LETTERS Campaigning Innovative leadership requires experience, action ana commit ment. Leslie Warren and Mark Johnson have what it takes. l.t'slie is currently the dim tor of the Black Student Union, cay director of Black Women of Achievement, co-founder and coordinator of Students of Col or Building Bridges, chairwoman of Affirmative Action Advisory Board's Subcommittee for Stu dent Concerns, appointed student member of the International Col lege Master Planning Committee, and appointed student member of the Multicultural Curriculum Committee Mark is the coordinator of the Dorothy Project, a program designed to assist in the edui a lionet and medu al needs of chil dren m Uganda, founding mem ber of the Tanzanian A sso» i,it ion of Anthropologists and An hae ologists. and has worked to cor ns t the foreign exchange market for the government of Tun/.imn Mark has also worked ns a fac tional violence mediator in South Africa. Leslie and Mark are committed to actively pursuing diversity in education and our comnuinilv reducing costs and increasing options for child care, holding regular town hail meetings and Saturday office hours, fm.ilitat ing an “Adopl-A-Lighlpost" um paign to improve i ampus light ing. developing belter methods of reporting hale crimes, and pro vidmg more self-defense and safe sex workshops Our global perspective and continued involvement demon strains collaborative efforts to keep students our No. 1 priority We approach problems differ ently. seeking creative solutions, and we follow through Inna use of our passion, commitment and ability to rear h out to students and ai t on their needs We i are about students and the i oniimi nity Fora new way of thinking, vote for Warren and Johnson. Leslie Warren Mark Johnson ASUO Executive Candidates Campaigning II ( renting a multicultural t enter and a sexual assault fund are great ideas, but must student fees rontinuallv im rinse for obvi ously needed programs on t am pus? Leslie Warren and Mark John son -ire t Old nutted to working oil needed programs on i ainpus without burdening students Funding lor a multicultural i miter tan t nine from ( orpora lions who t ontribute large sums of money hi return for (ertificates of commitment to diversity Money for .1 sexual assault fund i .in fa> at coinplishtid hv region \ don't the placards say "Prohibit Pornography. Abolish Alcohol. Dump Drugs " llmniin Now there are the makeup peddlers and their cohorts down in animal testing We already know about them And ves. I personally do believe the assertions made about the detrimental elfei ts ol Madison Avenue on women and sot inly in general Hut what about M I'V/ I wonder how many man hers and sign painters watch MTV and even ooi asionally support the sevist and degrading (again an unsuhslnitti .ill'll Ih'Iii'I of in \ ow n .mil ol nthurs) I lolls w ood ostah lishmi.nl h\ pun basing .in ih i asionnl In kol In l hr I land that Urn k\ I hr trxuiir or Singlr Whitr I rmnlr llinmm I hrri' sootns to lif ,i douhlt. sl.indiird .0 work horo It M'l'IIIS lll.il .1 group of pi'lipll’ W.lllls lo t.lko awas I In i lioitus (llti'ri' tli.il word is again sorry il lost soonts lo wink in this lusl.mi i') ol .iiiotlii'r group, lull snouts unw illing lo !• v mi spu.ik out .ig.nnsi ,ii tivilirs tli.il inns wi41 Ih. i fuiidanitml.il i .nisi' of I hi' s.unr pruhli'in .ig.onsl whit h thnv rt'porii'tllv light Is iIuti' ,i s.H rod i ow liiTf' I think so And il I ma\ I would Ilk** to gin' snillii unsold dull .itivui' lo sign p.iinlurs in.in hors and Ihivi ollors V\Italovor sour i uusi\ it v mi ha vo i hoson In i arrv I ho i ross that is .on i rus.nlo. grasp il linnlv at all tour i ornors, slraighli'ii your h.u k and lift with your knot's inslo.id of dragging it hohind von Iik*- a i lop upon your shouldors for //nsfon is o i /iouiis/ri ntttjor at tin- I 'mi orsifi RESPECT Continued from Page 2 of female existence. That power lakes many forms, l>e it tiemean ing and tiegrading comments, acquaintance rape or the brutal murders that women have suf fered at the hands of their part ners. If we lived in a society where women had the same economic freedom as men, where women were safe in their own homes, where women could safely walk alone, pornography could be seen as an expression of artistic merit, or of freedom or sexuality However, we live in a soviet) where child abuse and domeslit violent e are ever-present. One in 12 men surveyed have admit ted they've had fon.ed sexual relations that meet the legal def inition of rape. One in four women will fte raped or sexual ly assaulted in her lifetime. Kightv*five percent of those rapists are acquaintances This is not to say that porn is the i nose, however, pornogra phy contributes to a pervading mtsogy nistii t Innate in our soci This imbalance in power is crystal clear in the sex industry. Who is making money off-women’s nudity? The models sure aren’t pulling in the revenue. ety. The Kmt'fnUi went wrong in its coverage of Playboy on cam pus when M neglected to report why some women and women’s organizations find fault with pornography and why women worn offended lli.it pornogn pliers would re< ruil on campus Tim fditori.il never i omniiml ml on the problems of pornogra phy. lint it did grunt women Ihf power to choose w li.il to do w ith their hollies Thunk \oti It's illwiiv s mi a » h«tn mt'ii gi\ i* |>i-r missmii In Udiiniii Hit' h'nirrnld < omintmlfti, At its worst. pnrnogmpliv ma\ trig grr a sox mil i rimi' Hill isn't ili.it rtiiisun uiiongh in oppost* porn' Ilovv many woumn notitl In Ini vH liinizi'il. solil into pros 111ti11