21 Malta rrwKtay 24 Bay ttructuras 24 Ushars handouts 27 Autumnal rock 24 Dumantta 24 Way out 31 Bacchant ban cry 14 Caflamly 3$ family Faud* laam mat aft 37 Brotharty addratt 34 /hrvagoi lova 34 Karras or Tratoak 40 Parlaka 41*21* 41 ttalp a hood 44 Card gama 43 ‘A Chorus Lata* tong 44 20 yaar nappat 47 Summar NYC hr*