Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 12, 1993, Page 9, Image 9

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    Juror says majority
believed plaintiff
SI.ATT!.F (AP) — One of the
si x federnl-coiiii jurors whoso
verdict bars Victoria C. from
suing over on alleged gong-rope
by Cincinnati Mongols players
soys the mnjoritx believed she
was roped.
The rape was not at issue in
the U S District Court trial that
ended Friday, and testimony
about the alleged assault in
October 1900 — generally
referred to during the trial as
"the incident" — was barred for
the most part
Jurors were only considering
the validity of a release agree
ment signed bv the plaintiff for
$10,000 a year after the aljeged
assault. Their verdict that the
release was valid and binding
means the plaintiff is bound by
its terms. The release frees all
parties from liability and bars
Victoria C. from seeking further
Juror Cindy Curt right said she
and at least three other jurors
believed tile plaintiff, identified
in court records as Victoria ( .
had been raped.
C.urtright said she was sick
ened In the "victory shuffle"
performed after the verdict on
the courthouse steps bv former
Bengal Klbert "h kev Woods,
who made the touchduw n-cele
bration dance his signature
before .1 knee injurs ended lies
NH. career in too 1
Mv impression was he felt, 1
got away with it That really
bothered me 1 thought that was
totally inappropriate." ( urtright
said in an interview with The
Seattle times published Sun
l-riday. attorney Spent er Hall,
whose six clients contend they
had consensual sex with the
plaintiff, told the newspaper
that "if the rape took plat e, it
would have I Mien had for him to
dance in the street
The I') defendants in a law
suit tiled last year by the plain
tiff vehemently deny she was
raped No i riminnl 1 barges were
ever filed m the t ase
Some of the defendants
expressed concern after the ver
dict that they had not been vin
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