“30 years of Quality Service" Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota -GERMAN - AUTO SERVICE, INC. j 342-2912 2025 Franklin Btvd. Euflfie, Oregon, 97402 Weight Management Workshop * Wednesdays 2-3:20 p.m. April 14 through June 2 • Yo-Yo Dieting • Stress Management • Fat Facts • Basic Nutrition • Exercise • Body Image • Cholesterol Information Medical Library in basement of Student Health Center Call Joan Thom at 421-2306 or Health Education 346-4456 for more information. Siwmorrd by SinJrnl lUiillh I'rnh-r Lifruvle flanninn Fit) gram HABITAT Continued from Page 1 Laura MacNeii. with the national c hapter in Geor gia "They felt then* was a need to build houses for people in a way that those who had money could help those who dirHlot,’’ Mac Neil said Habitat is supported by individuals, businesses and churches who provide volunteer labor, man agement expertise* and donations of money and materials. Since framing began on Smith's home in fune. more than 75 volunteers have worked on her house In addition to the donated labor, 15 area businesses eac h contributed more than $250 in money and materials. Habitat keeps the cost of housing low by using volunteer labor And each selected family must put in "sweat equity" hours working on their own home, another home or some other chore, suc h as office work, for Habitat. Gerald Keenerjjresident of the board of direc tors of the Eugene-Springfield chapter said each family accepted into the program has to put in 500 hours of work. Families are selected based on their financial need, willingness to become partners in the pro gram. current housing situation and ability to make house payments, Keener said. "We look at the seriousness of the need, if the physical condition of their house is bad or if then* an* too many people living in one plac e." Keener said "We also want to make sure they have the means to keep up with payments " When the house is c ompleted, the family gets a nointerest mortgage that covers the ac tual cost of the house*, insuranc e and taxes The homeowner is responsible for such expenses as utilities and maintenance The monthly house payments go into a revolving fund to help build additional Habitat homes. ‘It’s like being pregnant. Once it’s over with, it’s great You know it was worth it.’ Jan Smith. new homeowner It takes roughly a year to tH months from the application time to the actual day a family can move in. Keener said The process includes find ing vacant land to build on and organizing the funding process, labor and construction. Smith said it was well worth the wait and the work she put into it. "It's like being pregnant." she said. "Once it's over with, it's great. You know it was worth it.” Keener said there are many more applications turned in than Habitat can acc ommodate. Sixty people applied for the chance to get the first local house, he said. "There's obviously a great need out there." Keener said. Although the local chapter has just three houses under its belt, the 20.000th Habitat house will be built this week as part of a blitz by the national chapter in Georgia. MncNeil said more than 1,000 volunteers from the United States and as far away as Canada. New Zealand and Ireland made the journey to help. Former President Jimmy Carter, a longtime sup porter and volunteer for Habitat, is part of the weeklong building effort that will result in 20 new homes in Americus. Ga., by Sunday. The local Habitat is completing work on its fourth house and plans to build three new ones in 1903 Habitat will begin taking applications in |uly. Keener said For more information, call 741 1707. MEASURES Continued from Page 1 Siomsan said she's had female patients tell her they were raped imt they could nut afford the STD tests or they didn't want their insurance companies to know about the tests. These women do want the tests, though, because the women fear their assailants gave them an STD "It's a lot of worry for some ImkIv to carry around." she said The proposed measure for the multicultural center asks students if they w ill pay a one-time fee of $2 45 per student per term for one year If the measure passes. il will generate $109,025 to pay for remodeling ami start-up costs for the center Creating a multicultural center has been K J ¥¥¥¥• DISCLAIMER Campus SUBSHOP SPRING DUCK BUCKS COUPON FOR THE CAMPUS SUBSHOP: SANDWICH COUPONS ARE NO LONGER VALID ON DELIVERIES AS OF 4/I/M3.