TRIAL Continued from Page 1 its waited nearhs Thin wi'Hi ordered In he available within 15 mi(luUni in case jurors needed a question answer™! or annount ed that they have o verdii t Sgt Stacey Koon. officer* Inurem a Powell. Theodore II rise no and former Officer Timothy Wind are i barged with s iolaling King's i iv il rights in a treatingthat the go\ ■ ernment savs was excessive Although the jurors have I wen sequestered at a hotel sinee Feb 25, thin knew when thin were i lumen that world opinion ys'as focused on the case All of them said they i on Id put aside i oncerns alwmt publii reai lion to their verdii Is and dei ide the i ase purely on the evident v Aiqmttals on most charges in a state trial last year tom hed off three days uf rioting in I .os Angeles that left '.4 people dead and Si billion in property damage "I don't think anyone should Ire • ondemned U-cause of the of a riot, .illumes ll.uiand told the jurors in a final argument I.u ed y\ ith lehgious referem es and i nmparisuns of the defendants to Christ being judged In Pontius Pilate II you have the murage to vote not guilts on all these defendants, the publn svill understand, llraun assured them Mul a prosei utor i ailed the defendants "bullies with badges" and urged jurors to i onvit I them To i mis ii t on civil rights s iolations. jurors must find that the four men intended to inflii t unreasonable form on King In the slate trial last year in suburban Simi Val ‘If you have the courage to vote not guilty on all these defendants, the public will understand Harland Braun attorney representing charged officers lev. spec tfit intt'MI was nol a requirement to convict them of assault In a poll published Sunday by the /.os Anp'/m Times. 3.1 percent said a repeal of last spring's deadly riots was inevitable if jurors acquit the four men. And, although 75 |*erc ent of those surveyed voiced < on i ern that another round of unrest c ould engulf their neigh borhoods. 5(1 percent said they were very or somewhat c onfident that polic e* would quickly quell it Si rallies minorities of Hispanic s |4() |H*n ent) and blacks (12 percent) said they would consider v iolence partially or totally justified if the officers were ac quitted, and 10 pc-re ent of whiles thought violent e would Ik- justified l'lie newspa|K*r interviewed 1.13fi I jis Angeles residents Wednesday to Friday The (toll had a margin of error of plus or minus throe percentage points I’olic e Chief Willie Williams increased the number of offic ers on c its streets Sunday, and other low enforcement agencies liegan to prepare for any possible problems after the jury returns its \ordicts Tire California National Guard also plans to have (MX) troops in area armories by Monday morning Panel to discuss LA beating trial To help pvaplc understand the federal civil rights trial of four polit e ofTit ers accused of heat ing motorist Kodnev King, the law school has m heduled a panel disi ussion of the case today at 1:10 p m in the KMU Bon Under Room hm school Dean Dave Frohnmaywr will mod erate the discussion of the following panelists: • Dm asscH mte Professor Margaret Paris, who will explain how the police officers can lx* tried in federal court after acquittals in state court • Dnv ,isso< i.ite Professor Dsn Kioppenlierj^. who will describe the nation's dual court system and ,i< lions King i ould take in a civil suit. • Dm l*roft*ssor VVnvne West ling, who will corn pan* tactics lawyers used in the two trials, includ ing the use ol videotape •Fugene police Officer Marvin Re'voal. who will discuss proper polit e procedures, race relations with policirand how the fury fiver the King case has affei ted other parts of the country. •Kmilio Hernandez, vice chairman of the slate Commission on Hisponii Affairs, who also will discuss race relations with police and offer a cross cultural perspective of the trial ET ALS Ml I MM♦$ ln« ulrnlal h-p I ommtllrr " H Biwf iiwim* .tl 4 i iWxml K«w»tt» !«. Him «i** Ibc b«itlfpi*U of il«‘ (itliow Mitrvvitm Imiilmfl n*l*> lew lh« lul>ug (oflijwmw in HiMKti 144 IIrneiru k» Hrupfu hi) Mtiri^p C cpnijMnv. Stale 1 arm limit#** »( aw»»|wu»v Sbwwin WiIIwmm ami | ( iViuty C*» Thww will *1mi lw an offiir ofimiUiioti loiUv (runs l 10 in 4 )0 |> m m Koafit 221 1 «w nvum infaraMlMn. U<» Id Ktwnti J44 MviwMcit Amnnlt Inlermelional will have VV eater n Helmut! t^tfiliiurtnr MiflnUno Kuw» A% iLs tw» llw Hoam* i uitOid laiti|hl at 7 10 in the ( Ml' linn Mmlei Kotmt t u< mn/r information call I*# ! 4'MJt or 4l**i 6)fil Ouhtimt Program v%,. havr a Haft Trip liifiitlon Oitm tonight *1 7 Hi p m in tl*e I'AII Outdoor Program tor titlin' inioruuiliuti.uli J46 4JfiS fine and Applied Aft* will prroniit nunnd media *!mw ihtt at tin* UVonio kriiiw {»aller\ Tonight tlMcro will tw a naejjtmn from 7 to V at the gall«*r% for nmre mitirmiliun.« ail H<> 1610 A< adenrn Adaitmg will have Marlin. Strange and in 1902 pwni Applying »«* M«l ltd ,V ftool tonight from S lo 7 in Hoorn KM Pat lilt For mow* information. call 346 3211 I r»bi«n (>«v and Hi»rtu«l Alliamc will li«vo the opening r*w«*ptior» of it* an show tonight from 5 10 to f» in the f Ml' K»r Room IIIHA will alto moot for a mix n tal kxiax from 4 lo 0 30 p m ill the KMU Inter national UnuiHP UiBA will aImmIim us* Straight Alhm I'rmiuli im Fun?' todav from .1 lo '* p m at the Koiitnn ia ClNiltrr 1414 kirwaul Si liiHA will also have a rally toxiny from 12 to l p m in tin* 1 Ml1 Courtyard f or more mfomurtion on any of iliHoovenu. call 3 41* 3360 L Learn Something This Term That Can Save A Life C.P.R. Workshop Oat Certified NOW! $10 Fit- Includes: • 4 Hour ('lass • Instruction Booklet • Red Cross C.I’.R. Certification Card • For registered UO students only • Cancellations must bhours m advance or student will be charged lot workshop •CPU classes nek) in Student Health Center Catetena April 14, Wed - 6pm-10pm April 24. Sat. - 9am-1pm April 19, Mon. * 5pm-9pm April 26, Mon. - 5pm-9pm April 21, Wed * 5pm-9pm April 27. lues. • 6pm-10pm April 29, Thurs - 5pm-9pm Register Eerlg! • 346- 2770 Si*i*iu>rrd iht Stmitni Health Center tjft style Planning Proftam cam Get A Date? Parents and Friends Nagging You? Break the Habit with a Smoking cessation workshop & Support Group 3:30 - 4:30 Tuesday l April 20 - May 11 // (dimihiam in the MoJkaI l.ibvar)) || Limited Space Registration , Student Health Center • 346-4456 or stop by the Health Kducalion Room ' S/Hmu-rni b\ thr Simlrnl IIfaith Ctnlrr I i/ruWr PUinmna /*nigrum Deliver a KNOCKOUT... • • •without throwing a punchl GOLDWORKS JEWELS DESIGN SHOO 13m ft lowtenca, Euqan»««»343-2298> “30 years of Quality Service" Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. Eugene, Oregon, 97402 Rodney King Civil Rights Trial Monday, April 12, 1993 3:30 p.m. EMU Ben Linder Room Moderator: Dave Frohnmayer Co-Sponsored by the law School and the President’s Office For information, call >46-3853 k\\ *»V ft . * ....