Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! 03 GREEK HAPPENINGS Alpha Iciu Omega Spring Rush 1993 f rtctay. April S 00 soithaS AlhJ harbct ur M ihr house Sjiturdiy, April 10 12 00 brarh both*11 ,indh how# WcdncvLiV, April 14 kirhfi uc Thursday; April h rastfu* m*;hi and ro I ridgy, April lo *Trcmi (KKidnrM KL I rtdsv u*ud f .* "■ 1 W UMU«Ct( il'WK fir »,2v f J VM 4,«rXf fttU* r4hj LOST a FOUND ITEMS FREE AD FOR 2 DATS) Congrats to Alpha Phi tor mating third in grades Keep il up} I *t*H IF VC cornrng «xl» f uWer'i.trs Youf coaches enSt he coming by Gt T PSYCHFO FOR if V(.! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO KKH KAW * tst Place in Grades1 a congratulations KAPPA ALPHA THETA* J J J Hooray to our near members' Kelly V • Amy O • Georgia M Sara M a Nancy S a Meimda 2 J -J J CONGRATS to LOW K on you pofeton as the Tr ageing (hac* ground Tarfn paparwf u4 f«sum« *w *ca EOang Umpi OMCAMPW H VWO FmOEfis typing unKi Fut, accurata. i«m> *1 Odpaga. up ProlMaional wf ttar at youf aarvFca to wf ila adit 4A4-MM JO THE TYPING PRO KVffO PKJce»»*n9Ffyt»ng Thaaa* DtuMwtatiooa on Laaar Cas M>60M anvf-n* TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara Land — tM-JW Serving UO area fence 19ft i around free campus pick-optdW 344-4510 QUAUTY WORD PROTfcSSING omimrinm *mmw' rtmi mftrrrP,iTf*‘‘ x ' »■■**«*« 60S E. 13th i;5 INSTRUCTION WRITING HELP For a* your papara. prafacto. ate WnOng. adding. proofing Al rub (acts and atytaa AftordabN and contranlanl PRO/EDIT 343-2747 _ Canon AV-t **<&«"■ 76?Q6ntm 9m*e* and Sonpack *a»h 6100 346 6339 Doubt* futon I i;*B*nt tontMon i,WOBO Ttoo*663 Vin For •*•: Vjjw ungM watwbad H50 OHO 3430114 _ OUTTAM OALONCI Mute* Mm* el a* und* Aj»o. t*wu ana Mono* Buy *tdS#«Canlw 361 1» Wh * UMd Tun tan rowing machtna MS Km Sharp PA-3000 * Portbl atac tronlc typawntar *43 343-6137 atm Or hr. maa* 13 Color TV Black antanalrunant can tar Lori 6*34442 Heart! i CatHa and Tim f Ck)ihe» HofM both »• lull erf l»*m» 770 E 13th 34^5094 145 CARS TRUCKS 71 VW SUPERBEETLE RUNS GREAT! S700 0B0 346-9387 76 8u«c* 6i«* n«*«W80» .nfaiirOrf wort, BEST Of f ER M4 *«* 9 76 VW RabbM 4 2 cKx>< rr;v-r <>*■* part* Si 100 080 C'*k 4ftMK*7ft t>f*M rf’M 71 BMW 370. Groat cond, atarao. aunroot 12600 6A*-447ft, 17 Toyota Tar cat ! ».:**■ 4** .**xMKirt Vary r«r»«ib** 7/ 000 m4w* 4 tvpaati •Mpar •'•■■-ituaQt y«<1 with ?.#«* -'.;**<* IW*t IM6 41U3 or v at 609-0136 _ M Audi Coup# »«d trfflK:* !’ • * "Httfs stttMSn: (rtf ;/• «*,iT ftAapa lUBCO ?<« >3690:4*0 34 f> fsft. 'W mG%*agt> iso MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS ta*6 Yamaha Jog wTuamat look* good. >un* i/noc 6300 OHO ?46 0090 altar MU 155 0CYCLES 1ft Spaad Brtdyttton* Man* Touring NA# If fram*. to* ettp*. botft* Kerfdar tie cond. | ISO 61 1144 165 COMPUTERSELECTRONCS Appt* Maclntoab CUu** i! wm image W»i1#r prater rnffv*r boon gpanad >1000 t«m /76 S7T9 a*<* 5pm_ Macintoah SE 7 floppy dac d»«vt> !m*ge#r»t1*r H prmta* t*a n«r’ f AV*y LWiw*d >700 080663 4103 UOSOUND SYSTEMS Adirant Harltaga tower Home Spanker* Vary nee 5 month* did mad SO60 ankatg 4360 687 B3i 7 CASMV'Webuy mi and **••'«* VMS vCH'» ord ataremi Thompson twebomo. 1 taa Oak 343 9?/3 __ Dan on DCC-M70 t - ; . or !■»«! clean »ound. pad 6750 6416 QUO 34? 6/99 Polk Audio noma kound *y*. ? whn* ooo*ah*it *pk'« < Hack h300 aach 34S79BB i95 BOOKS CASH FOR BOOKS Two Contramanl Locations 76* E 13th 676 WMIamatta (Campu*) Idownlowni 346-1661 363-4717 BUYING HOURS a star 61,666k* 61. 6* Smith Family Bookstore PUT THC FUN SACK INTO FUNOftAlSMO f: AJ4N AS MUCH AS VbO rO« YOUM ORGANIZATION NO INVESTMENT NEf.OCO CAll Tourntc (S00>322^4S4 HEAR YE! HEAR YE! lister. up because fh«r Student Orge-N/ation Staff w&nH YOU 10 f»n them •»' wtrtcontang new sludont* to U© You or se^ve a* a*' ambassador o* the IX) by volunteering as a MOST Most* welcome new *2ud*nt* jptsctWQ questions* end help rr<**rn«nf New Student OneniJMNon MtnKNMl ft?? 26 This oppurtunfiy risers many 'ewards you **■- ip*#' 9 greater fcfloertedg# o> u#r*$u* \»* 4eh**eCtOn « h«l|>«g new itodgrtS adjust to campus Me. arvl receive a tree T *h«d Take advantage a# this fantastic Opportunity tKVl DC* Up «*<>»« *ntOcm«lt«©n i*f fh# Dean S^dtSU 0«Gt 364 Oregon Hafi S-gr* up Apf;i 23rd_ 210 HELP WANTED Alaska So mm## Employment fisheries t pro ASOOe^week carmenae or $400&#-;,month on fifth *ng boat* I '«*« transportation* Room arxJ ftoanf Ove* ft 000 openings Mo* or E«mpM Ear employment ftopitm ij*f< 5 ?0f> M*>4?ss *»• ACQfr* Apartment Manage* needed 'C**v fwnt credit srwxj *«*%ume to 0PM 1430 WAamede No ’6# Eugene ON 97401 Crvitit line Entry upvef bCsOHV1and&de PofWtlOn* evar; Mwt'.w year ipunt) 714 M9 t *<&* CmtM tin# Entry on board-lend**de PoMiom »v«*i fcrwe - yW round 714 M9 114*9 torn cash stuffing envetopaa at home AS malarial* provided Send SASf to f»Q 443 SprmgMd MO 65001 EARN S1S00 WEEKLY i g otcufars' Beam NOW* f'REE pkMN* SEyS Oept 249 Bo* 4000. Cordova TN 360! ft 4000 MIRING Mum-million (toiler Health A Nutrition company it interviewing (hit ark for tvrf marketing, management potitt Soma prl-tm 467 6636 INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT Make money teaching basic conversation** English abroad Japan and Twwan Many provide room A board piut other benefits' Make $2000 $4000 ♦ per month No previous trammg or teactvng certificate reo^/ed For employment program c*U (206) 632-1146 eat J6069 RECREATIONAL LEADERS AQUATICS C4y o* Eugene Salary flange $666$i09imv> Duties mciuda k*egu*rdng. learn to sw»m instruction fitness instruction pool supervision. program planning, and more Work schedule en include spkt shifts, evenings, and week ends CLOSING DATE Apr* 23 1993 Obtam an appticehon packet at the Ofy o* Eugene. Human Resource and Ris* Services Room l0». 7/7 Peed St Eugene. OR 97401 AAEOE GIUE ME FIUEL-4 Run your "FOR SALE" ad (items under $500) for 5 days . If the item(s) doesn’t sell, call us at 346-4343 and we ll run your ad again for another 5 days Private Party Ads Only ■ No Refunds/Credits Jic HELP WANTED SUHVAtlEY RESORT rt hmng tor i*« »««v**r MMnon Poa non* rOuOt t»*gM «»P »r«5 •®«sainar>i. oo''v*rM>»' oooa*. bale's A mgmi Mouv-ig a»*ia<»« good pay A For ««o cwil*f nv« at Stu Pant Employ^*** prey to a^t.'Mto m) up appeynotiart on a? t ?3 VOUEYRAll REFEREES NEEDED* Paid poxhont »Mt« t» r«Par*«> For mo«a into ta» Karan or TrtlMal M4-t«0t GRADUATING? Environment** Marketing Firm leekmg part-time or career mint ed mdrvkJueli, Eugene A Portland •tom 6§7-47t*__ Survive* Center *.»-ng freer povt. photography *OOd*tork>ng, oeram-c*. N>er* «•. preferred Apply ground *0©r E MU 1^6 4 36 i Wort Study Student ft ift fuVweek Travel e*Mvtit>ft program Yveeds to txitto eooden crate* A pet.* e«h€*tton» Some ottce work, mult know (xxw to#*' P»etor Uuden* *n art reteted Usta Cap 4ftS ‘730 NEAR CAMPUS one bedroom houte $2G&mo CM 343 9Q11 CAMPUS EVENTS '25 APTS DUPLEXES Camput Apartment* Fwmtttmd 142 B*droom* Ptmto* K«M «0f turn'*** 3 Mdm. 43S0 (’•Blew* !e» tad < mo 'rW 3 bmpm. S&ii Gkxn *u th»i 1 t*oc* kw cam pu* novneO pa**ng WWM Of PROSPECT PARK 7 baOoom apartment avarf new. country atmosphere ericonvenien! erfy tOCMfton. other 'eatures *ndwde pool \erwwtfeMfcefba** ct». fee room and playground ng/M P*»J ?3th and Oim De»S 4&4 6663 Spacious one bedroom apartment Ck>M> to campu* $3?Srmonfh Call W»9/93 c> <«6 077? Unique t bedrm apt txoc* from campus $39Srmo. frrsf A last ♦ dap 48S-7386 1 and 2 badroom ipt avertable !au« dry parking. security. dose to campus 464-99C2 1 bedrm 'veor mo4»c WdQ paritmg A ‘Aundfy. $36(Vm< 345-5069 n buS !u5 $ t*ke to IX) SUXfrmo pros oep 4ft4 19/3 Sunny hse w yard. trench drs. sky Ight. bamboo, non-smkg bus Une many conv $235#i/3 3457916 275 ELECTIONS Extended Deadline ASUO C andktale F4*ng Tues Apni 13th 5 00pm Appecat«on<> a variable at ASuO office. »u«te 4 ASUO «s an EOf.AA employer There is a mandatory meeting tor ail polheorkers working tor the ASUO Electrons 7 30pm Wed Apr»i 14 >n the Maple Room. EMU CAMPUS EVENTS P«»l ra|>Ml*. mm |«__ 4UI»i«i>l p«r nlphl TtnESUDT.APBIL13.in3 IM-7MUD7:1M:1S ARTS AND l'IJ BY: ClUXililS romouiiroiKiiioil