Discover Women’s Sports Week at the University of Oregon April 17-23 Treasure Hunt • Tune imo KPNW AM 1120 Mon-Fn.. April 19-23 between h-9 am. for rule* and dues • I st Place Prize: $500 Champion C»ifi Certificate at the IJ of O Bookstore • 2nd Place Prize $200 Champion Gift Certificate at the U of O Bookstore • 3rd Place Prize SI00Champion Gift Certificate at the U of O Bookstore a Each participant will receive a complimentary collectable pin Clinics • Free softball clinic. Sat. April 17 at 5:00p.m., Howe Field • Free tennis dink, Sun., April Hi at 3.00 p.m.. 15th Street Courts • Instruction by the U of O varsity players and coaches • Free Discover Women's Sports t-shirt and sports bottle Coloring Contest • Ages Kindergarten through fifth grade only • Create a picture of your favorite women's sport at tne University of Oregon • Drawings will be judged at the Oregon Invitational Track Meet on April 17 at 4:00 p.m • Each participant will receive FREE ADMISSION to the meet • Winners will receive a ‘Discover Women's Sports" t-shirt and an Oregon Ducks sports bag • Forms will be distributed at local schools and will be available at the U of O Athletic Department. Free Gift o Free gift with Champion product purchase during Discover Women's Sports Week at the University of Oregon Bookstore WflMEKHl Grant provided to the University of Oregon Women s Sports Program by Sam fee H VMEMS spouts \9B2 FAC 10 CHAMPIONSHIPS For more information call 346-4481.