SWEATSHIRTS • JACKETS • CAPS “WORLD CLASS SERVICE* IMAOS INHANCIMINT OROUP 3SO WSST 300 AVINUI INIXT TO Ml) 344-7842 RIGHT ON TARGET Emerald Orrgtm tkal* * CALL OUR ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT: 346-3712 MONDAY, APRIL 12TH • Opening Rally 12 00-1:0(VCourtysrd. EMU Com* iotn us as we kick-off Pride Wee* 1993' Speaker mus*c lots ol Outer Prnit and you will make this on* Ot th* host events of !h* week1 • Straight Allies Friends or Fees? 3:00 5 WKolnom* Center. 1414 Ktnceitf • Mlier/Seclel 4 00 • 3ftInternational lounge EMU TUESDAY, APRIL 13TH • Women Centered Sexuality 10:00 12:00/605 PLC Presented by the feminist Women 5 Health Center this workshop wiH explore the details ol sexual health and happiness tor lesOian; bisexuals and other women • Understanding end Working with Gay. Lesbian and Bisexual Students 11:30 1 00/Ben Linder Rm. EMU • A Changing Movement: "The Evolution ot the Gay Rights Movement" 11 30-1 OG'Gum wood Rm. EMU • Gay and Lesbian Studies Paper Presentations 1:30-3:00/605 PIC • Out on Campus 4:30-6 OtyBen Linder Rm. EMU Come and iom in a discussion ot what it s like to be out on campus Hear stones trom (acuity start and students and share your experiences • Lesbian. Gey. Bisexual Youth Outreach 4:30-6:00/Maple Rm. EMU Panelists will discuss the need tor and the ramifications ot youth outreach in the Gay eommunrty • Making Law work tor Gay Men and Lesbians 5:00-6:3(Vlaw School. Rm 125 • Ask A Queer 7:00-8:3Q/Raimey Rm. Hamilton Complei Everything you always wanted to know about Gay Lesbian and Bisexual people but were atraid to ask WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14TH • Lesbian, Gay. and Bisexual Professionals 11 30 1:3(VGumwood Rm. EMU How does being gay or bi sexual affect your professional career’ find out a! this round-table discussion • Sex & Faith: Spirituality in the Gay '90s 1:00-3:0Q/Koinonia Center, 1414 Kincaid Come hear perspectives from the Goddess Christian Buddhist and Jewish Traditions Refreshments provided • Bi & Bi: Myths and Realities ot Bisexuality 4:30 6:0Q/Gumwood Rm. EMU • Lesbian and Gay Families with Children 4:30 6 OQ/Ben Linder Rm. EMU THURSDAY, APRIL 15TH • Coming-Out in Oivorsa Communities 3:00 5:0(VGumwood Rm. EMU Panelists share their experiences ot coming-out m minority communities Come participate m an open dialogue between and within th* Heterosexual and Gay communities ot color FRIDAY, APRIL 16TH • Queerest 10:00-3:3(VCour1yard, EMU A spectacular celebration ot Queerness tills the EMU Courtyard Ail Day today • Good Vibration: A Celebration ot Lesbian Sexuality 10 00-IMMVBen Under Rm, EMU • Together We Have Made a Difference: A Reunion ol GPAr'GALA/LGBA members and Co-diractors S:00-7:0tVlnternatlonal Lounge. EMU SUNDAY, APRIL 18TH • Candle Light Vigil 7:WCourtyard. EMU LGBA and JSU co-sponsor a memorial vigil tor lesbian and Gay victims ot the Holocaust FILMS! FILMS! FILMS! FILMS! FILMS! • Edward the II Friday April 16th 9 00 p m /Dining Rm EMU Saturday, April 17th. 7 00 & 9 00 p m Dining Rm EMU • Rocky Horror Picture Show Friday April 16th 11 00 p m Dining Rm EMU Saturday April 17th. 11 00 p m Dining Rm EMU Pride Week\$ a chance for everyone to explore and understand the variety and complexity of issues facing lesbian. Gay and Bisexual people in a predominantly Heterosexual culture Get a complete program at the LGBA table in the EMU lobby. For more information please call 346-3360 or 346-4370. -Oregon Daily EffTICriilcI S [30 i t S Ducks hire new women’s coach By Erick Studenicka Q/egcm Oafy Missouri assistant coach Jody Kunge has been hired as the Ore gon woman's head basketball i on< h. "I'm very excited about the opportunity to coach at a presti gious institution like Oregon." Kungo said at a news conference Friday 4 I isiint to put Oregon Iwskolltall tuick on the map " Kongo. 30. was the primary recruiter fora Missouri team that finished 10-A this season She has also had assistant coaching stints at Florida. Alabama ilirmingham and Colorado State during her career. Kunge looked positively at the <118 team that she inherits "We have a strong nucleus coming iwi( k." Kunge said "II we got committed. with lots of work, we can move in the Pac-10." Range whs given a one-year contract worth $42,000. Range was asked if the women's baskethall budget lim ited the team's potential for suc cess. "Budget-wise, we ten compete with anyone in the Pac-10." Range said "I know where and where not to spend money; I fee! we c all get it done." Associate athletic director Barbara Walker said Range was one of three finalists for the position but was the only candi date offered the job. Walker was then asked if fill ing the position with a woman was on athletic department pri ority "(•etting the best person for the ‘Without a doubt, we have hind a person who will bring respectability back to our program — Rich Brooks, athletic directoi job was a priority.*' Walker said Walker said she had worked with Runge at Alahama-Birm inghntn and the two had remained in contact over the years. Athletic director Rich Brooks Turn to COACH. Page 7 Women’s tennis sweeps matches By Steve Mims Oregon (huff CmtK&ia The Oregon women's tennis team continued its remarkable season this weekend bv sweeping Willamette, Puget Sound. Portland and Portland State 0-0 in each match. The Ducks raised their school record for victo ries to 22 with the weekend's wins, compared w ith only four losses Sara Willens won her No. t singles match against Willamette Saturday with a 7-5, 6-0 tri umph over Carrie Beelandi. Willens defeated Portland s Andrea Svvilk 6-1. 6-0 Friday. Sherry Fairgrieve played No. 1 for the Ducks against Puget Sound and defeated Lisa Wong 2-6. 6-4, 6-3. Fairgrieve defeated Safaa-El Mansy of Portland State 6-0, 6-1 Saturday. Elise Adams won three matches during the weekend, defeating Karyle Kramer of Puget Sound and Annie Akita of Willamette 6-1, 6-2 each Saturday, one day after treating Portland's Turn to TENNIS, Page 7 Tviswnr, xpul n iim mmmrmn ARTS A Pt REORMANCE 125 CHILES ENVIRONMENTAL 223 CHU I S INTERNATIONAL 227 CHILES SAI I S A MARKI UNO 330 GILBERT SCIENCE a TECHNOLOGY 127 CHILES SOCIAL SERVICES 332 GILBERT TRAVEl A HOSPITALITY 03 GILBERT vEDEsmirauMn) ; m-mimim ADVERTISING A TK ARCHITECTURE EDUCATION I INANCIAE SERVICES HEALTH CARE III MAN RE SOI RCES LEGAL MEDIA 330 GILBERT 125 CHILES 333 GILBERT 225 CHIl ES 127 CHll ES 244 Gil BERT 332 GILBERT 227 CHILES toe SI iteto ito lbs 9333^5# Cunt Pluaiii «a4 Pl«e«a*al Ittilti We Will Check Out Your Underside! • QUALITY, CERTIFIED TECHNICIANS • AFFORDABLE PRICES • CLOSE TO CAMPUS 1917 Franklin Blvd. 485-8226