Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! < LASSII II I) POLICIES Placement \d» m«) he placed at R» ■ mi VTfi, I-MU (main officej *w IX) Boiiltfc, Main Hoof Deadlines l.ine Ad%: I p m , i«c hwf>c\i da> poor i* * iniertHKn OhpUt Adi; I pm . (wo huiincu day* proof to in\crln«i Errors/Refunds Pteavc check y«mr .id' The ODf: %mII run a ebncificd ad one additional day a* a rrudi of an> typographical crrnr that change' the meaning of (he ad. »f replied b) I PM Refund* will he limned to credit* roily No c.i*h refund* Mill he iccued after (he ad deadline Credit* niu*t he u*ed within ft month* of tvwc Copy Acceptance The ODE revervev the light to rtviic, rev I jvvtl> regret if vjixcl any mi at any time * 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS Alpha 'feu Omega Spring Rush 1993 Ittday. April 9 S 00 vltKaB and iMihrt u«r 41 l h< Iumik Saturday. April 10 12 (X4 brjrh football 4