Students should control fees, group says uy unester Alien Oregon D&ty (rr^raKI Student government lenders met ns one committee Wednesday, when they agrood the University's student fee system is not working and out lined a set of goals to revamp the current structure. The committee, composed of members of ASIJO, the EMU hoard and the Incidental Fee Committee, met in response to University Presi dent Mvles Brand's plan to remove the IFCs authority to allocate $l H million of student fees to the EMU. Assisted by professional mediator Vern Ho. the committee decided that, as part of any revised plan, con trol of student fees should remain with students and that fees should fie set before money is allocated. The committee decided the 1FC should remain in control of student fees. "Students should take the respon sibility to delegate student fees,” said ASUO Vice President Karmen Forte Marlene Orescher, director of the office of Student Advocacy, told the committee Brand's plan to change the fee system violates parts of the ASUO Constitution and could lead to a reduction of student control in ~3h-X. J Vem Ho other areas of the University. "No allocations may he made without the recommendation of stu dents,'' Dresi her said. "Students have more leverage than is readily apparent; if the students don't make a recommendation, the statu hoard can't do anything with the money." The committee also proposed a target lee in wmcn me siuctent tee amount would he determined before the IFC begins to allocate money to ASUO programs The target fee would allow the li t to start the budget process with an idea of how much each student would have to pay in fit's, instead of the current system, where fees are determined after the IFC' funds stu dent programs, said ASUO President Hobby Lee Members of all three brant lies of student government vs ill review the group's goals this week and produce a finished proposal at a meeting Monday. Student leaders will also decide at the meeting whether to present the proposal to Brand or place it on the ballot as an amendment to the ASUO Constitution. Ian* said. Lee said he hail until Wednesday to decide whether to put the propos al on this month's ASUO general election f mi Hot Lee said students had to act <|ui< k iv to influence how student money is used in the future "We'll take any concerns about these changes under consideration, hut the plane is leaving." Lee said Program reaches out to local minority students Natasha Shepard Fot the Oregon 0kh hemicallv oriented, fix us ing on the i hemu al rear turns that take plat e in bodies every (lav. sui h as how food, vitamins and minerals keep people going and what happens when they exercise The ( luster is not intended to lie a rigorous m i ence i ourse. Barnhard said ()ne high school chem istry ( lass is needed for the second course, and the cluster must lie taken in sequence The i luster can lie used to satisfy the m iem e i luster requirement for graduation (’•ornldine Kii hmond. who taught the cluster's first course m tfie fall, said she was pleased In see positive evaluations at the end of the course "Tile students really seemed to like the i lass." she said "Wo had a lot of fun "I found myself calling my girlfriend and telling her the fo( ts I learned,” wrote pro-journalism major Van O’Brvan II in his i lass evaluation. Kit hmond said the ( lass is "the host c lass I've ever taught It fore ed me to think and teach in qual itative terms without using equations.'' Currently, the maximum enrollment of the class es is ‘10 students, hut the department hopes to make them available- for more students next year GIMIAD OPCAIAG Starting Thurs., April 8 20% OFF ALL ACCESSORIES Free 1 year labor with bike purchase Refre/hment/ BLUE HERON BICYCLES Cake 877 E 13th NE IT TQ u Of 0 0OO*STOH| Can’t Get A Date? Parents and Friends Nagging You? Break the Habit with a Smoking Cessation Workshop & Support Group 3:30 - 4:30 Tuesday { April 20-May 11 | (di>wnitair\ in llir Mnlical Library I \| Limited Space Registration ; . Student Health Center • 346-4456 u or stop by the Health Education Room Sponutred by the Student Health Center l ife\tyle Planning f'rvfrgm —JP——J—7-7-J—7-7-7 7-7 T 7 7 T ]r jr f I / t f r W, 7, /, » # / f. 7, 7, / / / 7 7 7 7 7 j; 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 ( / 7 7 I. 7 7 7 / 7, 7 7,7, 7,7, 7, 7 7_ / 7 7 / 7 / 7 /, cecytlglfecyckt recydel reeydel recyc^lfetyclfttctty»tdra&vc[eifKyc[<]ficvtbJwy»U{