COSTS ARE UP! lari J-Mar Biological Plasma Donor Center help with yirur tuition. By donating plasma, you cam $20®° for your first donation, over $ 120 per month, and help sav e a life at the same time. Open Monday Saturday. Call 683-9430 for more information. |‘#)l W 8th Avc. Kugcnc I. _ .* EATING AWARENESS WORKSHOP Are you struggling with body image? dieting? eating problems? Do you turn to food to cope with stress? This 7 week workshop will help you develop healthier attitudes towards food and weight y Begins Tuesday. April 13, 3 30 • 5 00 Counseling Center, Room 225 :£:( Call to sign up 346-3227 University Counseling Center DANCING! SPECIALS! Every Night of the Week! Open until 2:30 ain daily I All loiter) games jj ami full game room! £sjjJlicLri$r Opcn 11 am to 10 pm to all ages for food service 343-0681 I Jlh & Alder On Campus WXJtO Uy t-*l MMCIi Oregon Club Sports cycling loom member Ed Girard works with Stephen Sutton and Mike Nelson (from left) In what ended up being a successful breakaway In Saturday's Piece of Cake Race In Salem. Duck takes second at Salem race By Pat Malach O>«0on l The club cycling team contin ued its string of strong finishes Saturday when Ed Girard endured rain and strong winds to place second at the Piece of (lake Race in Salem Rai mg in the Category 4-5 divi sion, which completed three laps on a 15-mile, mostly flat course. Girard joined a five-man group that broke away from the field at the beginning of the second lap. Girard and eventual race-win ner Stephen Sutton, of Portland's Spec lali/ed-Hike Gallery tuum, pushed the leaders' pace, whit tling the group down lo three rid ers after one lap Independent rider Mike Nel son remained with the break group hut did little work Girard said he didn't have much < onfidence the break would !*• successful once the oth* or riders tiegan to fall off. Sutton said losing two of his break companions so early also worried him "I would have liked to have kept them around longer." he said. "We had to work really hard to stay away." But Sutton said with a Duck in the break, he knew Oregon would lie trying to hamper any effort to reel in the leaders "I was totally committed to (the break)." Sutton said "I was con scious there were so many UO riders in the field. They were clearly going to dominate. Mv onls chance was to go with a break And vs itlt a IX) rider along. I knew (Oregon) would block." With the break successfully assay and Nelson conceding to the riders who had done the work, the race i ame down to a sprint between Girard and Sut ton. Sutton said Girard nearly lost him with his initial kick, hut he was able to overtake the Oregon rider to win the race. “I had to really dig deep to stay on hint," Sutton said. Girard said he knew Sutton had a strong sprint, and he want ed to get away from him early, but it didn't work. "Basically I led-out for him." he said "I need to learn to finish better." • • • Saturday's set ond-place finish adds to n suet ossful season start ed by club member Graham Wat son, who won the Category 4-5 division of the Lowell Park Road Hat e in Eugene the last weekend of March Club member Chris Davis con tinued the team's suet ess when he won tint Category 5 overall crown in the two-day Tour of Trinity in Northern California. Graduating This Spring? From April 12th on, we're the place to order your: • gown • tassel • cap • announcements and pay your commencement fee. (Main Floor By Our Information Counter.) Undergraduate Purchase $2490 Includes gown. cap. tassel A commencement fee Master s Rental $25°° APARTNQ IN YOUR IDUAIIO' I Includes rental gown & hood, purchased cap. tassel A commencement fee • A $6 late lee wM be charged for orders placed after June 4lh PhD Rental $3425 Includes rental gown A hood, purchased cap. tassel A commencement fee • A i& late fee wM be charged for orders placed after June 4th 136 E. 11th • (near Willamette) 342-3358 Must be 21 or Over Monday ai».u2$3 K pants Dirt Clod Fight m la.) Big Fags Tuesday ^ » $3 The Mo Greens Band Wednesday Ami u$s The Daddies The Big I Am Music Starts at 10pm Mon-Sal Music starts at 8pm Sundays